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How unkillable can you get?


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If you have harder needed powers, i would pick those over the T8 and T9, i havent tested a fully slotted ground zero on a team but on my rad/staff i just use it as a aoe filler to just add a bit of damage.

As i dont see any exclusion of the radius buff, with a base of 15 its quite big and 90sec base can be made quite spammable. Dispite hero designer saying it does 88 base, i dont really seen it do that much dmg (even on a brute).


T9 meltdown is a panic button, yes it gives 33% dmg buff, but with a base of 8min/1min and a very little crash (bit of end), so use it wisely, it does add nicely to psi putting you base i believe close to 50% resist (along with Fallout shelter), very optional.

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