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Everything posted by Wenlocke

  1. There is a problem with the Impervium Katana weapon model for Dual Blades. It looks like the weapon is missing most of its detail textures, and shoows only the base solid colour for the handle. Compare this to the Impervium katana model in the Katana powerset, which does show up with the right textures.
  2. Plant/Fire/Fire Dom Mine - Stormheart Aegis Elec/SR Scrapper. Shield/Elec Tank, so Elec was on the right track.
  3. Plant/Fire/Fire Dom Mine - Stormheart Aegis
  4. 1) Come up with powersets/name/initial costumes. 2) Load into Atlas (Isolator gets saved and done as part of Oro) 3) Set up options. (profanity filter off, prompt team tport on, etc) 4) Set up chat tabs (remove broadcast and LFG from main local tab, add globals, etc) 5) Go to P2W, get Sands of Mu, Axe, whichever origin bonus ranged item is, add sprints and ninja run, about 8 hours of double xp) 6) Set up actionbars (usually three, attacks on first, toggles on second, temps on third) 6a) if Mastermind/kheldian set up useful keybinds 7) Level to 4 or so by Hellions near the lake. 8) Go sort out my other costumes. 9) DFB and DIB until 22 (can go back and do early arcs through Oro) 10) get one of my other characters to send about a million inf, and get SO's. 11) Level to 27. 12) IO up with 30's Usually try and get a Miracle +Recovery in health at this point. And so on...
  5. **Crisis, Comma, Lack of** Abigail Bright (that’s Doctor Bright, and not shy about reminding people,) was engrossed in a simulation for an upgrade on the Brightlance repulsorthrust systems, when she was interrupted by an unusually diffident question. “Uhm, Abi?” Jennifer Fairfax (also Doctor, also not shy about reminding people) was not usually given to being diffident, so this was An Important Clue. “Can I show you my latest project?” Abi put down the tablet, and rubbed her eyes. “Yes, if you like… wait, since when do you do extra projects?” she asked suspiciously. This usually meant that she’d had one of her crazy ideas. “Since that debacle with the Rikti. I decided I needed something with a little more oomph, for overwhelming odds.” She crossed the design room to the prototype storage bay. She grinned the slightly embarrassed grin of someone who’s just itching to show off their latest creation, but isn’t sure how it’ll be received. ”So I present to you, the Brightedge System Crisis Suit. Ta daaaaaa!” The bay doors opened. It was a suit, it was the signature white and gold. It was….large.” ”..... Jenn, it’s a walking tank, it’s huge. Extra armour, extra power systems….” she trailed off as she noted the other details. “And you still put a sword and shield on it?” “Yes, I say go with what you know. The extra power and the inertial systems mean it’s not much less maneuverable as the Brightedge Mk I, and the uprated life support systems mean its much better for hazardous….” Jenn trailed off, a little of the excess enthusiasm dissipating into nervousness. “You don’t like it,do you?” Abi sighed. Jenn’s only major personality flaw was a tendency towards excessive enthusiasm about her specialities, combined with insecurity about whether people were actually just humouring her when she explained them. “Honestly? I’m… more surprised than anything. It just doesn’t seem like your thing, is all. Does look like it’ll do the job, though.” Jenn’s infectious smile returned. “Oh good. Since I built one for you as well.” She clicked a button on her remote, and a second suit, a behemoth with wings, moved out of the shadows on its support arm. “Happy, uhmmm, Tuesday.” Abi looked it up and down. A veritable 747, it was. All the same mod cons, about three times the size of her own suit. “Thanks, I think… What would I do with a flying brick I can’t already do? Less maneuverable, bulkier, a bigger target..” Jenn interrupted her “...and it’ll go suborbital. Full life support, waste systems. I’m working on building in some kind of thrust reserves so the repulsordrive will work in a vacuum. Didn’t you say you always wanted to be an astronaut? How would you like an orbital flight system?” Abi’s common sense warred with the long-buried childhood desire to see satellites and stars and stuff., “Yes, but…. Oh alright. We can get this thing going orbital, you say? Where do I sign up?”
  6. So, in absence of an actual fiction section, we present the Return of the IC Story Thread Fiction about your characters, short moments, long tales (although really long ones are probably better linked offsite) and all related things welcome. Obviously, none of this is IC knowledge unless the author wants it to be.
  7. You're gonna learn a lot more trying one or two Brutes and one or two Scrappers than you will from us. SD prohibits any two handed or dual wield weapon sets (Claws, Dual Blades, Titan Weapon, Katana, and Staff). Anything else is fair game. For looks, I like it with Martial Arts, Street Justice, Dark Melee, or Kinetic Melee. I think the best AoE out of those is Street Justice. Elec Melee is also good looking and fun. Especially as you end up with two AOE teleport nukes, Lightning Rod and Shield Charge
  8. i can see why they think it would be too much like botting, but there are occasions where it would be really really handy. Specifically, anyone who's ever tried to manage Hasten and Shield Defence/Ninjitsu/Superflexes. Clicky mez protection that really needs to be on auto, and hasten, which, again, to be effective, really needs to be on auto.
  9. It does get better later on, but it'd also be useful to know your primary. Regen shines better on a primary that has some level of mitigation (the +def from Parry/Divine avalanche for example, things like Dark and the -tohit, etc) to reduce the number of hits coming in to give your regen chance to work. Also, Dull Pain is your friend as it helps with Alphas. As noted by Jack, you're probably better asking on the specific AT forum as it does vary depending on which one you use.
  10. Cool. @Gideon, and I'll add anyone to the SG who wants it. Still very much a work in progress, but sometimes, you just have to start
  11. There's something odd going on with the sound fx for Cutting Beam from Corruptor Beam Rifle (not tested yet on other AT's) It plays the sound fx when you fire off the power, but then, somewhere between 5 and 20 seconds later, it will trigger the sound fx again, with no activation of the power.
  12. I was just going to ask about a Boy Named Tsoo
  13. You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.
  14. Some helpful things for you to consider: Clarkes Laws: Any sufficiently advanced form of technology is indistinguishable from magic (and vice versa.) You could easily have that highly advanced magic show up as a beam gun and armour because that's the most efficient current form for it. Same the other way up. See also the Technomages from Babylon 5 If it is a binding symbiote of some sort, it is, again, possible for it to be magic or tech, but you can have all sorts of fun and games with items that already have a personality (think Jarvis in the Iron man armour for a base example, but you can go much much further, all the way out to the Venom symbiote. Crey would not be the only people interested in such an item. The council would love to get their hands on magi/tech like that. the CoT like power so a more magically inclined item would pique their interest no end. In fact, here's one possibility for free. Your character has a link, willing or unwilling, either as host/symbiote/ally with a spirit of History (magic). The spirit grants them power over time, to slow it down and speed it up, and in need clothes your character in modern tech armour and the beam technology of the next ten years, so they can defend history from nasty powers who would change the past.
  15. I'll be sure to tell the fucker who tried to run me over that bullying is necessary in moderate doses.
  16. Not really a bug. The trick is that, in order to enable trenchcoats (and boleros) you have to disable all cape/wing/backpack options, as the trenchcoat uses the buttcape mechanics.
  17. More power to you. We see you. We know. We believe.
  18. False equivalence is a logical fallacy in which two completely opposing arguments appear to be logically equivalent when in fact they are not. This fallacy is categorized as a fallacy of inconsistency I’m not stepping into the rest of this dreck storm, but his point was your counter to his point was poorly made and illogical. My thought was, if she makes the illusions than she is the one gas lighting people and you should come up with a better strawman if you want to keep going. The only thing illogical here is your expectation for an equivalence to retain complete consistency when, in reality, that isn't and cannot be the case. There is no equivalent example of a man nagging a woman and "de-effeminate" her. Heck, there isn't even a word in English for it as both emasculate and effeminate are derogatory terms targeted at men. OK, I am going to step into the line of fire a little and explain why this isn't actually funny. Do you know what we call a man who continuously nags, berates and otherwise belittles a woman? An abuser. It's one of the more classic forms of non-physical spousal abuse, in fact. Frankly, the "nag, emasculate" thing is something stupid people came up with to try and rationalise away a man being a victim when the more unpleasant forms of masculine expression (that even some women buy into) deny the possibility that a man can be a victim. She's a nag, she's a shrew, she emasculates me, because gods forbid I could ever be described as being the victim of abuse from an actual woman. I just don't find domestic abuse funny.
  19. While the name wasn't punny, one of our legens, Zortel, had a character called Cauter who was billed as "The Burning Sensation you don't need a cream for."
  20. While shooting the breeze in discord chat, a bunch of us hit upon an interesting idea. We all have characters who aren't really joiners, who wouldn't quite fit in most of the established groups. With a lot of the rp stuff ending up in SGs and coalitions, we asked ourselves "How does the independent hero get involved?" For your perusal, we present a possibility, The League of Independent Heroes. There is no such SG in IC terms. They are not an organisation that goes out and fights crime. They have no dues, pay no fees. They are basically a set of message boards, chat channels and such that allow for communication, passing of info, etc. In OC terms they would simply exist as a placeholder to give base access, ability to coalition with other rp SGs, and other such things. Essentially to facilitate getting solo players and such into the to scene. Does this sound workable to anybody else? Ideas, suggestions and rampant speculations welcome, this isn't a solid thing yet, just casting round for ideas.
  21. **Overheard at a coffee shop** "I swear the woman in 23B down the hall from me is a hero" "Really? I mean, how would you even know man, isn't that, like the point of a secret identity?" "Trust me, you meet enough of them, and you know the type. Its the eyes, I say. Too knowing, too confident." "Odd,I swear you told me at some point that 23B was vacant? She just move in? Maybe I'm remembering it wrong." "No, she's been there a couple of years, I.. I think. Never noticed any trouble. But whatever she's doing, I think she's up to something nefarious" "What, nefarious? How do you even know? and how do you even know a word like nefarious anyway?" "I watch HBO, you should try it sometime. Broadens the mind. Anyway, the last few weeks she's had a lot of deliveries. Big boxes, extra furniture, that kind of thing." "redecorating? Regular people do that" "Nah man, its just... well, maybe I'm crazy... but all the apartments are a similar size, and she must be crammed against the ceiling with the amount of stuff she just brought in." "That or she's got a Tardis." "Now you're just being sarcastic...."
  22. Ah, and so the Scunthorpe problem rears its head again
  23. Cassiopeia Belli (TW/WP) - Has a large Axe, is a warrior, and insists you call her Cass.
  24. After the success of the Brightlance system, another hero joined Project Bright, and is using the Ground Melee Combat Iteration of the Bright Armour. Brightedge - BS/SD Scrapper
  25. There's a bug with No Redraw options on weapon sets. Specifically, if you are using a temp power like Sands of Mu or Undead Slaying Axe, and then trigger one of your regular attacks, it does not play the attack animation on the first attack. Subsequent attacks work fine.
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