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Captain Powerhouse

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Everything posted by Captain Powerhouse

  1. That was not even the goal. The first thing I did when that feature was added was give Castle a huge spreadsheets of numbers proving that it would rarely, if ever, translate on any significant damage boost. I was told that actually was the goal, it was not intended to increase damage, it was intended to make the use of the T1 power, that on almost every case was the worst power in the set, not be as terrible of a choice. It gets worse with the purple patch affecting Bruise. Against a +3 foe, bruise just applies a -13% res, -9.6% against a +4. Even on a team setting, in most content you are better of not bothering applying it.
  2. As part of their inherent power, tankers get a buff that works similar to Boost Range, but it boosts Radius and Arc of powers. The arc of Cones gets boosted by +100% and the radius of PBAoEs are boosted by +100%. This means a 90 degree cone will actually cover a 180 area, while a 10ft PBAoE will cover 20ft. Any power that has more than 90 degree cone, or more than 10ft radius, is immune to this buff.
  3. Like it or not, the Tanker is not the only Tank archetype in the game, just like Defender is not the only Support archetype. Fury scaling was already nerfed when Going Rogue came out. If anything, I'd argue Kheled tanking capabilities need improvement, it's just something I would not do without first addressing Tankers first.
  4. Due to many reasons, deciding and technical ones (the whole mutual exclusive thing is quite a bit of a hack) there wont be any more mutually exclusive powers in the foreseeable future. Master/Practiced brawler was an experiment that we were meaning to remove years ago, but due to many RL things, it never got done.
  5. Brutes contribute to the issue but are not the only issue. The game has evolved and made tanking itself less relevant. The playerbase in this game will allow a brawl-only-concept build to join groups and get to 50, but truth is the tanker is at a disadvantage. Over the years many things have been considered, but they all eventually change the way the archetype plays too much. A primary goal of this change is to improve tankers in a way they can log into the game without reading any patch note and play exactly the same. Turning the tanker into buffers, or controllers, or any other team support role, would be too big of a change (ironically I myself suggested such an approach to the live team almost a decade ago, I got a very similar reply, and I have come to agree with that reply.) A big chunk of tankers seem to enjoy leveraging herding foes in a way only their survivability allows (pre-IOs) so it feels, to me, focusing on this target cap and area increases puts more focus on a way a large number of players already were optimizing the archetype towards.
  6. Increased target caps don’t just mean more damage, it means all your secondary effects hit more enemies. More knockdowns, more -def, more -ToHit, etc. and of course more taunted enemies. I’m paying attention to the notes on level changes, making both powers available at level 1 is not an option, the game has hard coded validations that prevent this, and it would have to be a game wide change, not just for tankers. I understand concerns with themes and being forced to take the elemental weapons, I may look into offering raw melee/weapon free themes for these powers.
  7. This is halving the -def debuff and translating that half into -res. The goal being it’s less punishing to defense builds and more equally punishing to all builds.
  8. That was an originally idea tossed for discussion but quite a few seem to detest the no-stacking nerf, and single stack rage is not as problematic as multi-stacked, why the crash only gets to be avoided if you wait for it to fade before reactivating. Maybe we need a vote survey on that.
  9. That patch was a dud, it should be fixed in the next patch, sadly the next patch might need a while in Justin before moving to prod, it’s a big one.
  10. It’s working as designed. It’s a 100% chance for a 10s proc on the power you slot it. Slotting it on a click is not ideal.
  11. Of the top of my head, requires a contaminated target.
  12. The complaint has been the drones damage is not worth the continuous summoning. At the time, also, the devices might be the only set without any form of aoe crowd control. Giving drone a small amount of taunt allows the pet to serve as a temporary meat shield between the blaster and the enemies. In team content, the taunt should be nowhere near strong enough to steal aggro from a brute or tanker. Between all it’s tools, a /dev blaster now should to more than enough damage, so increasing the damage of the drone is not a viable solution, nor turning it into an Achilles hill delivery mechanism.
  13. Will be addressed at some point. The power WAS supposed to be single target melee TP attack.
  14. Bug; it should not say you can. They go only on mez powers. Will be fixed Soon(TM)
  15. That extra damage only worked with Devices to make up for the fact that it didn’t have build up. It never worked with any other set, and only worked if Targeting Drone was active. Now targeting Drone gives the damage buff directly, regardless what primary you are using.
  16. Are you saying it automatically stopped working in 10 seconds? Or did you click it twice and turned it off? It should last 120 seconds before it shuts down on its own, but you can shut it down at any time to start the cooldown earlier.
  17. The fix to this should be in the next minor patch, not sure when that will hit, though, I'm not involved with scheduling.
  18. The +range will be back for Blasters on all versions of snipe. That should had made it back in at some point during the iteration process.
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