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Khleds and Empowerment buffs.

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I would have added this to the recent thread that talked about Khleds and pool powers, but couldn't find it!

Just now, I went to create some base empowerment buffs, to do Synapse on my WS. I wanted some end drain res and recovery. SO..I went ahead and built em only to find out..

you DO NOT get them in the shapeshift forms!


This seems either an oversight, or a load of crap. Every other AT can build these buffs, that help a good deal. But they only work on human khleds. Now, I know that technically knleds already get more than they used to, since I dont recall Inherent Fitness working of the Forms way back (could be wrong). But the fact that now, fitness DOES work on the forms, really implies that you totally should be able to craft a temp buff and have it active all teh time. I mean..its not like if you pop a few lucks in human form, that they suddenly VANISH when you shapeshift..just because reasons. Same with hasten. That works as a human, and carries over to forms, implying, at least to me, it is more of a mental discipline type power, than tied to your human form!

I also think some of the pool powers should work for all the shapeshift forms. Obviously things like SS and fly wont work, because the forms get fly, or are slower by design. But why cant hasten be clickable as a squid or dwarf? Especially since things like Secondary Mutation can be (and honestly, how do you mutate..when you are already a squid or lobster?). Likewise, it would make sense for Leadership type powers (which again, are more mental in nature) to remain active too.

If things like LoTG 7.5s can remain active (as global rech in set mules) when you change forms, how does it fit that the leadership power its tied to (or hover, or cj. Why cant a nova have hover going as well? Or a dwarf jump a lil higher?) cant be used in other forms?


And please..let poor khleds get those empowerment buffs!

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You know, I don't think I ever tried the empowerment buffs. Yeah, since these have a salvage cost and a time... Does the timer keep running down on them or are they paused? I should check...  anyway, yeah, those should be active in forms. They are similar to - let's say very long duration enhancements that way, in that you are using up a resource (yes, you get salvage and insps back, but can't exactly guarantee you get the same stuff.)


Leadership powers have been asked for. I don't know if there's a technical reason we don't have that working or not - I mean, you can't change or edit costumes when shapeshifted, either. I suspect that's a technical rather than lore or ... "executive decision" reason, but obviously I don't know.


(Also, yeah, technically secondary mutation *shouldn't* work - you're a remembered energy form in nova or dwarf, not something biological to mutate...)

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3 hours ago, Razor Cure said:

This seems either an oversight, or a load of crap.

I'm going to go with Bad Game Design For Kheldians due to premature optimization of the Archetype done by Cryptic Studios in order to launch them in Issue 3 ...

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7 hours ago, Grouchybeast said:

What happens if you use the empowerment table while in squid or lobster form?

OK, with testing I can answer two questions.

1. What happens if you use the empowerment table in squid form?

Hopped into Squid. Went to table. Crafted lethal resistance. (PRovides 5% resist for an hour.) It didn't show up in combat attributes, but did show up in my powers.

Dropped to human, it showed up in combat attributes.


And what I was wondering:

2. Does the timer still count down until the end of the power while in form?

Yes, it does. So if you craft the lethal resistance like I did (5%, again, not huge *there* though it would buff human and dwarf... actually let me check something.... nope, only resist buff in Dwarf is Dwarf.) and are in form for 45 of 60 minutes... you've wasted 75% of your buff since it counts down with no effect.


... also my flight speed is doing something odd, cycling a -.14ish to 14% negative, listed as "energy flight," every few seconds... huh.


Anyway. Yes, if you're in form, you can craft the buffs, and if you stay in forms, they can expire with you getting zero benefit for the salvage cost.

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