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Cant get past charcter select screen


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Same here, go to login get "This account is already online", login pick my character and have to end task to get it to close after it freezes.


If you give it some time, it will time out. You won't have to end task to close it.

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same here, tried another character (in kings row) he showed up fine, but when I went to the tram to go to atlas park it froze again.


I also notice the spectrum tights are now a solid color, not glowing...

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At least it now REALLY feels like the City Of Heroes I remember from 14 years ago!  :)


I remember this happening at the end of a Positron TF... Right as we were getting ready to attack the boss. Then they had a rollback and we had to restart, with a new team. A new team that was WAY inferior to the previous team... Ah, good times.

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I play on Torchbearer and am having the same issue. I went to enter a Mission and my game locked up. I closed the game, restarted it, and it said I was still logged in. Tried logging in again, it worked. Got to the character select screen and selected my only hero. Then hit Next and the game just locks up. I get timed out and sent back to the login screen with a message saying I could not connect to the Map Server, Try Again.

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Is this issue still going on? Or has it been cleared up?


I managed to get online but after a couple of minutes I started rubberbanding like crazy, especially if I'm in a mission map


And if I try to go to character select while it's doing that, at least while in a mission map, I get kicked to login with the following:


"The game client was unable to connect to the login server. This may be due to a local network issue such as a firewall block, or may be because the login server is down for maintenance. Please check your network settings and try again, or check the forums for current server status."

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