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Fly Poses as selections for alternate fly?

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So, is it possible to add the current Fly Pose emotes to Fly as an alternate animation set? Kinda like with Tough having its default animation and the Flex animation? Would probably need to add banking and backwards poses as well to round them out, but would be nice to have a way to use these poses without janky keybinding.

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I have used (from the top of my head).

/macro_image Flight_JumpJet FlyPoses "em flypose1$$em flypose2&$$em flypose3$$em flypose4"

Other icons can be found here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1uHUi6BWFTYj4wbfGBs3LjZL88Fym6B-8EwDr18YZcY8/edit#gid=0


14 hours ago, Cradicias said:

Would probably need to add banking and backwards poses as well to round them out,.

I think this is an issue. As I understand it, they currently do not really have a way to add new animations/models and such. At least it's very hard because they don't have the tools used to create those.

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The adventurous Space Janitor reporting for duty. Cleaning the universe since 1992 and Paragon City, the Rogue Isles and Praetoria since 2011.


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  • 3 weeks later

The macro's a great option, if you're trays are packed, this might be an alternative. New poses would be nice, with animations for all directions.  Like the macro, I use all four to keep me guessing. It's not the same but, it's got its merits. 


W "+forward$$e flypose3"


W "+forward$$e flypose1$$e flypose2$$e flypose3$$e flypose4"



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