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I25 vs Proc IOs; Traditional or PPM

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i'm noticing Panacea IOs comes in two flavors the classic crafted version & one that reminds me of what they look like when you bought them on the paragon store back in i23, the main difference was PPM vs traditional procs but i24 made everything PPM.


My question now is, is there a difference?


Are we back to i23 rules where you can slot both traditional proc IOs & PPMs or is everything still PPM?

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I think by PPM you mean attuned IOs?  You can buy either version, they pull from the same pool of available IOs for sale so if there are 5 of a Panacea: Heal IO for sale, that means there are 5 total regardless of level or whether they're attuned or not.  You can buy all five of them as level 50 enhancements, or level 15, or as attuned enhancements.


The only difference would be when you can slot them, I think?  A level 50 PvP IO will work like an attuned IO if you exemplar down (or more to the point, it works like a very rare/purple IO in that respect), but you could only slot it at level 47 and up.  But an attuned version you could slot at the lowest level the IO exists, which is level 10 (so I guess you could slot one at level 7?  I'm not sure, nor does it make a huge difference really.)  The attuned version would increase in strength as you level up, where an actual level 10 Panacea: Heal IO would always be level 10.


Otherwise they're treated as the same IO set for determining set bonuses.

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I think by PPM you mean attuned IOs?

PPM is Procs per Minute. Basically in I24 the devs were planning to change all IOs to use the PPM system that they implemented for attuned IOs (instead of a flat percentage). I'm not sure if Homecoming includes that or not.

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Ah, my mistake then.  I don't know of a difference in how each version procs, but I may just not know anything on the subject.  >.>

No problem, you confirmed something i already thought was true regarding IOs/Recipes & how they're handled on the market
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I don't think the SCORE guys would've gone back and manually changed these all back from the I24 version they started with.


The other original difference between the crafted IOs and the paragon market IOs was that the market ones were already attuned and were account bound. If I had to guess, I'd say that's the main difference between the two now, and they're probably both still PPM.

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