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Resistance caps


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I've noticed a disappointment with my higher sentinels, scrapper, and stalkers with resistance-heavy armor, as opposed to defense-heavy armor. In early levels, they're nicely more armored than defenders, blasters, and such, which don't have armor sets, but not as heavily armored as brutes and tanks. However, as they near level 50, they lose this distinction as the defenders and blasters and such catch up with the help of armors they get in the Epic and Patron powers, although my defense-heavy sentinels seem able to maintain this distinction better. {pause}


Would it unbalance the game too much if they had a higher resistance cap than the unarmored classes? Not as high as Tankers and Brutes, who have 90%, or even Arachnos Warriors, who have 85%, I think? But higher than the 75% everyone else has. 80% seems like a nice choice; it would make a pattern with the others.  Even if not 80%, something in between, so they can - with the right build - remain a little tougher but not THAT tough right through the Incarnate content, like they already are at lower levels, and like my defense-heavy sentinels seem able to continue to be right into incarnate content even now. {Smile}

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Scrappers, and to a lesser extent stalkers and sentinels, have much higher max HP than the unarmored classes. Even at the same level of resistance, they can take more damage. While I don't have an objection to increasing the resistance cap for scrappers, stalkers and sentinels to 80%, I'm not sure it's needed or that it would have much practical impact. 


That said, it's difficult to approach the resistance cap on an unarmored class and generally not worth it - the resources are better devoted to soft capping defense. 

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