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Posts posted by nightroarer

  1. I have no alts, just 80 mains.


    My highest level character is a couple bars from 30 -- and that is just fine with me. I'm in no hurry. 🙂


    I never farm or power-level. As others have said, I do try to vary the paths of my characters. Some do the new tutorial; others do the old. Same with contacts, although I also mix new and old for variety. I have one character that started by being the protector of Galaxy City (using the base teleporter to get there) and did street sweeping of muggers, thieves, etc, for his first nine levels. I created my own storylines for him. Some characters do AE missions (stories, not farms) and level really slowly. Some characters are soloers, while others team with my wife and/or daughter (who are also avid SG base designers). Our bases are designed for both function and RP fun.


    One may ask how I have time to play that many characters. The answer is simple: it doesn't require any more time to play 80 characters than it takes to play one. It is all a matter of how I choose to spend my time in game during a given play session. If it means I never reach the level cap on any character, that's okay, as long as I am having fun.


    There are so many ways to play this game, it is incredible. Thank you to the Homecoming team for bringing it back. 🙂

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  2. 26 minutes ago, The Philotic Knight said:

    Guess what, @Ultimo, you already CAN do a lot of what you're talking about in-game. Not all of it, but a lot of it. It's called Architect Entertainment. You can make a nemesis, you can make missions where you're a REAL villain and work towards global domination. The tools are there. Sure, you can't make changes to the ACTUAL game world, but with AE you can "pretend" any storyline that you wish. 

    What "pretend?" I treat good stories in AE just the same as any official missions. I just use a different teleporter to get there. :)

    • Like 3
  3. 1 hour ago, gameboy1234 said:

    Then again everybody just runs DFB instead and bypasses these early contact anyway, so I don't think it could be justified in terms of the labor involved.  Still neat to think about.

    Perhaps "most people" would be a more accurate assessment. My family and I never run DFB; we do the early level missions. Some of our characters run the new contact missions, some do the outbreak tutorial and run the original missions. Some do a blend of old and new contacts. Variety is good. 🙂

    • Like 1
  4. 4 hours ago, The Philotic Knight said:

    And knowing that, my personal morality is based all around how you treat other people. Do you make things better for other people, or do you make things worse for them? And in the MBA courses I took - that was NOT a part of the equation. It was a cold, hard, calculation of what's best to create and maintain maximal profitability. People were tools, pawns, or in their words "assets" to be utilized, just as a building or piece of machinery is utilized. When I realized that THAT is what they were teaching, that's when I decided to leave the program, because I CANNOT do that. I can't dehumanize others and see them as assets, and make decisions based on their perceived worth.

    Agreed. Employees are not assets, they are people. I understand that investors invest to make money, but employees work to make a living as well. There needs to be a balance of interests to keep the company profitable and yet still support the people doing the work that help make it so.

  5. 2 hours ago, The Philotic Knight said:

    That's exactly the problem - it's callous, it's "not personal"... it's inhuman. This is one of the reasons why I preach against the concept of "limited liability", because it lets corporations get away with doing nasty things because the people making the decisions are divorced from the effects of those decisions. Whereas if it's a sole proprietorship or partnership, those that make the decisions are PERSONALLY responsible for the results of those actions. It forces the companies to "remain human", for the lack of a better term. The further we get away from that, the easier it is for companies to make bad choices that hurt people. I personally think that the very concept of limited liability should be stricken from the books. NOBODY should be able to make a decision and then not have to be personally responsible for the results of that decision. If we did that, then better decisions would be made, for the betterment of all.

    I understand what you are saying, and even agree in part. Unfortunately, what you describe is only half the story. LLC is also in place to protect businesses (especially small businesses) from the maliciousness of others. All it takes is one frivolous lawsuit from someone with money to drive a small business with limited funds out of business. It doesn't matter whether the lawsuit is successful or has any merit or not; the legal costs can be enough to destroy not only the business, but the business owner's home and family if there are no personal protections in place. This has happened many times and is a big part of why the LLC model came into being.


    I would never start a business without limited liability protection, not because I want to do dirt to someone else, but because I want to protect my family from someone else doing dirt to me. If you eliminate limited liability, you pretty much put a stop to small startups and independents. In other words, it would put all of the financial power in the hands of the bigger money corporations that you worry about doing nasty things to people in the first place.


    I'm not sure what a good middle ground would be, but removing protections from the little guy with limited resources is not a reasonable idea at all.

    • Thanks 1
  6. 2 hours ago, RialVestro said:

    Imagine how I feel.


    I had a story going across SIX story arcs. 30 missions in total that all worked together to tell one cohesive story. They were even clearly numbered in parts so players couldn't mistakenly play events out of order.


    I left the game before the servers actually went down because the same day the game became free my computer suffered the Blue Screen of Death. So all of those files are GONE!


    And if you're wandering how I managed to get 6 story arcs... three of them were published on my account and the other three were published on my dad's account.



    If I get back into creating AE arcs again, I too will have six available. Three on my account and three on my wife's account.

  7. 1 hour ago, RialVestro said:

    They wouldn't have access to anything that was created on live... If that were a possibility we should also have access to our old characters.


    Plus AE missions were stored LOCALLY on your own computer not in the servers. Other players who some how managed to not delete their files or replace their computers in 8 years have been able to simply transfer the files from the old CoH folders to the Homecoming folders and then just publish from there. But if you don't have your original files you'll have to recreate everything from scratch.

    Yeah, that's what I figured. I didn't know if publishing it on the servers would create a server copy or not.


    I've been scouring my saved files and apparently did not save the mission folder. Ugh and other comments.

  8. 3 hours ago, E1125 said:

    The reason for that is that most of those people are doing radio missions; where the zone you play is basically irrelevant, so people go for the basic ones.

    I see very few people recruiting for story missions at all, not just Faultline and the Hollows.

    That's kind of a generalization. I rarely do generic radio missions unless I'm close to finishing out a level to get a new contact. Story missions are the primary part of the game for me. However, going with full teams for story missions is a bit overkill. Solo, duo, trio seems the best fit for story missions (in my playstyle; opinions and playstyles certainly vary 🙂 ).


    One great thing about CoH is that both the new and old tutorials and missions are still available, so there is a great variety of content to do--including radio missions. Using the search button for contacts instead of taking whatever contact is next in line based on your current quest line gives even more options. 

  9. 1 minute ago, MetaVileTerror said:

    Communication is fantastic!  Thank you, kindly.
    When the policy is ready to go in to effect, will a precise date be announced, or will it just be a "stealth update" sort of affair?  How many weeks of notice will be given, if the former?

    This. In anticipation of the policy, I've tried to make a habit of logging in characters when they are reaching the "danger zone" for their level, but a good heads up announcement will help.

    • Thanks 1
  10. One thing you can try is refining your search parameters with the options in the search tool. Another would be to search for [sfma] (player acronym for story-focused mission arc). SFMA is held over from live, but may not be widely used.


    None of these are perfect. I, too, wish there was a list available, but at least the search tool in AE gives us some options.

  11. 20 hours ago, Twisted Toon said:

    Currently, the game supports all of those playstyles. Are you suggesting that they remove some of them?


    I think the main thing that this game did correctly was that it "catered" to many different play-styles. Which, drew more people to the game than a game focused solely on PvP or large group content. taking away some of those various play-styles will disillusion some of the player-base that preferred those play-styles, and we'd have fewer people playing the game.

    This right here. Well said.

  12. On 5/27/2019 at 12:14 PM, MERCURY DRIPS said:


    I like this !

    Probably more than 10 to my mind, but limiting the available slot to a smaller version than what we have today, and allow progressively with time spent in game to increase this number.

    Exemple : start to 15 slot and be able to go up to +100%, wich mean 30 character slot for intensive players.

    I currently have 59 characters and none are for name-camping. Some are soloers, some were created to team with specific people so that we level together, some are open to PUGs, etc. There are so many power and costume combos available in this game that it is ripe for creating many characters. 10-30 characters is nothing in CoH.


    I had over 170 when CoH shut down before. There were times it took me a little effort to find a name that was not taken, but I never settled for a "bad" name. Even when Paragon implemented a timed name reuse policy, people still complained that all the "good" names were taken. I don't expect that to be any different when HC implements their policy.


    Limiting players' creativity is rarely the best answer.

    • Thanks 1
  13. 5 hours ago, XaoGarrent said:

    Everything prior to 22 is a complete slog for most sets, even with inherent fitness, and most builds don't really feel like they're coming together in a fully coherent functional manner until at least the late 20s or early 30s.


    There's a meme that regularly does the rounds that goes along the lines of "the real game starts at 50" and there's a good reason for that. The game regularly gives me the impression that what it really wants me to do regarding existing content is to burn my way all the way to cap and then SK down or use Oro for story content. It's way, way more fun to do it that way than the "proper" or "normal" way.


    Champions Online actually managed to mostly fix this problem, it's just a shame about... Almost everything else. I really long for the day someone releases a superhero MMO with the kind of story and style City of Heroes has, the character creation depth of Champions Online, and a new initiative: Be less MMO and more Superhero.

    That's an opinion, not a fact. I enjoy the pre-20 levels as well as higher levels. For me, if "the real game starts at 50," it's not a game worth playing. That is, if 50 levels of journey is not enjoyable, why bother to play the game at all? I do not raid or PvP; I find both repetitive and boring. I want a story-filled journey.


    As to Champions Online, my family played it after CoH shut down. As recently as a month before we found out about Homecoming, while we were finishing up a mission in CO, my daughter commented wistfully "I miss City of Heroes." CO has some definite pluses, but for overall fun factor--from level one forward--CoH wins hands down for us.


    Opinions may, and do, vary. And that's okay.🙂

    • Like 4
  14. Undoubtedly a question for the dev team and most likely will result in a "no" answer, but I figured it couldn't hurt to ask.


    I published a mission on the live servers titled "Granny Granite and the Senior Moment Gang." I have my old custom critters/custom villain groups folders, but cannot locate the missions folder or my old design sheets. Would the old published AE missions be stored in the data the Homecoming team has, and if so, can they retrieve and/or release them by request from the original author?

  15. 12 minutes ago, RikOz said:

    And there are far too few of them. There were a handful of AE story arcs I really enjoyed back on live, but unfortunately they have not returned the way some of the "top" arcs came back. Those arcs I especially liked were more lighthearted and humorous. I remember one where you teamed up with an alternate-universe Albert Einstein, and another pretty hilarious arc where you had to stop Arachnos' efforts to smuggle dihydrogen monoxide into Paragon City (it was based upon the real-world dihydrogen monoxide hoax). I seem to recall playing some of the arcs that did get resurrected, back on live, but while I thought they were very well done, they were a bit too grim for my taste. I've also encountered a few that looked interesting, but they were marked for "levels 45-53" or some other high-level range, meaning I can't really enjoy them on a lowbie toon.


    I do still recall the time back on live when I stumbled into my first fire farm, not realizing what it was. Zoned in, immediately died, chose a different mission.

    I had a story arc on live called "Granny Granite and the Senior Moment Gang." Most people who played it gave nice reviews. Unfortunately, I don't seem to have saved the mission folder from my old PC. I have the custom critters/custom groups, but not the mission text itself.

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