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Is Electrical Blast worth?


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Never played the this set before. I was just wondering how well it performs before I sank sometime into it.

How well does the end gain you get when you attack. Noticeable? 

If you mix this set with a debuff set does the dmg get better? 
And hows that pet? 

Edited by Hops

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This secondary set for defenders works "best" when you use it in part for endurance drain.  I don't have the numbers in front of me, but it has below average damage in exchange for above average non-damage effects in the form of end drain.  Mind you, damage is just fine for just about any purposes, it's just not as high as, say, fire blast.  


1.  Honestly, I've never noticed the endurance *gain*, but that's probably observation bias.  I've never run an end heavy build with electrical.  Something like a Sonic/Elec defender might really benefit.

2.  Sure, just like the damage from any set gets better!  Right now my favorite defender is TA/elec.

3.  The jury seems to to be out on this.  If I am building an endurance drain build (and they are fun and effective if you know what you are doing), I'll slot the pet for end drain.  The damage from Voltaic Sentinel isn't going to be soloing bosses while you are not looking, but I've found that the endurance drain is useful.  That said, free damage is free damage.  But it's skippable.

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1. End drain works best with more than one player doing it, and/or have -recovery(see Poison). End drain by itself via a single character is underwhelming. End drain on minions and LTs is fine. It's anything higher where issues start to arise.

2. Elec's damage is on the lower side. As Yomo mentions, any damage increase via debuff or buff really would also be true for any other set. I haven't looked at IOs for it, but adding some procs could help, but again, it would also do that for some other sets. 

3. It's okay.


P.S. Partly because I paired it with Kin, I found Elec/kin controller a far superior version as the defender version was my main on Live. I didn't recreate it here though. I went controller and then axed that at 41 although I might reroll at some point. /elec is simply a lower-mid set although again, I used it as my main so I enjoyed it enough.

Top 10 Most Fun 50s.

1. Without Mercy: Claws/ea Scrapper. 2. Outsmart: Fort 3. Sneakers: Stj/ea Stalker. 4. Emma Strange: Ill/dark Controller. 5. Project Next: Ice/stone Brute. 6. Waterpark: Water/temp Blaster. 6. Mighty Matt: Rad/bio Brute. 7. Without Hesitation: Claws/sr Scrapper. 8. Within Reach: Axe/stone Brute. 9. Without Pause: Claws/wp Brute.  10. Chasing Fireworks: Fire/time Controller. 


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bit of a hidden jem on the set is using Energy Manipulator chance to stun proc. Since Elec blast has a tendency to play up close stunning like 30% or more minions for a few seconds while  you drain them is a good mitigator. Combine with OG from Dark line and now you are stunning quite a bit while you drain everything.


And don't let anyone let you undervalue the contribution of Voltaic Sentinel particularly in a big fight. Damage per shot is not all that but he should fire off over 10 blasts before he goes away. His damage per activation is very nice.

He actually helps make up for some of the troubles peeps keep saying about low damage on the set. I haven't done all the math in a while but he can add something near 1000 pts of damage on a single spawning.

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