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(My) Characters and art, old and new.


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So. Back on live, I was a bit of an art "collector." I'd take advantage of pretty much any opportunity to get a piece done of a character or two.


These days... I mostly play with Daz studio (no, I'm not great at it, no, not taking commissions,) though I do get that itch from time to time. Sadly some of the artists that were "go-to" for me don't seem to be around (still don't know what happened to Taclobanon on Deviantart, or Graver, for that matter.)


Still, I thought it might be interesting (eh, to me at least!) to do some old/new stuff, when I have it - an old piece, and maybe something I've messed with and rendered.


Artist credit where I remember it. >.< (I'll try, really!)


Updated - probably infrequently.


Edit: Should probably make clear I was talking about my stuff...  🙂 

Edited by Greycat

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Start off with this:

Deadly Diana. The character that got me to love masterminds. And yes, "Dirty Diana" was what inspired her - having her "crew" get work as roadies and either ripping off or blackmailing shows that came through, eventually getting in with The Family.


Old: Semaj007 and a sketch by... think he goes by Daggerfall, it's been a while.


New? Render in Daz. With her arsonist and a ... not very visible enforcer.


Diana JF.jpg

Deadly Diana Sm.png

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  • 3 weeks later

OK, haven't added to this yet. Mostly working on renders I like when I have some time...


Therra Arcson. First 50 on live, later turned into my first PB, first bit of art from Graver, all sorts of things. This little render in the sewers - well, she has shorter hair now, and I need to find round glasses. Anyway...



Therra attacks2c.png


(Current version - an Elec/Elec sentinel here - Daz render run through PS Elements "comic" filter. Just for something different.)






That piece by Graver 13. He liked the result but hated doing that knotwork around the edges of the background. 🙂 And yes, I love this piece.



therra sketch - dagger.jpg


Sketch, as well. Dagger flattened out her glasses a bit, which... I go back and forth on minding. But it works.

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  • 1 month later

Haven't rendered this one - mostly since I haven't managed to find something I like to do the armor with - but an old fave.


CTI Dreamer. (CT = Crey tank, experimental - and, er, liberated - armor, I = Illusion.)

CTI Dreamer Tacloban.jpg

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Eh. Throw a couple more in here. Some multi character bits. Variations on the first character, to start - Therra Paladina (PB version) vs Therra Malevola (Dark/Therm made by the COT.)  Followed by Feliney Assault and Feliney Mischief.



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  • 4 weeks later

So, since servers are down and I haven't posted here in a while:

I had one ongoing character - actually Therra's daughter. Initially in a sg/duo with her brother, decided to make her own way, joined Longbow, went undercover in the Isles, quit LB after that and became a hero of her own. (I had a fairly long bit written up for them, back on live, explaining the whole thing.)

Erin Snow (emp/psy) / Caitlyn Haruspica (ice/ice corr) / Caitlyn Snow, all in one:


Caitlyn FS by Semaj007.jpg

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Since I'm on ice, here's my Ice/Emp 'troller, who you may have run across on MSRs on Everlasting, Caduccia.

Created her back in single digit issue days. The most memorable things with her are... hmm. First - and really only - character I had, from I3 to the end and in all the time I had here, that I ran across someone with a very similar (but not exactly the same) costume. (Not the one shown here.)

Also - same single digit issue days, back in the hollows, I got invited to a team. Team leader was fine, second person insisted (after I was invited) that we needed a "healer." And *refused* to believe that Controllers had Empathy... despite me standing right there.


Some peoples' kids.


Caduccia PWA.jpg

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And one just for fun.

While I appreciated the *convenience* when trainers were given the ability to be tailors, too, well... IC, I thought it might be problematic.


Here's BABs illustrating one of the issues, with the help of a character of mine and another character run by a friend. I'm not sure it's better with him being outside by a little park now.




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You know, I don't know what ever happened to Graver13. I tried to reach out to him for other pieces and never heard back.  And taclobanon dropped off the face of the earth for a while.

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