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The Praetorian Protest Event


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I'm not sure if this is a bug or not, but I'll put it here anyway.  In Nova Praetoria, there's the "Protest" event.  I came upon it on my level 50 Corruptor.  It had not started yet, and had the option to either take out the protestors or the Seers.  I was the only one there.  I started taking out the protestors.  It went on to the second phase, where you take out more protestors.  I did that.  Then the third phase started where you have to take out some Destroyers.  About half way through this phase, a level 40-something Controller joined in.  We completed that.  Then the final phase started, where you take out 20 Protestor leaders.  The Controller did some sort of nuke that killed 18 of the Protestor leaders.  I got the last two.


Then the reward table:






As you can see, no badge, no temporary power, and no reward merit.  It appears that by the Controller joining in the last minute or so of the event and then nuking the Protestor leaders, I got essentially griefed, although I'm sure unintentionally.

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FWIW, I waited around the full hour and did the event again.  This time, no one else showed up during and I managed to obtain the badge.


Lesson learned.  If you're soloing one of the Praetorian zone events and someone else comes in, just move on.

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35 minutes ago, Apparition said:

FWIW, I waited around the full hour and did the event again.  This time, no one else showed up during and I managed to obtain the badge.


Lesson learned.  If you're soloing one of the Praetorian zone events and someone else comes in, just move on.

I don't understand that logic if someone were there doing the event first, why move on? Weird that you didn't get the badge and merits though.

I'd say the optimal route to take would be to invite the other people into a team.

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  • 1 year later

On a somewhat related note... is it impossible for Masterminds to solo these zone events and get rewards?


On a level ten Mastermind, I entered The Protest event area.  There was absolutely no one else around and the event had not started.  I ordered my pets to take out some Protestors, eventually starting the event.  Took out more Protestors.  Took out a bunch of Destroyers with only one car being damaged.  Took out the Protest leaders.  The entire time, there was not a single other person in sight.


Yet, at the end, I only received the pop-up for a random TO enhancement, INF, or a random medium inspiration.  No badge, no temporary power, nor a reward merit.


My only guess is that the game considered I did not really participate in the event since my pets did most of the damage.

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28 minutes ago, Rudra said:

Check to see if that character already has the badge? My MM did the event solo and got the badge just fine.

Definitely does not have the badge.  It was the first time the character ran the event.  Good to hear that it is working for others though.

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I'm grasping at straws here, but maybe it is keyed to side? When I did the event, I smashed the Seers and helped the protesters. If you haven't done the protest side yet, try it and see if the badge comes up as a reward choice?

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6 hours ago, Rudra said:

I'm grasping at straws here, but maybe it is keyed to side? When I did the event, I smashed the Seers and helped the protesters. If you haven't done the protest side yet, try it and see if the badge comes up as a reward choice?


The badge does not matter if you take the Loyalist or Resistance option and will be there regardless of who you fight for, as long as you're eligible.

Currently playing on Indomitable as @Zork Nemesis; was a Protector native on live.

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13 hours ago, Apparition said:

On a somewhat related note... is it impossible for Masterminds to solo these zone events and get rewards?


On a level ten Mastermind, I entered The Protest event area.  There was absolutely no one else around and the event had not started.  I ordered my pets to take out some Protestors, eventually starting the event.  Took out more Protestors.  Took out a bunch of Destroyers with only one car being damaged.  Took out the Protest leaders.  The entire time, there was not a single other person in sight.


Yet, at the end, I only received the pop-up for a random TO enhancement, INF, or a random medium inspiration.  No badge, no temporary power, nor a reward merit.


My only guess is that the game considered I did not really participate in the event since my pets did most of the damage.


Yeah, I remember back in the day there was some concern about masterminds meeting participation thresholds for trial rewards, and imagine it's the same issue here.


I just did it on my bots/ff (siding with the protesters) and got the badge. I was a little worried in the last phase when I could barely target the TEST officers before my bots took them out, but I guess I did enough in the first two phases that it didn't matter.

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Well, just tried again.  Once again, the event had not started prior to my arrival, and there was absolutely no one else around from start to finish.






Something is definitely screwy with Masterminds and at least this zone event, although it wouldn't surprise me if all zone events are similar.

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