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Captain Powerhouse

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Everything posted by Captain Powerhouse

  1. No, burn definitively causes it (ask any scrapper, forever.) The bug is that Blazing aura for brutes should be taunting them to not run, and isn’t.
  2. THAT is very odd, there was no changes to Taunt The Power, that power still has its own taunt, and at a way longer duration than Gauntlet it PunchVoke.
  3. If the power does not say it ignore arc buffs, then it will always end up 1.5x the specified arc. Jacobs Ladder specifically does not ignore the buff, and should be working at an effective 75 degree arc for tankers.
  4. About aggro auras: Good news is i found the bug and fixed it internally. Bad news is it obviously requires a patch and not sure when that will be scheduled for. The bug is exclusively with toggles. Punchvoke should be working on all click powers. Sorry I didn't catch this during the beta period.
  5. Just making sure this is not a typo or I might be misreading: you saying you had enemies run out of burn before this patch? As a Brute? Tank? Scrapper?
  6. Yes, what you saw there is the invisible global proc. Next patch will hide it.
  7. There is no fear component to turn off on Burn. The AI simply will enter a “harassed” mode and start fleeing if too many attacks are executed against it. Burn is a power that attacks extremely often, and due to a bug, also happens to spawn many patches that means exponential increase of these attacks panicking the AI. This behavior *should* be overridden by a taunt, though, although not sure if there is a threshold were taunt won’t out weight the “harassed” mode.
  8. Global Boosts "inject" atttibutes into powers, so to speak. They can be strengthened by enhancements like anything else in the power. We are used to seeing most global procs flagged as "ignore strength", but these inherent taunt global procs dont have that flag. Adding Taunt enhancements to your auras will make the procs from that aura last longer.
  9. The radius buff is very much like Range Boost or hasten, it changes the powers dynamically unless the power description stated it’s unaffected. Those kind of buffs don’t show up in the power info but can be seen in the list of attribs for gauntlet. For reference, unaffected powers are listed in the patch notes.
  10. There is still a roll hit needed for the base attack but once that hits the taunt AoE is now auto hit.
  11. That has never been my assumption. The average enemy has a diameter of 3ft, as do players. When doing on-paper calculations i tend to go for a variety of measures to estimate "effective" target cap, using a 3ft diameter area test for enemies when looking at saturated encounters and a 5ft when measuring slightly more casual situations (that means 2ft of separation between every foe.) For PBAoEs, I always discount one target since the player also occupies space on that sphere (and I never account for 3D space and the possibility of enemies hanging above the player, as that is a rare thing to find in game.) After that, if the "effective" target cap is higher than the max targets value, I limit it to that. Even the 3ft diameter test is "lose" since only an inch of an entity's collision sphere need to be inside the attack area for it to be considered within the area. My goal with the increase in radius/arc is not necessarily to make every power hit the target caps, but instead to allow tanker versions of aoe powers have an easier time hitting more targets than the versions of the tanker peers. There are some sets that lack AoE, those need looking at independently. Even at +100%, Shadow Maul still ended just being 40 degree arc. I need to give a lot of thought about how I'll address the issues for existing sets. There are various paths I can take and they all have their problems. Dark Melee and Super Strength are great examples. Both are lacking on the AoE department, but have powers that can drastically boost the power of Epic AoE powers beyond what anyone else can. That cant be dismissed even if not everyone is expected to pick pool AoE powers. At the same time, I want any improvement to a set to be near-universal, this means it needs to help Stalker versions of the sets, and that is hard when some sets with just one AoE lost it on their Stalker transition.
  12. As noted: will be reviewed if the goal is not met. There will also be some set specific buffs in the future that I need to taken into account.
  13. Unlikely to even hit 2 as it is, getting 5 would be extremely lucky (even if you wasted a lot of time accommodating foes.) Reason to do this then? Simple consistency. Melee cones are supposed to have a target cap of 5. There are other rule breakers, like Crowd Control, but some of them would actually result in a nerf, so go untouched.
  14. It was not targeted, the same applies to all auras that are not self-buffing scale auras like invincibility. Raw damage or debuff auras rely on the global proc. The powers all still take taunt enhancements.
  15. All auras will still taunt as they always have. The only difference between doing so via the proc or via attribs in the powers is how it displays in the power info. An ice tank or brute can still rub multiple auras and have all of them taunt via the 100% chance global taunt inherent proc.
  16. Even if some might had considered that a use for it, it was never the intended reason. It was added very specifically to make up for the fact that tankers where forced to pick the T1, the worst possible power in almost all melee sets. This is also the reason it was non-stackable.
  17. Nothing, they stay in the power but can’t slot them again if you respec, nor can they be slotted on a new alternate build.
  18. The way the change was done, its very unlikely any power was missed, but it's possible that they got missed in the patch notes. Please, if you see a known problem power not listed, double check if its fixed and let us know so we can update the notes.
  19. Verified Willpower's RttC, not sure why it isnt showing in the game but taunt is indeed in the power attribs.
  20. My 2 cents: Knockback is a mechanic that adds a lot of "power" feel to a player. It is usually disliked in this game only because it gets in the way of optimizing kill time (something that goes back to the root of this game over-rewarding kill speed instead of task completion, but that's a topic for another day.) That is a feeling of power I heavily am against removing from the game. A reason I heavily oppose the addition of a global switch for KnockBack is that as soon as it's available, anyone that does not use it will become an outcast, accused of trolling, and what not. Ideally, I would like to see improvements to the game that could help tone down (never remove) the downsides of knocback (note that most of the stuff I write here are just wishful thinking items, other than the first bullet point.) Improve Immob's ability to lock enemies in place so they cant be knocked back, across the board (In the works already) Provide a tool for melee characters to close gaps with their targets (most modern games actually give melee classes similar tools on some cool-down.) Less likely to happen, but potentially provide a tool some tool to some, like a PBAoE, that could allow re-centering a large group of enemies. Perhaps imagine a PBAoE version of teleport foe. Add Event-Driven bonuses to knockback, allowing for bonuses to powers that hit an enemy that has been knocked back (these event systems exist in game but rarely used, mostly used by suppression mechanics.)
  21. The proc was expanded to trigger of most attacks, I don't have the details at hand right now but need to fix that patch note. Thought I already had but obviously wrong.
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