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Commonly Asked Questions

Common Mistakes

What is Bodyguard Mode (BGM)

Power Bar Set Up

Example Builds

Helpful links

In Closing


Commonly Asked Questions


Q: What is the most common reason people do not play Masterminds?

A: The most obvious reason is due to the lack of info of masterminds. The second most common issue is other players giving masterminds a hard time due to pets getting in the way. 

  • Pets were fixed in Page 4 of CoX Homecoming


Q: If you were to give advice to a new mastermind player what would it be?

A: The best advice I could give is that bodyguard mode is a life saver.


Q: What are the highest DPS pets?

A: Robots. However Thugs can easily contend for highest DPS


Common Mistakes


  1. The biggest and possibly the most prevalent mistake is a mastermind who does not micromanage each pet.
  2. Newer mastermind players do not know when or how to use BGM (Bodyguard Mode)
  3. Newer mastermind players do not know when or how to use BGM (Bodyguard Mode)
    1.  Masterminds not using the IO Auras for pets
    2. Call to Arms: Defense Bonus Aura for Pets
    3. Expedient Reinforcement: Resist Bonus Aura for Pets
    4. Sovereign Right: Resistance Bonus
    5. Command of the Mastermind: Recharge/Pet Defense Bonus Aura.
    6. Mark of Supremacy: Endurance/Pet+Resist all + Regen Aura.
    7. Edict of the Master: +Defense Bonus
  4. Setting up your num pad to micromanage your pets 
    1. https://cityofheroes.fandom.com/wiki/Mastermind_Numpad_Pet_Controls
  5. Treating each pet as separate parts. You should be treating each as a separate entity that works by itself. Newer MMs may find this hard at first however with time it will be easier.


What is Bodyguard Mode (BGM)


Bodyguard mode(BGM) a stance to put your pets in that will turn you into a sudo-tank. You can set BGM by selecting the Defensive Stance and the Follow all pets within Supremacy range will be set to BGM and they will be damage mitigators. 


Defensive/Stay and Defensive/Goto work as well. Each pet takes one 'share' of the damage, and the Mastermind himself takes two 'shares'. This is in addition to any damage that the pets themselves might incur from Area attacks. 


Example: If a Mastermind has 3 pets set to Def/Fol, and he gets hit with a 100 point attack, each pet will take 20 points of the damage, and he himself will take 40 points. 


Example 2: If a Mastermind has 3 pets set to Def/Fol, and he gets hit with an Area Effect attack for 10 points of damage, then each pet will take 2 points of damage, and he himself will take 4 points. Pets that were also in the Area of Effect will take an additional 10 points each, as normal. This in effect turns your mastermind into a sudo-tank as long as your pets are alive. 


Power Bar Set-up


Num Pad Method


There are several ways to set up your power bars on masterminds. The first option you can do is to set up your num pad as a way to control your pets. This option tends to be the most common among masterminds.



Multi Bar Method


If you do not have a num pad the next option is to set up separate bars for each group of pets (see below for example)



Multi Bar Individual Method

The third most common way seen by masterminds is swapping to individual commands you can do this by summoning pets-clicking Options- Show Individual Pet Commands then placing the commands in their respective power trays. (see below for example)



All Pets One Bar Method

The fourth and probably the most common way for beginner Masterminds is to control all the pets at once. This is the suboptimal method to control the pets due to the fact that in a team masterminds pets can sometimes aggo more than what is intended. The other reason that controlling pets this way is a suboptimal method is because pets tend to get in the way when your team needs to click a door or a glowie.



At the end of the day it is best for each mastermind player to find their own bar set up that is right for them. Be it any of the methods above a combination of them or their own unique style.


Example builds

Some things I look for personally in a build are ranged defenses. Part of the reason for this is because if your pets die they can easily be resummoned where as if you die then you are taking time out of someone else’s attack pattern to rez you. With high ranged defense you should be over top of your group and be playing field general with your pets while also providing the Debuffs/Heals/Buffs to your team and allies. Lets now take a look at a few builds that can accomplish this goal of high ranged defense.




Above is an example of a Demons Thermal Soul Mastermind


lv 1- Summon demonlings- Superior Command of the Mastermind: Rech/Pet +AoE Defense Aura Superior command of the mastermind Dam/End Superior Command of the Mastermind Acc/Dam Edict of the Master Defense Bonus Edict of the Master Scc/Dam Edict of the Master Dam/End

Lv 1- Health Preventive Med Chance for +Absorb Panacea +Hit Points/End

Lv 1- Stamina- Power Trans Chance to Heal Self Power Trans EndMod

Lv 1- Warmth- Miracle heal/end Miracle End/reach Miracle heal/reach Miracle Heal/End/Reach Miracle Heal Miracle +Recovery 

Lv 2- Fire Shield- Steadfast Protection Res/end Steadfast Protection Res/+Def 3% Steadfast Protection Knockback Protection

Lv 4- Cauterize- Numi Heal/End Numi End/Reach Numi Heal/Reach Numi Heal/End/Rech Numi Heal Numi +Regen/+Recovery 

Lv 6= Enchant Demon Rech IO

Lv 8- Hasten- 2 Reach IO

Lv 10- Gladiator’s Armor End/Res Gladiator’s Armor Rech/Res Gladiator’s Rech/End Armor Gladiator’s Res/Reach/End Armor Gladiator’s Armor Res Gladiator’s Armor TP Protection +3% Def (All)

Lv 12- Summon Demons- Expedient Ref Acc/Rech Expedient Ref Acc/Dam Expedient Ref Dam/End Expedient Ref Acc/Dam/Rech Expedient Ref End/Dam/Rech Expedient Ref Res Bonus Aura for Pets

Lv 14- Fly- Blessing of the Zephyr Knockback proc (4points) Run,Jump,Fly,Range/End

Lv 16- Hover- Blessing of the Zephyr Knockback proc (4points) Run,Jump,Fly,Range/End- LotG Global Rech LotGDef/End Reactive Def Scaling Res Damage

Lv 18- Hell on Earth Soulbound Alleg Chance for Build UP Sover Right Res Bonus

Lv 20- Thaw- Reactive Armor Res Reactive Armor End Reactive Armor Res/End

Lv 22- Kick- Sudden Acc Knockback to Knockdown

Lv 24- Tough- Reactive Armor Res Reactive Armor End Reactive Armor Res/End

Lv 26- LotG Global Rech LotGDef/End LotG Def Shield Wall +Res 5% Res (all)

Lv 28- Summon Demon Prince Sup Entomb Acc/Hold Sup Entomb Hold/Rech Sup Entomb End/Rech Sup Entomb Acc/Hold/End/Rech Sup Entomb Rech/Chance for +Absorb Call to Arms Def Bonus Aura for Pets

Lv 30- Forge Gaus’s Syncho ToHitBuff Gaus’s SynchoToHitBuff/Rech Gaus’s Syncho ToHitBuff/Rech/End Gaus’s Syncho Rech/End Gaus’s SynchoToHitBuff/End Gaus’s Syncho Chance for Build Up

Lv 32- Abyssal Empowerment- Rech IO

Lv 35- Stealth LotG Global Rech LotGDef/End LotG Def 

Lv 38- Melt Armor- Achilles’ Heel Def Debuff Achilles’ Heel Def Debuff/Rech Achilles’ Heel Chance for Res Debuff

Lv 41- Heat Exhaustion- Rech IO

Lv 44- Dark Embrace- UnGuard Res UnGuard +Max HP Impervium Armor Psi Res Aegis Psionic/Status Res Impervious Skin Status Res

Lv 47- Soul Tentacles- Artillery Acc/Dam Artillery Dam/End Artillery Dam/Rech Artillery  Acc/Dam/Rech Artillery Acc/Rech/Range Artillery  End/Reach/Range

Lv 49- Invisibility- LotG Def/End Reactive Def/End 


This build in the hands of someone willing to manage their pets will quickly come to find out that they should not get into melee range of things and to hover overhead throwing out their shields as well as Warmth and Cauterize to keep both their pets and team alive. This is a great general build for anyone looking to play with a team or large group while at the same time be perfectly fine solo’ing AVs. In a pinch this build can also do a low end Fire Farm due to Demons casting Def to Fire/Cold shields however you may find yourself healing your pets and resummoning them than you are actually throwing your debuffs out.


When fighting an AV or in team play your opening attack may change a bit or it may look like 


Set pets to petcom_all Defensive as well as petcom_all Follow

Move pets to location safe from the fight to start using petcom_all GoTo

Cast Farsight on as many targets as possible do not be afraid to get in close to cast this to help your melee fighters as well as yourself.

Distortion Field into Time Crawl this holds any adds around and or slows them so your AoE can do its job Remember you are not the damage and are more commanding your pets from the air or the ground

Move pets using petcom_(pets name) GoTo into place that have Hell on Earth on them

This will allow Hell on Earth to Proc more consistently

Cast Mending on that target as often as possible

Soul Tentacles and reposition pets closer 

By now Hell on earth is either down or just about which means its time to let bodyguard do its job


Build 2 is a Robotics/Time/Soul Build this time focused on being a well rounded high defense focused debuffer. 




lv 1- Battle Drones- Superior Command of the Mastermind: Rech/Pet +AoE Defense Aura Superior command of the mastermind Dam/End Superior Command of the Mastermind Acc/Dam Superior Mark of Supremacy Dam Superior Mark of Supremacy Acc/Dam/End

Lv 1- Health Preventive Med Chance for +Absorb Panacea +Hit Points/End

Lv 1- Stamina- Power Trans Chance to Heal Self Power Trans EndMod

Lv 1- Time Crawl - Pacing of the Turtle Acc/Slow PotT Dam/Slow PofT Acc/End PotT  Acc/End PotT Range/Slow PotTEnd.Rech/slow PotT Chance of -Rech


Lv 2- Temporal Mending - Miracle End/Rech Miracle Heal/Rech MiracleHeal/End/Rech Miracle Heal Miracle +Recovery

Lv 4- Time Juncture - Deflated Ego ToHitDebuff Deflated Ego ToHitDebuff/Rech Deflated EgoChance for Recovery Debuff

Lv 6= Equip Robot- Rech IO

Lv 8- Hover- Blessing of the Zephyr Knockback proc (4points) Run,Jump,Fly,Range/End LotG Global Rech LotGDef/End LotG Def

Lv 10- Boxing- Stupefy Acc/Rech Stupefy End/Stun Stupefy Acc/End Stupefy Stun/Range Stupefy Acc.Stun/Rech Stupefy Chance of Knockback

Lv 12- Protector Bots -  Superior Command of the Mastermind Acc/Da,  Superior Command of the Mastermind End/Pet +Res+Regen

Lv 14- Fly- Blessing of the Zephyr Knockback proc (4points) Run,Jump,Fly,Range/End

Lv 16- Distortion Field - Sup Entomb Acc/Hold Sup Entomb Hold/Rech Sup Entomb End/Rech Sup Entomb Acc/Hold/End/Rech Sup Entomb Rech/Chance for  Sup Entomb Acc/Hold/End/Rech

Lv 18- Hasten- 2 IO Rech

Lv 20- Time Stop- Basilisk Gaze Chance For Rech Slow Basilisk Gaze Rch/Hold Ghost Widow Chance For Dam(Psionics)

Lv 22- Tough- GladtArmor TP Proc +3%Def(all) Impervious Skin Res/End Impervious Skin Status Res

Lv 24- Weave - LotG Global Rech LotGDef/End LotG Def Shield Wall +Res Reactive Def Scaling Res Damage

Lv 26- Assault Bot- SoulBound Chance for Build Up Call to Arms Acc/Dam Call to Arms Dam/End Call to Arms Acc/Dam/Rech Call to ArmsEnd/Dam/Rech Call to Arms Def Bonus Aura for Pets

Lv 28- Farsight- LotG Global Rech LotG Def 

Lv 30- Stealth - LotG Def/End LotG Def/Rech LotG Def/End?rech LotG Def LotG Global Rech

Lv 32- Upgrade Robot- Rech IO

Lv 35- Slowed Response -Achilles’ Heel Def Debuff/Rech Achilles’ Heel Chance for Res Debuff

Lv 38- Chrono Shift- PrefShift Chance for +End PrefShift EndMod

Lv 41- Dark Embrace- UnGuard Res UnGuard +Max HP Steadfast Proc Knockback Protection

Lv 44- Soul Tentacles- GravAnchor Immob GravAnchor Immob/Rech GravAnchor Acc/Immob/Rech GravAnchor Chance For Hold

Lv 47- LotG Global Rech Blessing of the Zephyr Knockback proc (4points) Run,Jump,Fly,Range/End

Lv 49- Invisibility- LotG Def/End Reactive Def/End


In this Robotics/Time/Soul build you will still play as a field general however with your defense being as well rounded as they are you can survive in melee to get in and throw Farsight on your tanks/scrappers/brutes/and stalker in team play. 


 If you are solo your opening rotation may look something like this 

 Set all pets to petcom_all aggressive on chosen target This will force them to attack the nearest thing. 

 You should then quickly set your pets to BGM after they fire their first power

 During these fights pets dying is not bad so long as you are quick about resummoning them. 

Cast Farsight (this is your bread and butter power.)

Cast Distortion Field into Time Crawl this holds any adds around and or slows them so your AoE can do its job 

Tab to the next group repeat your Robots should have things from this point. 

Set pets to petcom_all Passive petcom_all GoTo and send them near you 

Move to re-set where pets are attacking Repeat step 1-5 as needed till trash mobs are dead. 


If you are fighting an AV the attack pattern changes slightly

Set pets to BGM

Move your pets using petcom_goto to keep them out of the AV’s alpha.

Cast Farsight

Cast Distortion Field into Time Crawl this holds any adds around and or slows them.

Cast Chrono Shift on as many allies as you can.

Time Mend any ally that needs it after the opening of the AV

If you have Vanguard Medal use it

If the AV is not dead by this point Cast Soul Tentacles as well as Distortion Felid and Time Crawl

Move your pets inwards so they can use smash as needed


If you are ever at a loss for what to build for on a Mastermind the is Positional Def (ranged is preferable this way you can stay out of harm's way and let your pets work in BGM). If you find yourself over capped in one or more positional defenses it's not a bad idea to look into taking the Ghost Widow Patron set as opposed to Black Scorpion the opposite also is true if you find yourself lacking Scorpion Shield works just as well as Dark Embrace.


Helpful links




In Closing


In closing the most daunting thing about masterminds is knowing you are not the damage and also not the primary debuffer/healer your role is a jack of all trades master of none. Masterminds are one of if not the hardest AT to master and at the same time one of the most rewarding experiences in the game to master. There is no such thing as a bad set for masterminds so feel free to open up and try things like Ninjas Electrical Affinity. Finally a good mastermind is someone who can keep their pets controlled while still maintaining productivity of attacking. You never notice a great mastermind however everyone remembers a bad mastermind.



Edited by Living Brain 3000
  • Like 7

Another option you could add to this is popmenus. I don't think I'm the only one that can't remember the hotkeys for each command and need a visual aid, so I'm providing a kind of template for anyone that needs to use it themselves.




Example Demon Summoning popmenu with some possibly helpful comments.

demons.mnuFetching info...

  • Thanks 2

Vet player like myself never got into masterminds (in end game content). They where fun to level but I always felt like I was dying a lot or my pets just wouldn't stay alive, and I was just spending my time re-summoning them. THIS GUIDE HELPED SO MUCH! Having a better understanding of how to play the class at a high level, I can finally enjoy being a commander of armies! Thank you!

  • 2 months later

Wow. Thanks for this. I've always been daunted and intimidated by how complex the control of pets seemed. (still am, honestly)


Just yesterday, I witnessed one of the best MM players I've ever teamed with. He did everything right, and had enough to spare to take care of the entire team including TPing from mission to mission. He was inspiring.

But as a pure villain through and through, I hated him. he was too nice and too much of a do-gooder. 😃
His toon name was Medibot1 IIRC on Reunion

  • Haha 1
  • 4 years later
  • Pets were fixed in Page 4 of CoX Homecoming

Sorry, saw this and started picturing the various minions in the cone of shame.

I am far too easily amused.


Great guide.

  • 4 weeks later
  On 7/25/2024 at 5:46 PM, Loquis said:
  • Pets were fixed in Page 4 of CoX Homecoming

Sorry, saw this and started picturing the various minions in the cone of shame.

I am far too easily amused.


Great guide.


this guide is out of date since then yes also it does not cover the change to things like zombies and the medic in soldiers and such guide is otherwise up to date from that

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