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Posts posted by Laucianna

  1. 8 minutes ago, EmperorSteele said:

    I mean, I don't think I'd wanna be THAT guy: "Oh yeah, I'm just gonna hang out near all these giant monsters who want to eradicate humanity. By myself. Except for the 1 hour a day where a bunch of heroes show up for the EXPRESS PURPOSE of antagonizing the Hamidon. Just because some of them want to be able change the color of thier underwear while waiting for the eldrich abomination to arise. Sure. I'll get RIGHT on that!"


    Rp/in-universe logic aside, I'd still like something like this, too 😃

    I would see it as a power move XD 

  2. I think there's a bit of confusion on what the Rikti are actually doing in these invasions, they're not invading to destroy or occupy cities, they are trying to rush whatever Super powered beings are in the zone and kill them as like mentioned, Supers are the only threat to the Rikti so supers are all they care about killing. Granted they are rubbish at killing the Supers which I agree with you can defo be worked on to make it harder more then an afk fest.

    In addition I do think they are rather anti-climatic since it just sort of fades out, maybe if there was an option to push back and fight the leader of the current invasion (Like a GM for 6 merits and during ToT Banners where the GM spawns) that might make it a bit more interesting. But sadly without either a TON of work by the devs to make a bunch of stuff for almost every zone there's only so much engagement they can make out of it 😞 But I 100% get your disappointment 

  3. Just now, arcane said:

    The pylon times I have seen from Changeling Peacebringers are better than what you can achieve with 95% of Blaster builds. Fire/Fire or Ice/Fire might be able to *tie* with it. That’s not right.

    That was a build made just for that and tweaked just for that, outside of that in normal situations they still come below blasters/scrappers etc

  4. 11 minutes ago, arcane said:

    You can’t just make the changeling exploit official… it’s completely broken with animation skipping, and its brokenness yields some of the best DPS in the game. Can’t wait til they nerf the exploit into the ground tbh.

    The damage really isn't that crazy but yeah personally I would rather it be removed then them just make it official and call it a day 🙂

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  5. Well done to the winners of the "Dreams/Wishes" Friday Fashion Contest with a prize pool of over 1 Billion Influence! Make sure to come see us on FRIDAY at 19:00 EDT at Homecoming - Excelsior for a chance to win!

    This Fridays Fashion Contest theme will be "Pink"! It will be in Echo Plaza on Homecoming - Excelsior

    Join our Discord to suggest a theme for next week and vote on which suggested theme is picked! https://discord.gg/4bPzjk5NAU

    1st: Imaginary Fwend
    2nd: Lucid Lass
    3rd: Crystal Ballthalemew

    I Dream of D'Jinni
    Djinn of Dreams
    A Really Bad Dream
    Dream Chaser
    Wooden Soul

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  6. 1 minute ago, lemming said:

    I suppose one argument is how much Veracor would disrupt the market if they were granted retroactively.  I think he hit 40k vet levels?


    Luminara is being harsh, but correct.   This would have the potential to disrupt the purpose of the PA.  What can be done on one character, gets multiplied by someone then doing with multiples.


    I don't know about others, but I tend to play an alt for some goal of that character, but I rarely pay attention to the rewards timer since it's not a factor.

    Mostly because doing something repetitively is boring.


    For rewards past vet level 100, by that point, most rewards are pretty meaningless.  Especially if you don't have many alts.

    PaPs were only a suggestion 🙂 others have mention Emp merits which would be a good substitute imo, even if its 10 every 10 veteran levels it's like an advent calendar of a little something to look forward to is all I am suggesting

  7. 2 minutes ago, FupDup said:

    My own take is that giving extra aethers might imbalance the economy with them a little bit. The official stated reason for their inclusion was to help transfer inf downward from more settled-in players to lower leveled ones, but putting too many of them into the system could drive their price down and thus not "trickle down" the inf like they're intended to. 


    Standard reward merits could have a similar issue because converters and boosters are both very important parts of the economy. 


    Emp merits, on the other hand, would have no real issue because the worst that can happen with those is that super insps might get a little cheaper. But those aren't very important in the grand economy. Extending the emp merit rewards out past 99 would probably not hurt anything. 


    I'm usually in the altisis camp myself (I tend to stop playing an alt shortly after reaching T4 incarnates) but I'd be okay with this. Heck, I don't even get close to vet level 99 as it is anyways but I don't feel like I'm being slighted for that. I'm honestly impressed at how someone can keep interest in an alt for that long. 

    Yeah similar to what Riot said emp merits might work better then what I suggested ❤️

  8. 2 minutes ago, Riot Siren said:

    Not understanding the hostility towards the original suggestion, some people like playing a single, or few characters, if they have fun that way, why discourage it? I do agree though that rewarding Aethers or Merits is not the way to go, as it punishes players who alt if they want those rewards. I think it should simply reward a very small amount of Emp merits (1-5) every 3 levels indefinitely. These can still be used by a character even after incarnates are done, and if they pile up still actively encourage alting to make the best use of them, while not offering anything more then what a lower veteran level character would receive. This would make it less effective then alting, but not punish people with no rewards for playing the same character.

    Emp merits would work too ❤️ Just a small little something of "Oh in 1 more level I get a little treat!"

  9. 2 minutes ago, lemming said:

    Ok, I see the point.

    Someone with multiple alts could cycle thru all their alts and potentially get more stuff.  However, they also tend to develop more characters, so they're spending most of it already.


    Where you are correct is the ToT Prismatic Aethers which once you got the rewards for the EBs, that's it for that character.  However, there's nothing stopping people from doing the powerlevel up to level 25 to get the rewards on throwaway characters.  (Or test characters is more charitable)

    Thank you for being nice with your point and understanding where I am coming from❤️ and yeah that's a fair point that they spend more, maybe something smaller like 10 reward merits every 10 veteran levels might be more fitting?

  10. 2 minutes ago, Rudra said:


    Fine, let me make this even clearer.


    Player A has 3 characters. Player A has been playing since HC launched (openly) Player A's characters are all level 50, have more than one T4 incarnate power available per incarnate slot, and has acquired every veteran level reward the game allows.


    Player B has 842 characters. Player B has also been playing since HC launched (openly). Player B has 5 characters that are all level 50, have one incarnate power available per incarnate slot, and maybe 30 veteran levels for each of those 5 characters. Player B also has 837 other characters ranging from level 6 to level 49. Those other characters are in need of enhancements still. Even the level 49s are lacking enhancements. And Player B? Is still making yet more characters that will also need to be developed.


    With less characters, you can progress much, much farther at a faster rate than a player with lots of characters.

    I feel like those numbers are a bit extreme no? It would be far more likely player B has 200-300 characters with about 50 of them being level 50 with incarnates, all ready to do the weekly task force which if using the TF that normally rewards 50 merits both players running it 3 times a day.

    Player A would end up with 1,100 merits on their account
    Player B would end up with 2,100 merits on their account

    It shouldn't matter what they then go and spend it on, the matter is player b has a much higher reward

  11. 1 minute ago, Laucianna said:

    But it's not a family we are talking about? It's still 1 person. It's more akin to 1 table getting extra food as they have more chairs, then compared to the table with 1 chair, it's still just 1 person sat at the table no matter where you place the food

    To make this clearer:
    Table: Account
    Person: Player
    Chairs: Characters
    Food: Rewards

  12. 3 minutes ago, Rudra said:

    You are not literally getting less rewards. That is like claiming a person in a family is getting more food than a person that eats alone at the same restaurant. Yes, more food is going to the family's table, but that is being split up between more people that need to be fed. You can accumulate more rewards by focusing on a single character or a few characters than you can by having tens or hundreds of characters. Players with more characters have more characters they have to develop and progress. So what if they cycle characters to get double merits? There is a high probability each of those characters are spending those merits on themselves. Your argument is broken. It does not work, because you think that because players cycle through alts for double merits, they are pouring all those double merits into a single character without allowing for the possibility each of those characters needs those merits for themselves.


    But it's not a family we are talking about? It's still 1 person. It's more akin to 1 table getting extra food as they have more chairs, then compared to the table with 1 chair, it's still just 1 person sat at the table no matter where you place the food

  13. 2 minutes ago, Rudra said:

    I can't speak for others with alt-itis, but you know where all my merits and inf' goes? To getting enhancements for my other characters. And probably around 90% of my characters are still hoping to get enhancements. You know why? Because players with lots of alts do not have lots of max'ed level, fully incarnated, max vet levels achieved characters. We have lots of characters. And most of them need to be developed. So your argument that you are being penalized for having less characters? Is purely your perception, not the reality.


    We literally get less rewards? That is the reality lol. It doesn't matter what you spend it on whether that's multiple characters or all on creating costumes or giving it away

  14. 1 minute ago, Rudra said:

    You can also just earn those 50 on your one character in even less time.


    How would you earn more in less time on one toon when you get double the bonus on different toons?



    1 minute ago, Rudra said:

    And here is the flip side of your argument: If your suggestion were to be implemented and rewards given out for having less characters, players with more characters would effectively be punished because they have more characters and can't get those rewards unless they abandon their extra characters. This is a game that lets you play the way you want, on up to 1000 characters per account. There is absolutely nothing you can say that would in my opinion justify rewarding players for having less characters.

    I don't see how rewarding people people for reaching high veteran levels is punishing others, it's a much smaller reward then what is given if you play multiple alts

  15. 1 minute ago, Rudra said:

    My mistake. I just checked to verify, and yes, you can send a single reward merit per e-mail to your alts. As opposed to say, staying on one character and earning those merits faster than you can by accumulating them on alts and e-mailing them one at a time to your preferred character.

    You can turn 50 into 1 hero/villain merit and do it that way

  16. 15 minutes ago, Greycat said:

    If you're playing a single character, that's it, then you can run every TF - on hard mode - and have *all* the rewards concentrated on *one* character.

    You would still get a ton more merits if you had a ton of alts to switch between


    16 minutes ago, Greycat said:

    Sounds like it's already being "rewarded" to me... one event being potentially farmed doesn't really offset the rest of the year, content, etc.

    And neither would an aether for a Veteran level offset the market


    16 minutes ago, Rudra said:

    Which they can't transfer.

    People can transfer reward merits across characters?



  17. 1 hour ago, Rudra said:

    How does trick or treating or weekly strike targets penalize players with few characters while rewarding players with lots of characters?! Is there some code I'm not aware of that prevents developed characters from partaking in those? Do they not award XP, inf', or merits as appropriate if you are playing a developed character? You still get all the same rewards as everyone else, right? What am I missing?

    You get double merits once per week per character, so people with tons of alts can swap and get twice the rewards of someone with less characters

  18. 2 hours ago, Luminara said:

    What would prevent players from farming veteran levels the way they farm characters?  Wouldn't that have the opposite effect from what Aethers were intended to create, increasing inflation rather than controlling it, as it further incentivizes farming and thus inf* accumulation?

    I mean if it's only a small amount of Aether it's not going to change the market too greatly compared to something like ToT that floods the market with thousands

  19. 1 hour ago, Rudra said:

    That rewards are one-time per character? How so? The rewards for trick or treating is XP, inf', Halloween salvage, and badges. The XP and inf' are always going to be there. The Halloween salvage can be sold or traded for as long as you have them to sell or trade. And the badges? Only really matter to badgers. And I'm not seeing the aethers argument. With a developed character, you can run the higher difficulty Hard Mode content and get aethers a hell of a lot faster than constantly switching between characters praying for a random drop.

    You get up to 10 aether per character with those badges, to the point a few people were making alts just to farm aether last ToT

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