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Captain Powerhouse

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Everything posted by Captain Powerhouse

  1. The 15’ rule is a design choice, and currently only being applied to melee set attack powers. It was only stated in this discussion since it was relevant for the testing phase, but the power description is all players should look at when trying to determine if a power is or isn’t ignoring the buff. I’ll double check dark regen when I have time, though, to make sure it isn’t ignoring +recharge, or or it is, it states so.
  2. Powers that don’t get the buff state so in their description. Powers that summon AoE pets might be complicated, but in general one-offs like spring attack should benefit while lasting patches like burn should not. I’ll need to double check contamination spread since that’s a weird mechanic.
  3. As far as power numbers: at current time, no buff is ever reflected on power info window. The same is true for boost range or conserve energy, you won’t see a change on those values. I have asked the about the viability of getting the game code to display the applied effect of these buffs in the power info, but the answer to that is currently unknown and my understanding is it’s not a high priority request. Maybe it gets touched whenever the bug that makes redirect powers show no info gets finally fixed.
  4. Maybe because it’s easier to keep attacking continuously on Hammy, since it’s a static enemy while stuff in Market crash might move? The team buff only should work for up to 7 allies within 30ft (20ft in next build.)
  5. Does the build have the Brute's Fury proc? Did you have teammates nearby?
  6. That’s one reason. Outside of teams, an increased aggro/follow cap just makes farming even easier, and that’s already a disproportionately rewarding activity.
  7. I think i have stated this (more than once) but: I'm sure with enough desire, work and time anything is possible. However, even if right now i had access to a variable to change per-AT aggro, i would not use it. If an actual aggro cap revision was ever pursued, I would instead hope it meant a whole revamp that looked something like this: Enemies above the aggro cap would try to find another enemy to attack. If no other enemy available, then they will attack the only available target from their current position with ranged attacks, but they will never move closer. If they cant attack from that position due to lack of ranged attacks, they would go back to their spawn points. If aggro cap count was modified, I would just lower the cap to 11 for all ATs and leave Tankers at their current count. This only if the previous 3 points happened.
  8. Like this. The pet would technically have all the powers and the powers they can actually use would be based on the internal name of your secondary set.
  9. Technically, the "tech" does not exist. This will require a high-maintenance approach of having the pet summon power (or the pet itself) check what powers the caster has, something that would require the powerset modified any time new assault set added to the AT.
  10. Controllers dont have offensive secondaries, so this would never work for them, but my idea is to make Dom PA use modified versions of the first 2 powers the dominator has. If it's a Ill/Fire dom, the Decoy would have Flares, Incinerate and maybe also Bind. Their powers would not taunt, though. It would go very nicely on hand with the new mirror theme for Decoys.
  11. For what it's worth: I agree with the live devs: PA is problematic. Removing it steals too much identity. Got to come up with a version of the power that is re-balanced but still retains identity. Basically, whenever it happens, they will get A phantom army, but the powers the army has wont necessarily be the same the controller versions get.
  12. As a rule, an aura that: Self buffs Is Auto Hit Only applies -ToHit on the target Will apply taunt for anyone, even if they are not a tank. Due to this, these powers get built-in taunt, and should not be triggering the GlobalProc taunt.
  13. It is only an implementation change, and only mentioned because you will no longer see Taunt as an attribute on the power (it will now be injected as a global proc.) You still will be able to slot taunt on the tanker and brute versions. Taunt auras never allowed Taunt Sets, though.
  14. Yes it would be. Also, T9s are pretty much a topic to be tackled some other time.
  15. It just means build up is back to what it was like on live (80%) Last patch added a bonus to fury generation in teams, based the number of team mates close to you. This has been toned down a bit on this patch.
  16. For now, the focused threads contain difference from last patch. For difference from live, look at the full patch thread (note that the notes above need to be edited into that thread too, ill do that update soon) Edit: The Jan 6 thread is now updated.
  17. The following is a list of patch changes since the last Pineapple patch. This thread should had been up yesterday, my apologies on the delay. Tanker self-damage scale reverted to the same values as live. Removed the text in Lightning Clap that said it ignored arc buffs. The power is a sphere. Burn (the up front AoE) should not ignore radius buffs. Burn (the patch) should ignore radius buffs. The following tanker and brute powers should now accept regular Taunt Enhancements: Oppressive Gloom, Cloak of Fear, Burn (note that burn patches don't taunt, only the up-front damage does.) Spines: Spine Burst> No longer ignores Radius buffs. Spines: Quills > Now ignore Radius buffs. Lowered the per-teammate bonus to Fury gain, as well as the range required for the bonus.
  18. As any debuff, this is resisted by the purple patch. If you fought anything that was not even, the debuff wold not be 100%. At a base 100% its very straightforward to determine the apropiate +level: Tanker Even -100% +1 -90% +2 -80% +3 -65% +4 -48% Brute: Even -75% +1 -68% +2 -60% +3 -49% +4 -36% Also something I might had forgotten to mention: brute version of the debuff lasts 12 seconds, tanker version lasts 20 seconds. Both versions stack so you can double-stack it if needed. This is not accurate. The min -range strength (for most entities) is 0%. At least in data, not aware there being a hard-cap on range in the code.
  19. This is very out of topic but: This is not true. Self Healing in CoH is generally setup as a percentage of your base HP. Heal-other powers are a lot more arbitrary, with Power X simply healing everyone for Y points of damage. Dull Pain is a powerful mitigation ability, but it does not make healing any more powerful. In fact, it mathematically, it makes any power that increases or decreases your HP (not max HP) technically weaker. This means that an attack that used to heal you for 25% might heal you for 17% (just an example) but it also means an attack that would had hurt you for 50% your health now hurts you only for 35% of your health. Regeneration “increases” with +MaxHP but direct heals don’t. You can think of +MaxHP as a sort of resistance to all damage and heals that works on a curve. Basically: Final damage = damage / (1+ MaxHP%) (the above is drastically simplified because I’m on a phone right now.)
  20. As far as the original devs were concerned, many mental attacks "lack" positional typing because they are not, by definition, taking place in the physical world. Basically: psi is considered both, an attack positional (Mind) and a type. It was very intentional that sets like SR did not get Psi coverage. Why not have both, a Mind and a Psi separate typing for consistency might be simply because as far as the engine cared, that might had been seen simply redundant (albeit I can see cases where a conceptual set could be more resilient to Mental attacks than actually projected Psionic energy, and the other way around.)
  21. Three things: Please, try to be civil. Thread has not gotten as out of hand as some of the others but it’s starting to slide there. The -regen has already been scrapped internally. Won’t be on the next patch. The self dmg buff modifier will go back to its old scale in the next patch.
  22. Every set gets some benefit at least from the increased target cap. It's being increased a tad for next patch. But keep in mind: if you compare bruise + old base damage + build up, to test, you will get less damage on that one click regardless. The question is: how much total DPS you get through the fight now that the windows outside build up do higher damage, and the T1 is not mandatory in any attack chain.
  23. Stacking -Res can be extremely dangerous, but in the next iteration I'm going to be doing a quick experiment with -regen instead of -res. That is a stat that has a lot more predefined scope and is a lot more controllable.
  24. It's per entity. Any entity (code does not check if it's a player or critter or what) will check the streak breaker code independently based on it's own miss-history. 10 critters, each has to miss 100 times before one hits. However, a minion is very likely to hit a def-capped target once every 20 hits in average. Nature of defense and randomness means this might happen all at once, all spread through, heck, might be the first wave of attacks. Defense was designed as a gamble/luck mechanic. Sometimes, you will lose that bet, and very quickly fall if defense is the only thing keeping you alive. This is the reason Super Reflexes was giving Scaling Resistances, and Ninjitsu has a self heal.
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