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Captain Powerhouse

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Everything posted by Captain Powerhouse

  1. No. If you want that benefit you still will want to take the T1 from your secondary.
  2. It's not supposed to be customizable at all. But of the No Redraw system, will be fixed (I know it wont be a popular)
  3. I'll double check but its possible for "ground only" effects to apply while flying if near the ground.
  4. Not a bug, just current limitations with toggles that create pets. Hopefully we can come up with something to accommodate these powers.
  5. Hey guys just dropping by for a few quick updates: The pet AI is being looked at. It should had been set to ranged from the start (it has no melee attacks so it just going into melee was never intended.) We will still tweak the pet AI a bit further, even after launch if needed. It not using the Enfeebling Lullaby at all is a bug that was already fixed internally, should be fixed in the next patch. The pet technically can continue to attack even if you are held, depending on the attack. Each power you use has different durations on the pet, and can stack to a limit. Sometimes the duration is just long enough for the power to force its recharge, but in other cases its quite more. Following is a list: Power Base Duration Max Duration Delay Rch Pref Melodic Binding 10 20 2 2 1x Hymn of Dissonance 10 20 2 4 2x Aria of Stasis 7 14 4 8 1x Impassioned Serenade 7 14 2 8 3x Dreadful Discord 18 36 4 20 2x Enfeebling Lullaby 18 36 4 20 2x Confounding Chant 43 86 5 45 3x Chords of Despair 118 236 5 120 4x Also keep in mind the pet will not always use the power as soon as available, if there are multiple powers available, the AI may pick something else. based on the preference values listed above. Preference is not a fixed value, it is just a modifier to a dice roll, so dont expect Hymn of Dissonance to always be used before Melodic Binding. Melodic Binding in particular can be very useful since it has the lowest recharge and a 20s duration, if used often enough, even if you are held, reverb might still be able to use it up to an additional 10x times while you are held. One final note: This is not exclusive to this set, but it is extremely rare that we will ever change a power from one type to another without a ton of good reason. Such change will usually mean significant fx and art changes that just are not trivial, not to mention, sometimes the goal is for the set to just feel a certain way. I know if it was up to a lot of people, every single aoe in the game would be a TAoE.
  6. Just because you ask so nicely, I'll even hop on my time machine, go back a year or so, and do just that!
  7. It was a continued feedback here that players wanted the wider angle because most players feel the set is more often played closer to melee range. The power will not get a full 135 degree/60ft arc fear, so we going for what most players keep saying they want: more melee range flexibility. I'm neutral on it being what 135/30 or 45/60, but if there was any opposition to the mindset that the power would be better used in melee, I didn't notice it. Actually, this is a bit of a lie: I personally would prefer the 45/60 version for my own playstyle. Would love to see some discussion on what everyone else would prefer between the two options. It had that, and this thread kept insisting they wanted a wider radius than Fearsome Stare, for the reasons I noted above. It's not highly used but its also not that uncommon at all in this game for powers to have a smaller radius for some effects. Shield Charge is a good example, a chunk of its damage only occurs within 5ft radius, while the power has a 20ft radius. Lightning Rod is similar, with an even smaller radius for most of its damage (3ft radius) and Storm Summoning's Hurricane only repels foes within 15ft radius despite having a 25ft radius.
  8. The initial internal test was done that way, and it was dimmed to be too good. The adjustment was meant to make the fear in Cold Snap to be equivalent in usability to Dark Control's Fearsome Stare without nerfing the current debuff area, therefore the dual area setup. The set might still get further updates in the future, but its unlikely that Cold Snap will change much if at all from its current form.
  9. It's unlikely that there will be a dark theme. The set uses quite a bit of geometric fx, and we cant easily create dark tintable versions of those, they would never match a dark theme. Enfeebling Lullaby was already fixed internally.
  10. I already noted there will be at least one more patch reviewing the suppression window. One thing I wanted to clarify though, since I see a lot of people hung up on it, is my comment about the 8 second/4 toggle average while missing the end of that sentence: players no longer get rooted/locked on cast time. I could had clarified this better, but it was indeed thought of that not everyone runs 4 offensive toggles, but there are many other things we observed. Maybe some more advanced players currently are lightning fast at re-toggling those powers as soon as they break out of mez, but it is not uncommon to see people prioritize on many other things before they prioritize activating those toggles. A self heal, throwing a hold on a foe, maybe simply try to finish the enemy off with a high damage attack, among many other actions. Then there is also how often players entirely just opt not to turn back toggles until the fight is over. This was mostly an observational thing, not datamined (we cant do that granular of a datamining,) but its very common that players either forget entirely or feel its not worth the cast time when the fight is mid way. After evaluating all the advantages, pros and cons, of what this brings to the table, the number zig-zagged from 10s, to 8s, to 5s, back to 8s, at least for the initial test wave. Again, the value will be adjusted again for the next patch, keep an eye on the patch notes.
  11. The Psi res in unstoppable is indeed unenhanceable. Will update patch notes to clarify.
  12. The pet will do things when it wants to do them, just like any other control set pet. There is no distance limits for the pet to acquire the echo power, but who knows how player distance affects the AI. It wont have any powers to use until you do something, then it will have a power, but that power will have its own cooldown and that cooldown is unaffected by your recharge enhancements. This means you might be able to use powers faster than they cool down on the pet. If you have a perma-hasten build and can spam the stun or hun fast, dont expect the same out of the pet. Right now there is a delay between when you use a power and when the pet gets it. That timer varies per power, some up to 15s later, the delay timers are being reduced in the next patch. Domination does not affect the pet, same as any other control set. Nor does Containment.
  13. Might. There is a high chance there wont be much bandwidth to get that done and players might have to rely on modding. Keep an eye out for future updates.
  14. A note about the sounds: Originally the set started life with the name Music Control, and the fx were simply borrowed and modified versions of talon critters. The sounds are just coming from there, and any oddity between the set name and the sounds, chalk it to me being sold by the team that Symphony Control was way more fitting a name given the power names. I considered making an alternate theme with new, entirely instrumental sounds (something that would had sounded very similar to that one scene in Doctor Strange: Multiverse of Darkness, we have no way of just removing the voice from the current sounds [spoiler link]) but there was not enough interest on it during closed beta and time was limited. If I have time sometime before we are out of beta, I'll see if it can be done.
  15. We are nowhere near a release candidate [I don't think] and I had RL stuff hit me in the face delaying a lot of the stuff I was working on. My side of the patches that went in were committed before RL decided to interfere.
  16. Thank you everyone for all the feedback. Due to a RL emergency will likely not be able to post a follow-up anytime soon but wanted to quickly address a recurring theme that seems to have stalled the thread: As far as the single target confuse goes, 3 powers don’t make a rule. If 100 powers existed that followed the rule, then, at that point, it could be considered mandatory that a single target confuse needs to be no-notify. Once upon a time, every AoE confuse didn’t alert, until one was created that did. While creating the set, I wanted to make something different, something that played uniquely. The confuse in this set, from my perspective, is meant to be seen more as you would a hold or a stun, one that happens to bring the target’s abilities to aid you. Symphony is meant to be a loud set, and stealth or discretion are definitively far removed from its design direction. This might not mean future ST confuses, if any, will start notifying, but it also does not mean there wont ever again be a ST confuse that notifies. If it fits the direction and theme of a set, a similar thing might be seen again. The issues with interface DoT and damaging sleep powers is a known one, until recently there was no obvious way around it but during the development of this set we figured a way around it and are testing it right now with Confounding Chant (its damage ticks don’t apply to sleeping targets.) If this technique works as expected, it will eventually be applied to interface DoTs. All this said, please, don’t spend pages arguing with each other. State your opinions and don’t try to convince each other. Friendly discussions about potential tactics are fine, but when you start repeating things at each other, you are just making keeping up with the feedback much harder.
  17. Reverberant versions of the powers have lower recharge rates than the player ones, since their recharge cant be enhanced. They have many other differences. They are just echoes, not copies.
  18. You are right. I pulled Fearsome Stare because, for some reason, my search brought Fearsome Stare when i filtered for Terrify. My brain did tell me that sounded wrong, but i trusted my eyes.
  19. Symphony Control isn't intended to be a Sonic set, and as you suggest, a Sonic Control set is still a possibility.
  20. It is a toggle, but its one that creates a pet. There are a few extra steps needed for this change to be able to apply to toggles that create pets.
  21. No technical ways around it. The suppression is based on event timers. The power simply constantly asks the game "how many seconds since I was last held/stunned/sleeped?" The timer can be adjusted, but not that aspect. Any adjustment is dependent on testing testing testing.
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