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Player2 last won the day on May 31 2024

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  1. Well, so far we only have to worry about Windows 11 and I believe a number of people have shown that things are running just fine on that. Who knows what will be the deal with Windows 12 even though at one point they told us that we wouldn't be moving past Windows 10. Eventually all things change, and I'm sure when we get to that point, the talented people working on the HC team will either figure out how to make it work or we'll all just have to run an older system.
  2. Shield defense with invisible or tiny shields that essentially amount to a large bracer, not no shields. The shield animations would still be there, and it would look like you are using the shield arm to block... because maybe someone is just taking advantage of the asymmetrical costume pieces to just armor up their shield arm to say that's their shield, or maybe they want to play it like they're somewhat invulnerable but use a blocking animation instead of standing there all invulnerable like some kind of Superman. That's different interpretations, not bland. The different kinds of stone shooting out of a stone armor user's body can look pretty intrusive, and there are a lot of costume options that look stony on their own. Why can't we be stony without having jagged pieces of rock or crystal jutting out of us and obscuring our costumes? Why is that bland? Stealth without fade. Hey, here's a fun experiment. Go set up a camera and then sneak around all stealthy like. Do you fade? No? Because not everyone who is being stealthy is turning partially or fully invisible. Just ask Batman. Ice Armor without the ice... maybe we want Cold Armor, not Ice Armor. Fire Armor? Same thing but heat... because I want to be hot without being on fire. HEATs that don't shapeshift? Yes please, because I've played one PB with the shapeshifting and hated it, and played a PB and WS without shapeshifting and love it. Get over it. Some people want to do things different rather than play cookie cutter builds, and other people just do not like the shape shifted forms. It doesn't have to be "give us those powers without the shapeshift power" so much as make the shapeshift powers more about altered power modes with the option to shapeshift or not, because I scoff at the squid and space gorilla forms and will not use them. Elsewhere, for sure. But I'm sure you've seen the post quoted below. Hey, you quoted one of mine! Thanks for noticing. 😎
  3. People throw the word "epic" around too much. That pool is the Ancillary Pool, and it's supposed to provide additional powers of a type that's outside the AT's normal Primary and Secondary sets. It may have been called epic early on when it was first introduced, but if so it was officially rebranded. Incarnate powers are the true epic powers.
  4. Captain Arachnos for the win.
  5. Captain Arachnos Ghost Lady Mister Mako Scirocco Arachnos PD Arbiters are just APD Lieutenants Fun times. Less fun times... basically the old Praetorian versions of the heroes.
  6. What if Recluse and his allies were the heroes and Statesman and the Freedom Phalanx were the villains?
  7. But still... purples.
  8. Fair. Maybe for those, a popup when attempting to use a catalyst with them should let people know that attuning is not required but still viable for such purposes.
  9. Maybe the market shouldn't show sale options for attuned Purples and PVPs, and also make it so that enhancement catalysts don't work on them. Instead of warning people not to attune them and why they don't need to be attuned, just stop making it possible to do so.
  10. Agreed. I haven't done anything in the Shadow Shard since ye olde days of Live, and even then it was a few times and then I'd had my fill of it.
  11. I can't quite put my finger on it, but it just feels too small. It's the zone for the biggest (level) heroes and has an odd mix of enemies with Carnies, CoT, Devouring Earth, Malta, Nemesis, and Rikti... with an island full of mini menances (monkeys) and also plenty of larger prey with DE (non-giant) monsters. The level 50 stuff is down in front of Portal Corp, and the lower end stuff can be found on the ferry end --especially the docks. But there's also DE that are noticeably lower level around Portal Corp, and the stuff in between the two ends of the island can be hit or miss when trying to street sweep for foes. And the radio missions in there seem limited to Arachnos, Carnies, Council, and CoT. We have higher level enemies than just those, so some other mission options would be nice. Yeah, just too small for such big heroes. Don't like it at all. I only go there for Halloween, a few missions, and otherwise just passing through. If only there was something to do in Kallisti Wharf. Now that's a town with size to accommodate the high end heroes... but the only reason to go there is the Market Crash TF.
  12. If only radio missions would auto-exemp you and let you do missions in whatever zone you wanted. Personally, I'm just not a fan of Peregrine Island.
  13. I always level up 2 to 4 levels on an ITF. Even if it's just vet levels on my 50.
  14. Not no more subscriptions. Again, as Greycat says, it was to encourage subscriptions. You could absolutely play free and that drew people to the game so that the subscribers had more options to team with.
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