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To DFB or Not to GRIEFER(!)


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As to the OP, I think a lot of this can be attributed to Hanlon's Razor, "never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity" which is what I think @jubakumbi was getting at.  There may be a few actual trolls doing this out there on purpose, but I'd guess it is a very small number and you'd need some evidence they were doing it on purpose (and more than once).  It if it just alts you can track their global name instead.  If they are rolling in with actual multiple accounts yes that is hard to know for sure, but now I'd have to say they are really putting some effort into it.  

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On 10/8/2020 at 10:02 AM, jubakumbi said:

How does 'pugs bad at following instructions' become 'players activiely sabotaging'other players'?

So, you had trouble getting a badge that like others point out is about a 50/50 shot most of the time on a PUG, and your FIRST inclination is to post on the ofrums that other players are actively trying to ruin your fun...


"You are not actively helping me, so you are a bad person" is no way to treat other gamers.

I don't think anyone here for one second just automatically accepted the statement made toward deliberate saboteurs. I think instead people overlooked that part and just helped the OP to learn a new trick. I myself was going to suggest requesting SG member's help, or specifically state that you are running a strict badge run before forming the team, to up the chances of getting the badge.

Sometimes you just have to overlook people's broad statements especially in a case where very little (actually no) detail was given. Is it possible? Sure...teenagers. I was a teen once and was known to do some pretty mean things to people when I was young, especially anyone who I felt was a "goodie two shoes" or a "nerd." However, I grew up and I myself am a "goodie two shoe" and a "nerd." Life is more fun that way.

Me personally, unless somebody gets a crowd up in arms to go on a witch hunt, I typically just let it roll off if I am not up to the task to ask questions and investigate the validity of the accusation. It's just not worth it IMO. Life is just too short IMO.  🙂

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9 hours ago, Solarverse said:

I don't think anyone here for one second just automatically accepted the statement made toward deliberate saboteurs. I think instead people overlooked that part and just helped the OP to learn a new trick. I myself was going to suggest requesting SG member's help, or specifically state that you are running a strict badge run before forming the team, to up the chances of getting the badge.

Sometimes you just have to overlook people's broad statements especially in a case where very little (actually no) detail was given. Is it possible? Sure...teenagers. I was a teen once and was known to do some pretty mean things to people when I was young, especially anyone who I felt was a "goodie two shoes" or a "nerd." However, I grew up and I myself am a "goodie two shoe" and a "nerd." Life is more fun that way.

Me personally, unless somebody gets a crowd up in arms to go on a witch hunt, I typically just let it roll off if I am not up to the task to ask questions and investigate the validity of the accusation. It's just not worth it IMO. Life is just too short IMO.  🙂

That's nice.

I don't, and won't.

If I see something, I say something, 'letting things go' allows far too much hate to fester in dark corners over misinformation and negative innuendo. 

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DFB is a beating.  Useful for quickly getting new toons to level 8, but boring after a couple runs.

I really find it hard to believe someone would run DFB over and over again, with the sole intent of ruining a badge run - seems like even more of a beating.


Question for OP - did the person who continually joined your group, quit after ruining the first badge attempt ? Or did they see the entire DFB through to the end ?

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