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Remaking MM

Eric the Grey

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I'm beginning to think I need to remake my MM (Wolfs/Force Field) who is currently level 36.  I don't feel I'm getting enough use of the FF powers, and am thinking of changing to Nature, or something like trick arrow for more DPS.   So far, I just don't think I"m getting enough use out of FF at all.  


I know you cannot change primary and secondary powers when you re-spec a toon, and that invested enhancements can be dropped into inventory until you want to apply them.  My though and question is, if I create a new toon with the build I like, can I send them (attuned) over to the new character or are they locked to the current one?  


Alternately, if someone has suggestions on making FF more worthwhile, I'm all ears.    I currently only use three powers in the set (Force Bolt, Deflection Shield and Repulsion Field), and the rest seem to be just going to waste. 


Here is an export how she stands at level 36.  I only applied the set pieces I've picked up so far, not bothering with vendor-bought enhancements. 


Planner Link


On a separate note, using Midas, is there a way to back off a slot click?  In the above, there are two extra slots in Aid Self.  I made an earlier miss-click and ended up starting over from scratch, and it's kind of annoying.



😎Eric the Grey


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I hate /ff. Stating my bias. It just feels old, clunky, and like it doesn't contribute enough to your character or a team. Defense is easy to come by, lots of other things are not. 


For beast? They're a defense based set. You want defense based secondary. /Cold, /Traps, /Time are your top contenders. /Nature is solid but it pairs better with demons than beasts imo. More synnergy. I highly recommend /Time. Beasts are super mobile. Melee pets can be hard to keep under like a forcefield gen. /Time and /Cold both allow you to buff your pets and then they stay buffed even if they run around a bit. /Time includes a pbaoe debuff that's solid and a heal that I feel like for beasts would be the tie breaker. The one argument I have for /traps is that if you DO have an easy time with pet management then /traps will give you the most time to spam your primary beast attacks while being fully active with the secondary. But I feel like you'll get the most mileage out of /time. 

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15 hours ago, TheSpiritFox said:

I hate /ff. Stating my bias. It just feels old, clunky, and like it doesn't contribute enough to your character or a team. Defense is easy to come by, lots of other things are not. 


Yea, that's my feeling as well.  


15 hours ago, TheSpiritFox said:

For beast? They're a defense based set. You want defense based secondary. /Cold, /Traps, /Time are your top contenders. /Nature is solid but it pairs better with demons than beasts imo. More synnergy. I highly recommend /Time. Beasts are super mobile. Melee pets can be hard to keep under like a forcefield gen. /Time and /Cold both allow you to buff your pets and then they stay buffed even if they run around a bit. /Time includes a pbaoe debuff that's solid and a heal that I feel like for beasts would be the tie breaker. The one argument I have for /traps is that if you DO have an easy time with pet management then /traps will give you the most time to spam your primary beast attacks while being fully active with the secondary. But I feel like you'll get the most mileage out of /time. 


I don't know if this is my experience.  There is nothing more satisfying than watching the wolf-pack rip the bad guys to pieces. 😄  I haven't played much with Time, but I have a Cold toon on the villain side with cold. Haven't gotten far enough to see if it's worthwhile yet, but yes, the "other" buffs are nice with cold.  


I've not even looked at Traps.  I don't have much trouble with pet management.  Set them to attack and use the "Attack my target" command mapped to the ` key on my keyboard, and they go where I send them to rend and shred.   Move on to the next target.  I might create a test toon to check it out and see.  



😎Eric the Grey

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I'll second the dislike of FF these days. It's a set that was very useful in a time before IOs & Incarnate powers. Nowadays everyone & their dog has IOd their way to 30% defense or more, & it's easier to get status resistance than it used to be. It's an OK set, but I'd rather bring the 3 sets Spirit Fox brought up, because they'll give decent def bonuses and ALSO have effects that will increase your group's DPS. Can't contribute anything useful for discussing Nature, as it wasn't in the game when I quit playing (is it a Homecoming thing?) & I haven't really looked at it here. 


For your Mids question at the end there, if you hold shift & L-click it'll remove the slot you clicked on. Something to keep in mind when  you start deleting slots is that you can use the "Slots" menu to have their levels auto-sorted. If you end up with slots you can't place where you want them, go up to said Slots menu & somewhere in there is an option to "Auto-arrange all slots" (I want  to say it's under a sub-menu at the bottom of that dropdown, but I'm not in front of it). Anyway, if you click that option it causes whatever slots you have left to become the highest level slots you have available, which usually results in being able to put them in anything sub-50 (occasionally sub-49, if you use all your lvl 50 slots on your lvl 49 power).

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22 hours ago, Seroster01 said:

For your Mids question at the end there, if you hold shift & L-click it'll remove the slot you clicked on. Something to keep in mind when  you start deleting slots is that you can use the "Slots" menu to have their levels auto-sorted. If you end up with slots you can't place where you want them, go up to said Slots menu & somewhere in there is an option to "Auto-arrange all slots" (I want  to say it's under a sub-menu at the bottom of that dropdown, but I'm not in front of it). Anyway, if you click that option it causes whatever slots you have left to become the highest level slots you have available, which usually results in being able to put them in anything sub-50 (occasionally sub-49, if you use all your lvl 50 slots on your lvl 49 power).


Thanks for that tip.


I've been playing around with a MM with Time.  Time is a strange powerset.  I've probably not played with it long enough to really see it in all its glory, but I've always felt kind of meh about it.  I'm going to try and level a bit more this time before making a real decision. 


Still wondering about transferring the attuned enhancement sets via email to a new toon though.  Does anyone know if it's possible?


I really appreciate the assistance here by the way.


😎 Eric the Grey

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1 hour ago, Eric the Grey said:

I've been playing around with a MM with Time.  Time is a strange powerset.  I've probably not played with it long enough to really see it in all its glory, but I've always felt kind of meh about it.  I'm going to try and level a bit more this time before making a real decision.

Feel free to crib tips and tricks from my Ninja/Time/Mace build for use with your rebuild, including (and especially) notions about taking the personal attacks for your Mastermind.  Trust me, it makes WAY MORE difference in actual gameplay than you'd think just by looking at things in a build planner.


And you're right, that Time is something of a strange powerset in that it will take quite a while to mature into its full strength ... but even early on once you've got Temporal Mending and Time's Juncture as power picks (never mind getting fully slotted up later) you'll start seeing a marked difference in how you play with Time Manipulation at your disposal.  Use Time Crawl as a "neutralizer" for Lieutenant/Boss types that you want to reduce the recharge and movement speed of and you'll be sitting pretty, even as early as the mid-teen levels.

1 hour ago, Eric the Grey said:

Still wondering about transferring the attuned enhancement sets via email to a new toon though.  Does anyone know if it's possible?

Should be.  They're traded on the auction house.


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I"m going to go against the grain and spout my love of Force Field. Its a great set that does two things very well: provide DEFENSE and (and this one all the nay-sayers seem to forget) also provides STATUS PROTECTION. That's right, status protection. Hate being held, stunned or immobilized? I know I do. Hate having to wait until Clarion? Hate not having Clarion when you are exemped? Well, Force Field has your back. And that of your pets, too.


Now, you may not like Force Field, but you've really hardly been able to say you've tried it out if you are missing two of its three key powers:


You are missing Insulation Shield. This is important. It protects against RANGED, ENERGY, NEG. ENERGY, FIRE and COLD damage. It also protects against END DRAIN, so your pets and friends can laugh at Malta, Freaks and Carnies who try to drain them dry. Many people do not realize FF does that. But it does, and its useful. How many other sets can protect against END drain? 


You are also missing Dispersion Bubble. This adds Defense again to EVERYTHING (and also protects YOU, the MM). It provides the status protection as well, in a huge area. 

I'm not sure how you can judge FF without having taken either of those powers. They are part of the Big Three (the third being Deflection Bubble, which protects vs. MELEE, SMASH, LETHAL, and provides resistance to TOXIC).  Respec into them and see how you feel about it. Can't hurt. I'd also reccommend reading the Force Fielder's Bible, by Philotic Knight, linked in my signature below. It may help you consider how FF works and how it may apply to what you want to do with it.


I'd also recommend Personal Force Field. Its a great buff that can help prevent wipes, allow you to run through maps, explore dangerous areas, and do stupid MM tank tricks (my favorite being bubble up the pets, then run in with PFF, take the alpha, and then drop it and let pets do the work).


I hope you reconsider FF entirely before dropping it. And for those who dont' like it, that's fair, but at least recognize it does a bit more useful stuff than merely Defense.


(Besides, your iCapped TW/Bio Brute who gets defense debuffed in the ITF is gonna wish he had you there to add extra defense to his own, because he has little or no Defense Debuff Resistance, and you'll help prevent those cascading failures, so MOAR defense is still a good thing - only Shield Defense or Super Reflexes can really afford to not worry much about defense debuffs)



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@Force Redux on Everlasting

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4 hours ago, Force Redux said:

Now, you may not like Force Field, but you've really hardly been able to say you've tried it out if you are missing two of its three key powers:


You are missing Insulation Shield. This is important. It protects against RANGED, ENERGY, NEG. ENERGY, FIRE and COLD damage. It also protects against END DRAIN, so your pets and friends can laugh at Malta, Freaks and Carnies who try to drain them dry. Many people do not realize FF does that. But it does, and its useful. How many other sets can protect against END drain? 


You are also missing Dispersion Bubble. This adds Defense again to EVERYTHING (and also protects YOU, the MM). It provides the status protection as well, in a huge area. 

I'm not sure how you can judge FF without having taken either of those powers. [...[



You've got a valid point.  I can't say for certain at this point why I skipped those two. 


4 hours ago, Force Redux said:

I'd also recommend Personal Force Field. Its a great buff that can help prevent wipes, allow you to run through maps, explore dangerous areas, and do stupid MM tank tricks (my favorite being bubble up the pets, then run in with PFF, take the alpha, and then drop it and let pets do the work).



Yea, I grabbed PFF thinking it sounded cool, but quickly realized I couldn't do much of anything while it was active.  I never thought about using it like this though. 


Given this, I may respec and reallocate my powers and see how it works out once I have a better build.  Thanks for the tips.  


I'm still working on the other two (MM/Time & MM/Traps) and will go back and forth a bit to see which I like better.  


Thanks again everyone for the pointers.  



😎 Eric the Grey

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