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Ice Armor skippables?


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On my ice tanks I don't often take hibernate, though some will tell you it is a power you should absolutely take. I generally don't grab permafrost either.


I definitely grab glacial armor, and I always get the fighting pool. I put the +def IOs in to Tough. If I got permafrost, those IOs would go in that power.

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Ice armor is my favorite tank, I take all the powers. Glacial armor is not skippable. With proper IO slotting you can have soft cap S/L/E/N and decent resistance to everything else. I take hibernate just for those oh **** moments when I’m fighting a particularly stubborn AV. Permafrost is maybe the only skippable one, but gives you a little extra fire resistance and it’s an IO Mule. Hibernate and permafrost only get the 1 slot. Shields are 6 slot, icicle 4 slot with procs. 

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I've made an Ice Armor/Rad Melee for tanking.

He's technically a Brute so that I could build that combo, but he's going to tank.

for movement he's a hoverporter but I hadn't chosen his other pools, I'd looked at fighting specifically for tough.  He's going to have so many toggles going its silly. 

Would Hasten be a worthwhile grab?

I can already see the character will be an endurance hog.  I'm going to have to do a lot of endurance cost slotting.


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I almost always skip Hibernate, never Glacial Armor.  I always take Permafrost too, partly as a place to slot IO's, and partly for the -RECH and - SPEED resist.  When you get done with an Ice Armor build I think you wind up with 80% resist to those two things; just add a Winter's Gift and you're at 100% resist to -RECH and -SPEED.

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