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  1. Titan Weapons too, please.
  2. Nice squiggles! Regen for tankers please.
  3. Memebag will live on in infamy.
  4. Snarky must be an alt account for a dev because the sheer amount of bitching and whining he does would have gotten him banned from any other moderated forum.
  5. You may be Barry but I'm BARRY-ER
  6. Blaster Dark/Mental Tanker Ice/Fire Mastermind Merc/Thermal Blaster it is!
  7. There is the problem though, energy blast has a chance to knockback- you can't control it. Even if you try to, you might not get a knockback effect anyway. Powers like gale, repel, hurricane are all great and I have zero problem with them- it's very specifically energy blast and other similar powers where knockback is secondary to the primary function which is damage. Quasar is anti-synergistic with the rest of my kit as a warshade for example. I *want* enemies close to me for either Orbiting Death or Eclipse or sunless mire etc.
  8. What you call a crutch, I call a viable strategy. It's all a matter of perception here. I'd be ok if it was nerfed/tweaked but for now it's a strategy that can be used in hardmode.
  9. The problem is that the fun is dividing teams. There are people who knockback because they have no choice; like my warshade. Knockback powers need to be overhauled. Not all of them. The dedicated ones can stay like gale and the like but powers that have a chance to knockback or its secondary to the attack need to be updated to knockdown. And no I don't care if you like energy blast the way it is; it sucks in its current form because of the random knockback and I stand by my opinion on this.
  10. Dusted off my Warshade a day or two ago. Now, I haven't played this character for literally over a year. I get into a group and begin MOTHERFUCKING WARSHADE-ing. Quasars! Boom! Nova form! Kaplow! Zip! Dark extraction! Double mire! Biff! You know, normal stuff. "Umm could we not knockback the enemies? Thanks!" Said the leader. Knowing it was me, I just left. I'll just leave the warshade shelved.. knockback just isn't acceptable I guess. Maybe one day all knockback powers can be knockdown or something =/
  11. I consider myself a tanker player before a brute player but on live, yeah tankers were seriously outclassed by brutes. The content just wasn't hard enough so the small amount of extra mitigation that tankers brought wasn't worth the higher damage of the brute. That's still true today I think but we've swung too far in one direction. I say let tankers keep their AoE niche but their single target damage suffers.
  12. If anything, tanker damage needs a nerf. I think the tanker damage buff co.bined with their aoe potential buff was too much. Now, I don't think it's DESTROYING THE GAME but I always saw the melee characters on a scale: Stalkers > Scrappers > Brutes > Tankers Damage to the left, Tankiness to the right.
  13. Brutes are fine. It's stupid easy to max fury already, they easily reach 90% resistance and have the second highest hp pool. What do they even need? They should be in-between scrappers and tankers.
  14. Yeah it was vengeance + fallout + teleport ally. Basically just teleport a dead ally into a pack of mobs then hit fallout. Obviously with the game getting faster and more streamlined, this technique quickly died out
  15. There is no set in stone list but mine is: S tier - Demons A tier - Thugs, Necro, Robots B tier - Mercs, Ninjas C tier - Beasts If you want I can explain why I think this but basically demons are sturdy and deal very good damage with exotic damage types and -res. They even provide a team buff! Thugs, necro and Robots are great. Thugs are barely out of S-tier. Robots are probably B tier but I think with their new changes, they are lower A Mercs and Ninjas are still a little fragile but very solid damage dealers. Ninjas are slightly lower due to being melee and the Oni being wonky Beasts are genuinely the weakest. Not bad but not good. With the recent changes they've been left kinda in the dust. If someone were to say they are also in B tier, I wouldn't argue against it but someone has to be at the bottom and I think it's beasts.
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