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Posts posted by Laucianna

  1. 8 hours ago, StriderIV said:

    This was amazing, thanks so much Kensai.


    I was playing around with the character creator… man do the PB moves look like they HIT hard at least 😂 haha some nice crunch to him. Sad to hear they underperform compared to some AT’s endgame, but I do like how an All Human PB is kind of a “Jack of all trades.”

    The thing with Kheldians is we are made to under perform at pretty much everything that another AT specializes in, we will never out tank a tanker, or out blast a blaster for instance. Our strength comes from being very good at multiple different things and being able to adjust to the environment as it is needed such as if the tanker pulls too much or gets killed, we can easily taunt the extras and keep them taunted with our dwarf powers, or if the dps get killed instantly we will still be standing to deal a good amount of DPS ❤️


     - Lauci x

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  2. 9 hours ago, Dungeoness Eloora said:

    I'm not GL, but I'm pretty sure we have similar grasps of the respective advantages of each flavor of Kheldian.


    A human only PB is a bit easier to play, due to being very sturdy and self sustaining without the need for bodies. At higher levels, they are able to keep their max HP perma-boosted with one of 2 self heals, buff their to-hit and damage a respectable amount, cap all resists but psionic, throw out a ton of AoE that includes KD and lots of places to shove Achilles -res and damage procs, and look quite majestic doing it with your flight.


    A human only WS has the ability to boost their damage much higher, occasionally to cap, buff resists including psionics to cap quite often if you have 3+ targets to Eclipse, do decent pbaoe damage with a toggle while having fewer aoe options via skills, solid ST damage if you can keep your pet summons alive, and some interesting tactical options to use via self and mob-based teleports. Your damage buff, res buff and self heals all require either living, or sometimse dead bodies to use.


    Neither build will be the optimal way to play either AT, but it's your dime.


    13 minutes ago, SeraphimKensai said:

    I've played Kheldians for a long time. I've done triform, biform, human only on both PB and WS. Personally I think triform is the better way to play them so my answer likely has some bias.


    Human form only:



    • Basically a Jack of All Trades, Master of None. You get some ranged, melee, and AoE. You get a heal other if you choose, dull pain clone and can fly.
    • Light form gives you a mediocre amount of mez protection but no psionic resistance . It crashes taking half your HP and you can make it Perma but not avoid the crash.
    • It's similar to a Sentinel albeit with some melee thrown in the mix.
    • Doesn't require density


    • Built-in stealth, teleportation powers allows you to control which encounters you engage in.
    • Damage Aura+ Soul Drain clone
    • Sustain in stygian circle - probably the best sustain in the game.
    • 2-3x pets, unchained essence AoE from dead bodies, inky Aspect stunning trash
    • Eclipse crashless res the all and gives you endurance at its start
    • Requires mob density 

    Negative damage is typically less resisted than energy damage. The mez holes can be plugged with clarion 


    I personally find if limited to human only a Warshade built with Perma eclipse recharge and slow res performs better in most content. It suffers though when trying to solo giant monsters or some AVs once the surrounding mob density is depleted.


    That said if you're limiting yourself to human only because of concept that's one thing,but if it's because of playability complexity due to shape shifting and power trays....well that can easily enough be resolved with keybinds.


    Honestly I could not explain it any better then both Eloora and Seraphim did, both have their pros/cons and just like a Tri form or Bi form it comes down to PeaceBringers being a much more steady AT with it's healing/damage/tanking whereas a WarShade fluctuates between being better or worse depending on the bodies around you ❤️


     - Lauci x

  3. Winners:


    🥇 1st: Preying.Mantis
    🥈 2nd: Beehive
    🥉 3rd: Beatrice Honey


    🎖️🎖️ 🎖️🎖️ 🎖️🎖️ 🎖️🎖️ 🎖️🎖️ 🎖️🎖️ 🎖️🎖️ 🎖️🎖️ 🎖️🎖️ 🎖️🎖️ 🎖️🎖️ 🎖️🎖️ 🎖️🎖️ 🎖️🎖️ 🎖️🎖️ 🎖️🎖️ 🎖️🎖️ 🎖️🎖️ 




    Dont Bug Me
    Verdant Harvest
    Guardian Hornet







  4. I mean if you play a human only PeaceBringer you can get the toggles like Weave and Combat Jumping to help with defence and Lightform does give a little mez protect, not as much as a tanker but still a good amount 🙂


    And Quantums are easy enough if you focus them down first, which is easy enough with the right targeting bind as it will target them first for you.


     - Lauci x

  5. 5 hours ago, VULCAN said:

    And I like it like that imho.
    Otherwise its like if you were asking to play a stone tank in granite armor, but with the look of a normal human, without the stoneshape. 
    Well, granite armor look like a big rock, kheldian dwarfs look like lobsters and kheldian novas look like floating squidds. Yes, thats the way.

    I would still love the chance to be a lil mini Dwarf and nova lol XD

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  6. 13 hours ago, tjknight said:

    My Warshade has been sitting on the sidelines for awhile. So I really had no idea how good some of the buffs and changes to Kheldians were. All I have to say is HOLY COW Shadow Slip!  It's fast activating and snatches all the enemies right to you... I had no idea it was as good as it is. Overall, Kheldians seem in a very good place right now. 

    Glad you are enjoying your WarShade again hun! Yeah that power is a top tier one without a doubt! Sadly though Kheldians are still a bit down overall and the GMs know this and are planning to look into them, so keep an eye out for that ❤️


     - Lauci x

  7. Quantum maneuvers gives heavy defense to the point if it stayed on during combat it would be one of if not the strongest def all buff in game.

    Light Form is meant to mainly be a resist buff not the mag part, our Dwarf form has insane mag protection for the times where we get locked into CC.

    And if you mean the shields, they are good for the psi resist proc and variety of appearance 🙂


     - Lauci x

  8. Winners:


    1st: Skyfather Ra
    2nd: Tatewari
    3rd: Hazorla of the Sands




    Primorial God
    Flames of Ra
    Knight of Sabaoth
    Vengance of Ra
    Child of Bast
    Silver Flame
    Eos Rhododactylos
    Sun Wukong






    Honor 1.png

    • Like 3
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  9. 1 hour ago, luxlorica said:

    I appreciate your input. I think I was mostly talking about leveling one as opposed to playing one.

    I too have seen PBs do amazing things and that's why I made one. But leveling them solo is pure pain. Until they get Lightform and can soak whole rooms they get pounded left and right.

    And you are right, the shields that are supposed to help you stay alive don't even become useful until you practically have lightform, and then you don't need them. But getting stomped by every villain out there makes a body want to go for anything that makes that doily sturdier.

    I see now why someone earlier was saying the class itself was designed poorly.

    If I turn around and toss the shields out then I am just laying down for the beatings, and I don't want to do that. But the shields themselves hardly have time to make a difference before they are obsolete. What build makes that better?

    Getting carried seems like the only way until lightform and a full build.

    So I am not saying that upper level PBs with sets can't be dominant. I'm saying the leveling human form to that point is heart-breaking.

    To be fair though, everyone told me it would be, so its not like I didn't know the road was rough.


    Ah for levelling! Yes no matter what kind of Kheldian you go this will not be as easy as other ATs, human only being even worse. Personally I would always say to level as a tri form so you understand the forms and why you are not taking them, then if you still want to be human only once 50 you can use one of the 3 builds or use a free respec 😄


     - Lauci x

    • Thumbs Up 3
  10. 12 hours ago, luxlorica said:


    | Copy & Paste this data into Mids Reborn : Hero Designer to view the build |



    That is my first swing at it.

    As an update - I have created a warshade (human form as well) as well and pushed it up to about 12.

    Wow, it is so much better than the PB at this point.

    The PB is this porcelain doll that can make some pretty light before it falls apart under -1/1. The warshade is pretty sturdy and mobile, able to get into and out of dicey situations,  Tough enough to take on -1/3 or -1/4 mission solo with a very limited kit and still do well. Orbiting death makes for a useful AoE sandpapering the mobs down a little  before you turn and stare at then intensely.

    At this point the PB has no way to deal with groups, or mobs that hit from range, or in melee. I mean "gimped" doesn't really cover how bad the PB human form is. Getting carried to a higher level and a more robust kit is really the only option, I think.

    Warshade can throw some hands though.

    I am a bit wrapped up in what powers I can skip on the Warshade lines. I wonder if skipping Sunless Mire is a bad idea.

    I dunno, I'm just working all this out as I go.

    Anyone might rightly point out the low level play is not the same as mid or high level play. But to get to it, you gotta go through it.


    Having a quick look at your build I see why you think they are over on resists, that is because you slotted out the shields that once you have Lightform are not very useful other then for Psi resist procs or to look good. Again anyone can play a Kheldian how they want but you are 100% wrong with the PB being this fragile little thing, as I know for a fact my Human only PB can solo +4/8 missions with ease, but I think that highly comes down to builds, as any AT with a okay build is not great, but with Kheldians since they are already not the best at any one thing, then the builds become even more important for us to perform well ❤️
     - Lauci x

    • Like 2
  11. I would love to see your build for your human only PB as I know they can get very tanky (Talking 35% in positional defences, capped res (With Psi at 50%)). But I would agree on what others have said here, try looking at some of the builds posted and try them out (Doom has great ones for both PB and WS) ❤️ Both are similar ATs, but are played differently, with PeaceBringers being self sufficient and WarShades using their enemies as steroids.


     - Lauci x

  12. On 4/29/2023 at 6:40 PM, JetpacKangaroo said:

    Back on live I briefly played a PB before shut down and loved it, but only got to 32. So a few weeks ago I decided to give PB another shot and while I was leveling, I got a message from you about joining the Kheldian Family channel which led me here! (Thank you so much! This post has helped me a lot!) I've been playing it off and on these last few weeks at 50 and working on getting a build together (while loosely following the provided builds by Doom) and I've just been having such a great time!

    Glad to see you here hun! Yeah I try to message a any Kheldian I see online about it to help our numbers grow ❤️


     - Lauci x

  13. 16 minutes ago, Caadium said:

    I would also add that the changes to Teleport were a great boon to Warshades. With Sunless Mire and Black Dwarf Mire being such key powers for a Warshade, Starless Step and Shadow Slip both help a lot. The first being a quick combat TP into a pack, and the later summoning a pack to you. 

    True! I am still jealous we don't get them on PeaceBringer too! Though that is just me being greedy at that point XD

    - Lauci x

  14. 6 hours ago, 50caltech said:

    what i mean by 3 form....  1 keld with 3 complete separate builds of each form  1 all dwarf for tanking, 1 squid for ranged blaster and human form....each with their own full use slots,, instead of tri form which combines all 3 and shares slots....

    I would say you are highly limiting yourself hun as switches builds resets all cooldowns so you have to wait a while for things to pop back up, I would suggest going dual form if you want to focus on tanking/ranged etc as humans are the ones with 2 nukes and 2 heals, so you will be missing out on a lot of damage/survivability if you ignore human form ❤️ Human only is fine though as you have a decent variety of tools though you will still be slightly limited imo.


     - Lauci x

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