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Fire/Rad Controller Information Request


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So I thought about building a Fire/Rad Controller. The set looks like it would be absolutely OP as all get-out. However, it also looks like it would be one of the most endurance heavy builds in game, second to none, on par with Titan/Dark for Scrappers. It also looks like it would be a completely impossible to pull off everything that would need to be done before the mobs melt away.


For an example, with Hot Feet and Choking Cloud running, you have this combination that follows: Smoke, Flashfire/Cinders, Fire Cages, Bonfire, Radiation Infection, Enervating Field, (and per situational) Lingering Radiation. That is a long list of powers having to be used on each mob that would suck your endurance dry and it seems like by the time you got halfway through this list, your mobs would already be melted away by the DPS.


This looks like an endurance nightmare that might be completely overkill for anything in game outside of AV's and GM's.


Anyone out there who has this build mind giving me a head's up on what I can expect? Or has my predictions hit head on?

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Realistically at top levels you're probably opening with Flashfire, then Bonfire, Cages as your standard routine.


The toggles are there for when you run into something immune to Stun and Hold. Mainly, this is any enemy with Dispersion Bubble. But oddly enough most enemy groups that have Dispersion Bubble don't use it anymore after level 40 or so. It's sort of strange, but its why high level Circle of Thorns are easier than mid-level.


While leveling up or examplared you will use the toggles a lot. And also in any situation where enemies run at you in a steady trickle instead of helpfully gathering into one big group you can fit in a 20ft Flashfire AoE.



Edited by oedipus_tex
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  • 2 months later

I have been running a Fire/Rad/Mu controller for a while now and it is pretty cool. But as you suspect it is an endurance HOG. The Mu Power Sink power is pretty awesome though. It helps a lot on an End. hungry AoE heavy build.


I have both Hotfeet and Choking Cloud six slotted, with HF frankenslotted to max dam, acc and end. red. CC I have slotted with 2 end.red, and then procs that add +2 mag hold and a damage one.


I ran at -1/2 difficulty until I got imps at 32 and then 0/2. Could probably run higher, but bosses are a bit of an issue because ST damage is not so hot and I cannot stun them with Flashfire.


Most spawns are Flashfire -> fire cages -> move in and let the imps and auras hold and melt them.

Boss spawns are Bonfire (this knocks him off his feet. While he is getting up)-> Char -> Char -> move in and drop RA & EF -> Char. Let imps and auras melt.


Hopefully I have enough time to drop a couple holds on him before he gets up. I also often stand n the Bonfire to keep any other surrounding mobs from getting to me.


Works well enough most of the time, except when it doesn't, because some bosses are REALLY resistant to knockdown/up/back. Also, after 35 almost every mob will do something that drops your toggles and so recharge on them is a lot more important than I originally thought.

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On my troller, im use fire/nature,.With nature also have an AOE HOLD,..i have for that all I need to do in run in to mob pack cast CHAR on boss and most of the pack is on hold,....trust in CC,.it will do TON of work for you,..on most mob pack only boss is of concern,..i only have 4 slotted Basilisk gaze,..im also running at +1x3 at lvl 44 atm.

give it a chance and itll surprise u how much control that 1 POWER can bring.,..


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