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Add Mounted Transport as an Auxillary Power Pool?

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There are some P2W vendor temp powers like the Rocket Board, Floating Disc, etc.

It's not a motorcycle, I admit.  And they're certainly not an A-Team Van.  But they're something.


I wouldn't mind more, but well....let's just say I'm real glad I'M not the guy who has to comb through these forums and decide what goes onto an actionable list vs not, haha.



Edited by MTeague
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39 minutes ago, hellohello said:

With horse, motorcycle, bicycle, jetcycle maybe? Please devs, make this a reality some day

Champions Online introduced vehicles, and I have to say, it was a flop, IMO.  I'm not saying the CoH:HC devs couldn't do a better job, only that it's a very niche thign and would probably require way more work than it's worth.

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Travel powers are essential to cross the open world quickly but Teleport and Flight don't really fit the theme of most of my toons, so it would good to have more options.

Just speaking for myself, I only want a horse option because I got a few medieval-type toons and it would be most appropriate for them.

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I would love to be able to go into battle riding my flying motorcycle. not a vehicle, a travel power, like any other REAL travel power in COH- one I can FIGHT while using.


It might be difficult becuase you'd need new power animations since your character would always be in a different and more static position while mounted.

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5 hours ago, ShardWarrior said:

How would your horse or bicycle or motorcycle travel over water or up into the air when needed?

They wouldn't, why would they? I've just found that either superspeed, flight or teleportation are essential for open world travel, but they don't suit most toon style ideas I've made, so some vehicular alternative would be really useful, IMO.

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