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SG Bases


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Hey all!

Just wondering if anyone has been able to work on and run around in their supergroup base? I can load into mine, and place thing in the first login room. However my toon is stuck in the floor and anyone else who logs in is also stuck in the floor unable to move. We are also unable to add another room. Is this a known bug or am I missing something?


Thanks in advance!


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I haven't tried today, but yesterday I made a few extra rooms in my SG base, edited the first one, and ran around the entire thing no problem at all. I wasn't stuck in the floor, not quite sure why that's happened to you. Then again maybe something changed between then and now!

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I spent an hour or so working on the base as soon as I got the nerve to try recreating my SG. The server went down before I could test it in player mode.

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When stuck try typing "/stuck". I believe that will relocate your toon.


This and making sure you don't accidentally drop the door into the floor.

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Confirmed that you still get stuck in the door, but can't move. :/

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I don't get this on entering, but I do get it when I leave the base  editor.  /Stuck hasn't failed me yet.



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I usually get stuck when I go into base edit most times, but if you double-click any square of the base you should teleport there and be unstuck.

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So I got around to testing the issue and I figured this was my problem. The portal was recessed into the raised floor. Not remembering how to control the z-axis on items yet I ended up moving it around the room and got it to resnap into place on the flooring. Now there's no issue at all.

OG Server: Pinnacle  <||>  Current Primary Server: Torchbearer  ||  Also found on the others if desired  <||> Generally Inactive

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Old Forums  <||>  Titan Network  <||>  Heroica! (by @Shenanigunner)


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