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Posts posted by starro

  1. any chance can you share a screen shot or some error message?  Can you share your operating system or client(tequila vs homecoming)


    I had awful crashes ("name the file" ran out of memory) until I moved to the 64 bit client and then also moved from tequila to homecoming client.  


  2. Oh yaaah, it’s totally weird like that…. I am fuzzy memory but I want to say this piece is tied to a specific power set selection at level 20(?) all the way back to live.  I do not think this is the result of homecoming freeing up all the costume pieces to appear on the model otherwise previously locked up with vet rewards or other barriers. 


    I will test this weekend, copy my spider/make new to test server.  My soldier/bane had that experience last spring where I just wanted to go around with these crab spider arms. It was a pain.  I finally got it after respecting to crab build and then I hated the bobbing arms when running. I also found the powers lacking which is funny because I thought I had a more fun crab on live. 

    I think I still only got it to work in slot 1.

    I also want to copy my widow body suit outside of slot 1 but I just don’t see the option with that old VEAT archetype either.

  3. i went from wireless to a cord and my disconnects and lag was eliminated.   Maybe my next laptop will have a little more power than this older one. 

    and I always say homecoming 64 but client too.  Tequila and 32 bit are the past. 

  4. 8 minutes ago, ZacKing said:


    always find it amazing how a community that loves to say how welcoming/tolerant/great it is has some of the most intolerant people ever.  lol

    hey, we have 3 spiritual successors and how many Coh rogue servers running?  I think it’s a welcoming community but everyone wants it run their way/their vision.  That’s emotional investment and attachment for an old game.  

    I would probably customize a version of COH to my hopes and dreams too and I think other players would enjoy.  Then I would log in and find i am the only player 😛


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  5. Before the thread dies/locks and regardless of position on gambling and the social/legal risks for COH/society as a whole I just wanted to share that I like Project: Gorgon's approach on the subject with games of chance (modified dominos)  card games (monsters and mantids) and an in-game bets on arena.  I played the games on release for three months and kind of burned out on them.  There was no risk to real world money.  If you ever look for another interesting MMO (but does not fill the void in COH's absence) I recommend Gorgon also for the community.

  6. No. The war never ends with countless mothership raids that grind new heroes up and turn the survivors into jaded veterans. The Rikti continue building their arsenal for the next raid. And the next.  And the next.
    When there is the appearance that maybe peace - sirens blare as raid ships descend onto Paragon City and the Rogue Isles…  

  7. I am a casual player and spent 5 years getting my first level 50 on live.  On HC that journey was 6 months. COH has become ridiculous easy to level in many ways and does not need another. 

    In a world of blinkies the game needs to find new ways to be sticky and keep player attention span.  My experiences say there are many level 50s out there who flew to the top and have no idea about incarnate system / how to unlock, chat channels, task forces or even form / participate in a team. 

    none of this is a complaint but an opportunity to team and show new people new facets of the worlds greatest hero mmo. 

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