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Take Your Child to Work Contest Winners!

GM Miss

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  • Retired Lead Game Master

Hey guys! I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who participated in this contest. We had a TON of submissions on discord and the forums that were creative, funny, cute, and hilarious! Here are our winners:


🏆 First Place 🏆


Submission by Loaf (Discord) 
Description: "Dude, I'm never hiring a babysitter again. This crap is easy."

Second Place


Second Place: Submission by Amidamaru (Discord)

Third Place


Third Place: Submission by Hartanna (Forum) 
Description: "Teaching the young about Kheldian forms!"

Fourth Place

Fourth Place: Submission by Avonlea (Forum) 

Fifth Place


Fifth Place: Submission by Coyotedancer (Forum) 



First Prize: 1000 Merits + Golden Title (#1 Mom/Dad/Parent)

Second Prize: 750 Merits + Golden Title (#1 Mom/Dad/Parent)

Third Prize: 500 Merits + Golden Title (#1 Mom/Dad/Parent)

Fourth Prize: 300 Merits + Golden Title (#1 Mom/Dad/Parent)

Fifth Prize: 150 Merits + Golden Title (#1 Mom/Dad/Parent)


I will be in contact with the winners on discord/forums for prize giveaways. 

If you If you missed this contest or didn't win - please be on the look out for more contests just like this in the months to come!

Edited by GM Miss
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Contact me on Discord (Miss#1337) for a faster response!


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The following is considered prohibited content:

  • Anything illegal:
    • This includes anything related to gambling, child pornography, terrorism, controlled substances, and any real world criminal activity


Child endangerment is a real world criminal activity.  You've not only allowed a violation of the code of conduct, you celebrate it.  Shame on you.


Edited by Player2
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  • Haha 2
  • Confused 1
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  • Retired Lead Game Master

I understand your frustration and I apologize if the content made you uneasy, however, it truly was all in good fun and jest. The winners will stay as is. If you have any further questions or concerns on the matter, you can contact me directly. 

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Contact me on Discord (Miss#1337) for a faster response!


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