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Group Fly Speed


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Just to get this out of the way, I know this is not everyone's favorite power and I can understand why. 


Made a Fire/Fire dom a while back and I truly think it is everything I wanted out of my fire/fire blapper and more. 


I am use Group Fly so my imps and I can swoop down into mobs as it is simply great fun. Throw smoke and fire cages around while the imps lay waste?  Hell yeah.  Plus there are all of the actual attacks.  Oh yeah... Domination as well. So much to do.  So much fire.  So much fun. 


Anyways, I was curious how I figure out what the speed of Group Fly actually is. Looked in game and tried on Pines but haven't an idea. 



Edited by Sakai
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Hi there!

I tested this on a Mastermind Pet - here's the Combat Attributes for it.

Of course, this could slightly fluctuate with different variables. However, seems like a good base! 


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1 hour ago, GM Arcanum said:

Hi there!

I tested this on a Mastermind Pet - here's the Combat Attributes for it.

Of course, this could slightly fluctuate with different variables. However, seems like a good base! 


Thats awesome. Where did you find it in attributes?  Found flight but that was it. And that is probably because that is the power that was on. OK...I'm dumb. Ty for the guidance. 

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As the other player who took Group Fly, I believe I'm qualified to answer your question.


Group Fly moves you just slightly slower than the teammates you use it on.


You also get the "teammates b*tching about Group Fly" power at no extra cost.

(As though it's your fault they don't know to go to the Gull!)


BTW, can we get a patch on Group Fly that doesn't allow your teammates to outfly you out out of your area of effect, thus getting the free "Plummet" power?

  • Haha 1

Disclaimer: Not a medical doctor. Do not take medical advice from Doctor Ditko.

Also, not a physicist. Do not take advice on consensus reality from Doctor Ditko.

But games? He used to pay his bills with games. (He's recovering well, thanks for asking!)

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On the other hand... Flying fire monkeys is pretty damn cool!

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Disclaimer: Not a medical doctor. Do not take medical advice from Doctor Ditko.

Also, not a physicist. Do not take advice on consensus reality from Doctor Ditko.

But games? He used to pay his bills with games. (He's recovering well, thanks for asking!)

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13 hours ago, DoctorDitko said:

As the other player who took Group Fly, I believe I'm qualified to answer your question.


Group Fly moves you just slightly slower than the teammates you use it on.


You also get the "teammates b*tching about Group Fly" power at no extra cost.

(As though it's your fault they don't know to go to the Gull!)


BTW, can we get a patch on Group Fly that doesn't allow your teammates to outfly you out out of your area of effect, thus getting the free "Plummet" power?

Teammates outflying you is self-correcting though, encouraging them to stay with you. They somewhat need to fly faster, in case they're trying to avoid falling behind.


However, to improve Group Fly, it would make sense that everyone automatically maintains position around you in the sphere of effect, even as you fly along, and they can adjust their position within the sphere.


The nice thing about this is people can put themselves in formation around you without risk of falling out of the sphere of effect (unless they want to).

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