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  1. that is great to know thanks for the advice.
  2. are there any current guides on best story arcs to pick for speed/easy combat for each level range for these badge tiers? I read somewhere they need to award at least 5 merits to count so that might matter to? I'm wondering if someone has already figured out the best story arcs to do get each badge? thanks!
  3. I was able to set up city mod installer successfully but could not find a mod that matched what I was looking for. if so, I'm looking for a mod that disables all sound expect the Gowie sound, I play with no volume and 95% of the time it works perfectly for me that way. its only when there's a glowie I can't find I feel forced to turn sound back on in the options. I am not hard of hearing I just like playing with sound off and there is no way in the game to turn off all sounds expect glowie sounds hence the request. I'm not sure if this fits help & support but if it doesn't, please move it to a better spot.
  4. I agree with most of what you are saying but the last part, you get a badge which is also connected to accolade and is deemed heroic. I said nothing about felling compelled to do this I will do for the accolade it just feels more villainous then heroic to me that is all. if they want to spin it has your harmlessly shooing Sally away the badge description should be changed right now it does not reflect this head cannon, which I do like and agree sounds less villainous.
  5. the badge description should be changed at the very least then to better reflect this idea, I do like the head cannon around this explanation though! I just the good smack wasn't a fireball to the face.
  6. I never said she was killed or gone for good but why is a hero harassing an innocent creature minding its own business that refuses to ever fight back to point they just flee each time they are attacked? if you were asked if that felt villainous or heroic what would you say? what has sally done that warrants us attacking her?
  7. the badge description says otherwise "You have defeated the monster in the lake, proving to all that it is real."
  8. THE PROBLEM you find this peaceful lake creature so weak it can be one shot just chilling in a lake not harming anything you thought was a myth/legend with a benign name like sally and your first heroic reaction is lets defeat it?? the description of the badge just makes no sense either "You have defeated the monster in the lake, proving to all that it is real." so, you find a local legend not harming anything and to prove it exists you defeated it so no one else can see it too?? actions like that sounds word for word something like a villain would do and "Geas of the Kind Ones" is a hero accolade.. THE SUGGESTION the badge should be turned into rescuing sally from something or healing an injury she has so she can return to the lake and be happy. make it a zone event like war of the vale with level scaling, the Cabal could have captured sally and are doing a dark ritual to corrupt her and a team of heroes needs to interrupt it to free her stuff like that. this would also have the beneficial effect of allowing the badge to be more easily shared with others, that's just one possible idea but anything is better than let's be heroic by defeating this harmless lake "monster" harming no one!
  9. OP did not acknowledge in their post its easy and faster to do this solo and the teaming element and is actually way slower always you can have the badge solo in 30 seconds with zero fighting, only in their response to me was that stated. OPs post I think if you are presenting a problem in a post you should also present the alternatives to solve said problem, so others get an idea of how urgent the problem is that was not done. the way this is worded makes it sound like it's a badge you need to team to earn, and trolls are constantly preventing the badge from being obtained with no alternative. the real issue in my mind is many people are teaming up for a badge that is just way faster to get solo because they don't know any better. Yes leaders should be the only ones to initiate mission choices I agree, but do wish OP informed others of how to solve the problem instead of just presenting the issue with no context.
  10. I agree it should work the way you describe I just think it's a very low priority change. don't let trolls troll is a good principle to have but again the workaround to this is beyond simple, it's basically an exploration badge stand here talk to NPC get badge. you can get this badge faster by yourself then it takes to even form a team, I'm not against the change you suggest just the urgency you're giving it hope that makes sense.
  11. you can do this solo you know, if that's the last badge you need just do it pick wedding dialogue stand between them get teleported then leave. it takes maybe 30 seconds to do by yourself and zero fighting is required is basically an exploration badge (it's how I did it) It's a good suggestion that makes sense, but the work around is simple as can be just drop the team.
  12. it's a QoL life feature and I state that, and I explain why I feel its rude thing to ask steal lead from someone your right though it is on me, maybe others feels like its a good QoL feature to have maybe they don't. but in the end this feature would take nothing away from anyone I don't see a single negative here at all that a change like this could cause.
  13. I never viewed it has its own side it does not have content all the way to 50 forces you pick hero or villain if you had the choice to stay Praetorian I would agree that it is a distinct side, I dont feel that strongly though that it should be gold just that co-op zones where villains and heroes can team should not be colored blue to me neutral was gold but to alot people this seems to not be the case so I will clarify that in the post.
  14. praetoria has no side that's whole point, you don't pick sides of hero or villain till you leave for good. that is why I felt the color gold is perfect for a neutral zone both sides can enter. pure villains can't enter hero zones and pure heroes cant enter the villain's ones but both can enter praetorian zones that's what makes those zones any and deemed gold in my eyes. those praetoria zones share the same traits has zones like RWZ or DA heroes and villains can both enter them and team up together this why I feel like those zones should be grouped in gold not because they are just praetorian zones. now if enough people disagree with me sure pick a different color and keep gold only for those 4 zones but I personally feel like it would be fine to lump them together.
  15. I just did Penelope Yin TF only to notice I was level 23 not 25 the leader of course was not 25+ so we were not 25. this was on my 50 MM so I was noticeably weaker without my second tier 2 pet I would have gotten at 24 (only have 5 pets now not 6). not being the max TF level also affecting IO set break points needing to be the min level -3 as well. Yes, the obvious solution is to ask to be leader instead there are serval issues with that. you have to know the leader is under the max possible level to know this might be an issue. it's possible memorize all TF/SF level ranges but it's not an easy thing to do. it's also kind of ungrateful to the leader saying "hey now that you did all the hard work to recruit everyone make me the leader now so I can be stronger" personally to me it would be a petty thing to ask.. inversely if you are leader but not the max level for the content it also feels weird asking the rest of the team if anyone else wants to lead so everyone can be stronger. (to me it feels like I'm noping out of being leader after saying I would) in short there are ways around this issue already yes but they are cumbersome so this is purely a QoL feature. a simple prompt once the TF/SF starts asking the leader like this would work. the leader would only see this prompt if they were under the max TF/SF level.
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