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Incarnate Salvage


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You can send your empyrean merits to other characters by converting them to transcendent merit (50 empyrean to 1 transcendent, Send and then convert back, like what you can do with regular and hero merits).


Normal salvage such as threads and shards you can’t do anything with. 
There is some benefit from having alternative incarnate powers, particularly alpha and destiny I find, so there is always that to use spares on.

Retired, October 2022.

Fallout Engineer Rad/AR Defender || Peacemoon Empathy/Psi Defender || Svarteir Dark/Dark Controller

Everlasting || UK Timezone

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30 minutes ago, Peacemoon said:

You can send your empyrean merits to other characters by converting them to transcendent merit (50 empyrean to 1 transcendent, Send and then convert back, like what you can do with regular and hero merits).


Normal salvage such as threads and shards you can’t do anything with. 
There is some benefit from having alternative incarnate powers, particularly alpha and destiny I find, so there is always that to use spares on.

So you are saying that I can have multiple Incarnate options for each power and then slot accordingly to the battle?

Edited by cgilm2526
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2 minutes ago, cgilm2526 said:

SO you are saying that I can have multiple Incarnate options for each power and then slot accordingly to the battle?


For example for Desinty - I use Clarion if im fighting mobs that mezz, and Ageless if not for the endless endurance and great recharge. I got Clarion first (up to a 120s duration to keep it on permanently) as that has the biggest impact, but got Ageless after when threads allowed. Ageless is great when farming too, as mobs don't usually mezz 🙂

Retired, October 2022.

Fallout Engineer Rad/AR Defender || Peacemoon Empathy/Psi Defender || Svarteir Dark/Dark Controller

Everlasting || UK Timezone

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5 hours ago, cgilm2526 said:

Sounds good. Aside from having more than one ability per Incarnate power, there isnt much otter use for the Incarnate salvage then correct?

Worst case if you really don't need it you can break it down into threads and use those threads to buy T4/team T4 inspirations from Luna as the poster above me said, and sell those to make a little extra inf on the side. I'd really like Incarnate salvage/threads/shards to be tradeable on the same account but I doubt that'll happen.

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