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Posts posted by Laucianna

  1. Well done to the winners of the "First Responders" Friday Fashion Contest with a prize pool of over 1 Billion Influence! Make sure to come see us on FRIDAY at 19:00 EDT at Homecoming - Excelsior for a chance to win! 

    Join our Discord to suggest a theme for next week and vote on which suggested theme is picked! https://discord.gg/4bPzjk5NAU


    1st: K9 Unit
    2nd: Blazing Rescuer
    3rd: PPD Shield


    Canadian Diamond
    Fireknight 013






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  2. 13 hours ago, Solarverse said:


    I play human form and feel it could use some love, however, I seen what tri-forms can do these days and was like, "Holy shit....there is no way human form will ever see a buff when Warshades are pulling that crap off."

    So hopefully they fix what is broken and buff what they feel needs to be buffed at the same time. I can hope anyway.  😄

    Yeah sadly Human only does fall short at the moment compared to Tri form, but I feel like they always will as Kheldians are all about the different forms and being utility based, switching to doing what the team needs at the moment and a Tri form can do that better then a human only (Even without the exploits)

    - Lauci x

    • Like 2
  3. 1 hour ago, BrandX said:

    I love using the human powers to much!  Human form PB is easily the most Superman/Captain Marvel feeling of ATs in game imo.   I do feel keeping it to game lore of Kheldian keeps it from being my main tho 😛  However I love my build and Eye Blast use is always nice!



    100% gives Captain Marvel vibes which is always a bonus ❤️ And yeah I feel to get the MOST out of a Kheldian it is best to understand and use each form for it's strengths (Like Dwarf heal being better then human heal)

    But for a WarShade leveling build I would suggest a nice cheap one like the one on my guide and taking your time to practise using the different forms (It will be a rougher start, but easier at the end for you ❤️)

    - Lauci x

    Warshade Basis.mxd

  4. From what I can read of it without being able to open in the actual mids program, you defo need set bonuses to get lightform perma, without it we are very squishy even with all the shields (Unless you stay in dwarf) I do have a cheapish build for PeaceBringers that gets you perma lightform if you want to take a look at that?

     - Lauci x


    Peacebringer Basis.mxd

  5. Yeah as Crumpet said, the Devs are well aware and have said they will keep it in the game (Though nerfed from what it was when found (It now roots you as you fire off your powers)) until Kheldians get a rework, that could be in the next patch or a patch 5 years from now so there's no saying how long it has left.

    And with the kind of damage, even with how spammy it is it won't compare to a damage AT otherwise it would be changed instantly XD


     - Lauci x

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  6. Well done to the winners of the "Sports" Friday Fashion Contest with a prize pool of over 1 Billion Influence! Make sure to come see us on FRIDAY at 19:00 EDT at Homecoming - Excelsior for a chance to win! 

    Join our Discord to suggest a theme for next week and vote on which suggested theme is picked! https://discord.gg/4bPzjk5NAU

    1st: Roller Derby
    2nd: Back Woods Bobby
    3rd: Ice Capades

    Swing Star
    Leon Andro Sphinx
    Baseball Bat
    Fox Hunt





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  7. Well done to the winners of the "Back to School" Friday Fashion Contest with a prize pool of over 1 Billion Influence! Make sure to come see us on FRIDAY at 19:00 EDT at Homecoming - Excelsior for a chance to win! 


    Join our Discord to suggest a theme for next week and vote on which suggested theme is picked! https://discord.gg/4bPzjk5NAU


    1st: Sadie the Lunch Lady
    2nd: Custodian Karl
    3rd: Dreaded Pencil


    Power Goth
    Mister Gun Show
    Mahogany Jones
    Classroom Nerd





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    • Thanks 1
  8. Well done to the winners of the "Rave" Friday Fashion Contest with a prize pool of over 1 Billion Influence! Make sure to come see us on FRIDAY at 19:00 EDT at Homecoming - Excelsior for a chance to win! 


    Join our Discord to suggest a theme for next week and vote on which suggested theme is picked! https://discord.gg/4bPzjk5NAU


    1st: Goblinda
    2nd: Party Prince
    3rd: Raifeina



    Kandi Girl
    Cracked Glowstick
    Shinny Shoganai
    Light of the World





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  9. Well done to the winners of the "Aliens" Friday Fashion Contest with a prize pool of over 1 Billion Influence! Make sure to come see us on FRIDAY at 19:00 EDT at Homecoming - Excelsior for a chance to win! 


    Join our Discord to suggest a theme for next week and vote on which suggested theme is picked! https://discord.gg/4bPzjk5NAU


    1st: CosmoSkull
    2nd: Galactic Gremlin
    3rd: Thrak Zorbo


    Ancient UFOlogist





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  10. Welcome to team Kheldian!


    Personally I would swap out the Pacing of the Turtle proc in Unchain essence as most of your attacks if not all give -recharge anyway, something like the Annihilation proc for -res might be nice if you want it just for the debuff.


    Your also defo going to want the Agility Alpha incarnate or Ageless Destiny one to keep your Eclipse perma, speaking of Eclipse I see you put the +max hp in there but that is heavily slowing down the recharge so I would suggest putting it into Black Dwarf instead of the normal Resist IO to keep the bonus and keep Eclipse perma


    Also with Nova it might be worth slotting the proc chance for build up on there depending on how often you use your Nova attacks 🙂


    But overall it looks good! Still has the high melee def from Dooms, you managed to get Shadow Slip in there which is *chef's kiss* and an extra attack in as Unchain Essence!


     - Lauci x

  11. I don't think it is opening for me as none of the powers have anything slotted, but if what I am seeing is right your slotting is very odd to say the least XD This is the slotting I am seeing where all your form powers/light form is ignored yet your shields and quantum acceleration are heavily slotted.




     - Lauci x

  12. Well done to the winners of the "Woodland Creatures" Friday Fashion Contest with a prize pool of over 1 Billion Influence! Make sure to come see us on FRIDAY at 19:00 EDT at Homecoming - Excelsior for a chance to win! 


    Join our Discord to suggest a theme for next week and vote on which suggested theme is picked! https://discord.gg/4bPzjk5NAU

    1st: Woodland
    2nd: Smelly
    3rd: Faun Key Cold Medina

    Later Satyr
    Ganker Hornet
    Iron Earth
    Fae Affinity





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