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Re-add screenshot data as an option


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So, how many of you have old screenshots? Say... 2006, since I know it works there.


Right click it, go into properties and details. In WIndows, under Title (or, if you use Irfanview, Image - IPTC information - Description - Caption) you'll see something. Unless there's an absolute pile of people, you'll get character names - or at least your *own* character's name. (Seems to be a limit.)


Now do it with a current screenshot. There's not one.


This isn't a Homecoming or SCoRE change, this happened sometime on live (shots from later on live are missing it already, at least if looking at the Windows properties.) It doesn't even have your *own* character's name. (This happened before the format for screenshot naming changed. )


So why do I bring this up? Mostly from seeing a thread with someone going "I played on live, I don't remember my character names, the names of the people I played with..." and I remembered this from a while back. I'd love to have the option to "tag" screenshots with this. My character name and zone/map, by default, probably the server (for those of us who hop between servers - as in everlasting, torchbearer, etc.) and those around me. These don't add a great deal of size to the file - barely noticable, honestly - but looking at really old shots, it's nice to have it around.


(Yes. You can manually add it. Would you *want* to if you added a bunch? "Super Blasty Guy, Mind Girl, um, that guy I don't remember from two hours ago." It'd just be nice to have the option to auto-tag these when the screenshot was taken for later perusal.)


Obviously not high priority, but still :)




To show  you what I mean. Here's the IPTC information on a current screenshot:


Screenshots - current info irf.png


And here's one from 2010.


Screenshots - old info Irf 1.png

Screenshots - old info Irf 2.png

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You sure about all that? I can see that sort of stuff on nearly all of my screenshots; the map I was on, my /loc in that map, my name, and the names of all my teammates. It's only the really old pictures, the ones from before the CoV beta, that are missing that stuff, but everything after that, going up to the screenshots I took of all my characters for posterity before the shutdown, has it.

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I don't see it on the new ones at all. Only the old ones.


... wonder why you're seeing the reverse. Interesting. I haven't changed any defaults here, they're always taken in .jpg...


Edit: Found one of my oldest from 2005, which doens't show it. This is odd... (actually, I think that one was uploaded/downloaded to Photobucket, and who knows what happened there. Found another 2005 that does have the information.)


Popped in a screenshot with both irfanview and Windoows info from 2005. But these are blank on the current ones.

Info comparison.png

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