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want to make farmer/main


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so i love the mix it was what i always wanted..


ill admit i dont like fire armour. so i may need to make my own AE for farm.. down for doing it.(no idea how tbh)


looking into what are the good prims for farm and gen play. (2nd i know willpower so unless some help ill use that) 

this will be self funded from scratch(i have 3.8mil but thats nothing) 



ty for any help you can give..


side note i use a really bad comp. so i need something with some leway for lag spikes



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Alright, so let me gently dissuade you. Most people use Brutes for a reason. They simply have higher target caps. Sentinels have 6 target cones and 10 target AOES and it's just not quite enough to keep pace. In addition, Brutes have taunts baked into some of their attacks (don't quote me on that), so things aren't as apt to fleeing. Sents don't have that, so everything flees frequently.

Edited by underfyre
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Well not going for best inf/min and main reason I am leaning towards sent is I am using a potato of a laptop.. (250 Canadian of amazon) rely just for my online schooling. But this game does run with lag spikes with effects go off(wish I could just turn them all off.. would help alot) 


So when playing melee I find my self having "out if range" problems as I try to work around the lag and get my self in place. Once I do it works fine. 


So range/def combo is a nice way to work around it. I am saving for a new PC. But that's a ways away. 


So on that note. I accept he won't be a +4/8 farmer. But at least something to use to slowly fund the troll I am aiming for. Once I get my better pc. I'll make a brute(who will be quick to come online thanks to sent farming)


Anyways it's more about fun for me. Hell if there's a lag friendly troll that can farm I would go that way. But they tend to be semi paper 

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Make a fire/bio or fire/rad sent.  I'd suggest fire/bio.  It'll work for farm and general play.


You also don't need to fight fire enemies.  There's a shitload of farms there for different damage types.  Just do a search and open your right eye, you'll see it.



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38 minutes ago, fitzsimmons said:

Make a fire/bio or fire/rad sent.  I'd suggest fire/bio.  It'll work for farm and general play.


You also don't need to fight fire enemies.  There's a shitload of farms there for different damage types.  Just do a search and open your right eye, you'll see it.



Cool ty I'll play around with mids and plan out a cheap-oh God the cost builds to slowly step my way through.

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If speed and efficiency do not matter, then it does not matter what you run to "farm" on this character.  Pick your favorite combos and go with it.  You can run with a heavier Smashing/Lethal resistance set up, like Invulnerability, and run those kinds of missions.  

I've run AE farms with Super Reflexes.  I've run AE farms with fricking Defenders.  If completing these as fast as possible isn't your goal, then really just about any character can be made to run the missions. 

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I can 100% agree with oldskool there. I have my rad/fire brute when I want to farm for money and appease my altitis. But when I just want to goof around and have fun, I have my storm/ice def farmer. So much AOE goodness and does pretty good in fire and cold farms.


The most important thing is you having a blast.

Edited by StridingWind
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