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Time/Rad Blast?

Force Redux

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I don't see much about this combo here or on Reddit. Was wondering about your thoughts?


Blast sets are not my overall expertise, outside of Sonic and DP on defenders, and Electric, Dark, Water on Sentinels, which are also their own thing. Any insights or thoughts are appreciated.


Mostly a teaming build, but with all the Timey goodness at defender levels, I'm assuming I can avoid set bonuses on Rad Blast and go for proc goodness I've seen in the proc monster thread? I'm okay with moderate damage, this doesn't necessarily have to solo pylons or ITFs, but I don't want to feel anemic either.


It looks like Radiation Blast is good at close range with two PBAOEs, along with Time's Juncture. I've never really played Rad Blast however, in practical play are Irradiate and Atomic Blast with getting/perform well? 


It looks like Neutron Bolt and X-ray Beam can form a complete attach chain... but lacks a heavy hitter until Cosmic Burst... What's the end game attack chain?


Thoughts on Proton Volley as a snipe? I have a snipe on my a stalker, but don't ever recall having a snipe on my other defenders... Not sure of it's value?


Are there any powers you consider skippable at all?


Thank you! 🙂

@Force Redux on Everlasting

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26 minutes ago, Force Redux said:

I don't see much about this combo here or on Reddit. Was wondering about your thoughts?


Blast sets are not my overall expertise, outside of Sonic and DP on defenders, and Electric, Dark, Water on Sentinels, which are also their own thing. Any insights or thoughts are appreciated.


Mostly a teaming build, but with all the Timey goodness at defender levels, I'm assuming I can avoid set bonuses on Rad Blast and go for proc goodness I've seen in the proc monster thread? I'm okay with moderate damage, this doesn't necessarily have to solo pylons or ITFs, but I don't want to feel anemic either.


It looks like Radiation Blast is good at close range with two PBAOEs, along with Time's Juncture. I've never really played Rad Blast however, in practical play are Irradiate and Atomic Blast with getting/perform well? 


It looks like Neutron Bolt and X-ray Beam can form a complete attach chain... but lacks a heavy hitter until Cosmic Burst... What's the end game attack chain?


Thoughts on Proton Volley as a snipe? I have a snipe on my a stalker, but don't ever recall having a snipe on my other defenders... Not sure of it's value?


Are there any powers you consider skippable at all?


Thank you! 🙂

Snipe is good: proton volley is a bit more annoying due to its tick nature, so it doesn’t get the full oomph of others but still really good.


Haze I found to be really slow...


irradiate and proton bomb thing are good

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You don't need to take all the rad blast powers to be effective. To me , neutron bolt, irradiate, proton volley, cosmic burst, neutron bomb (although this aoe is a bit slow) and atomic blast are a good package. You can proc out the defense debuff slotting and targetted AoE slotting.

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1 hour ago, Psylenz0511 said:

To me , neutron bolt, irradiate, proton volley, cosmic burst, neutron bomb (although this aoe is a bit slow) and atomic blast are a good package. You can proc out the defense debuff slotting and targetted AoE slotting.

Yeah, this is really all you need.

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3 hours ago, Force Redux said:

Thanks folks.  Did some more reading up, as well, so appreciate the links. Slowly leveling this in my off-time. Just hit 22, so now putting in some IOs, which are helping to make the set feel 'beefier'. 

I really like rad on my pain corruptor- so hope you do too. Irradiate is a really sweet little pbaoe 

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Irradiate is a lovely AoE, and the character as a whole is starting to come to life at level 36. Slotting is starting to make the powers flourish, and I love the visuals. The Rad Blast debuff visuals are very helpful to track who has been hit. 


I start off with buffs for the team, lay in with debuffs on the mobs and then blast away. Proton Volley  is a solid snipe, an Cosmic Burst is a pretty reliable stun. I'll definitely drop either X-ray Beam or Neutrino Bolt.


So far, very pleased.

@Force Redux on Everlasting

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Just hit 40, ran a Numina, Mortimer Kal and a some Tina McIntyre, felt really useful. With slots things are finally starting to come together, both in terms of recharge and durability. I'm very familiar with Time's teaming yumminess, but also pleasantly surprised by how well Rad meshes with the up close melee range of Time. I grabbed Soul Patron Pool, of course. Appreciate all the guidance both here and in game. 🙂 Becoming my favorite Defender!


Damage is still a bit low, but I haven't done more with the attacks yet other than basic crafted IOs, no sets. So lots of room for improvement. That said, I was able to solo GWs arc at +1 just fine.

Edited by Force Redux

@Force Redux on Everlasting

----- (read my guide) -----

Gather the Shadows: A Dark Miasma Primer for Masterminds

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2 hours ago, Force Redux said:

Damage is still a bit low, but I haven't done more with the attacks yet other than basic crafted IOs, no sets. So lots of room for improvement. That said, I was able to solo GWs arc at +1 just fine.

My advice would be to start slotting procs as soon as possible. Mind you I slot sets absolutely as soon as I can anyway. I have base bins full of common IO's that I rarely use anymore - attuned set IO's are nearly always a better investment.

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