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Zapp and Power Range Error


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Can someone please verify that Zapp is not giving the full 179.88ft Range?


I'm pretty sure Zapp is really more around 107ft Range.


I have it Single Slotted with Experience Marksmanship: Range/Fast Snipe +5 and Five Slotted Superior Winters Bite.

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4 hours ago, Apparition said:

Fast snipes only have 80 foot range as of Issue 27, Page Two.  It's intended, not a bug.

I unslotted Experienced Marksman: Range/Fast Snipe and the Zapp begins to work properly. Only when Experienced Marksman: Range/Fast Snipe is slotted it will not allow me to Slow Snipe at all. I can only quick snipe around the 107ft Range or less. I guess my question then is Experienced Marksman: Range/Fast Snipe working properly? I get the extra boost in Range over the new normalized 80ft Range but Slow Snipe isn't working at all.

Being constantly offended doesn't mean you're right, it just means you're too narcissistic to tolerate opinions different than your own.


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41 minutes ago, Arc-Mage said:

I unslotted Experienced Marksman: Range/Fast Snipe and the Zapp begins to work properly. Only when Experienced Marksman: Range/Fast Snipe is slotted it will not allow me to Slow Snipe at all. I can only quick snipe around the 107ft Range or less. I guess my question then is Experienced Marksman: Range/Fast Snipe working properly? I get the extra boost in Range over the new normalized 80ft Range but Slow Snipe isn't working at all.


Yes, that IO enhancement is specifically to make your snipe permanently fast.  With it slotted, you'll never have the regular/slow snipe.

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19 hours ago, Apparition said:

Yes, that IO enhancement is specifically to make your snipe permanently fast.  With it slotted, you'll never have the regular/slow snipe.

With the reduction in damage that fast snipes got, and now the reduction in range that fast snipes got handed in the last update, slotting the Experienced Marksman: Range/Fast Snipe IO feels like deliberately gimping yourself.

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Experienced Marksman is a PvP set. I believe that there was concern from PvPers when they changed quick snipe from a tohit bonus check to a combat check, that snipes were going to be unusable in PvP. Hence Experienced Marksman was the compromise. The reduced range for quick snipes probably hit PvP more than PvE (I wouldn't know since I only enter PvP to get badges).

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On 5/16/2021 at 11:19 AM, srmalloy said:

With the reduction in damage that fast snipes got, and now the reduction in range that fast snipes got handed in the last update, slotting the Experienced Marksman: Range/Fast Snipe IO feels like deliberately gimping yourself.


If one had a built that gave fast snipes before, there was no reduction in damage. Because the base damage scales with +toHit, at the +toHit required to have used a fast snipe at all under the previous design, the new fast snipe damage is boosted up to the same level it had previously.


Characters which can now achieve fast snipe but which never could previously now have that access at presumably lower base damage levels, with the specifics varying based on on their access to +toHit. This was likely very intentional - it proliferated the fast snipe capability but reduced the overall power creep across the population inherent in doing so.


Slotting Experienced Marksman is only "gimping" yourself if you rely on slow snipe's increased damage. While I can see slow snipes being tactically useful (sniping down Sappers, for example), depending on your character type and playstyle, this may not be considered important. Fast snipe DPAs, even at their new, lower base damage, are still extremely useful to insert in a lot of attack chains if you can afford the endurance cost. If that's the primary use case, slotting this enhancement can make sense. Personally, I prefer to keep the slow version handy, but some people really dislike inconsistency.

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2 hours ago, UberGuy said:

Fast snipe DPAs, even at their new, lower base damage, are still extremely useful to insert in a lot of attack chains if you can afford the endurance cost

It's not the DPA, it's the fact that snipes increase the range of your other attacks for (IIRC) ten seconds, so you used to be able to set up a little further out and stay there as you ran your chain, using the fast snipe in your rotation to keep your other attacks extended. Now, with the fast snipe's range reduced, your rotation has to be fast enough that the snipe comes up before the range boost expires. But with the Experienced Marksman IO, you can't use a slow snipe to lead in -- you're permanently stuck having to come in closer to start your rotation, and backing out once you get the range boost uses up time from the rotation and threatens to make you lose the boost.

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21 hours ago, UberGuy said:

I didn't even know that was a thing. That's specifc to Blasters, and none of my Blasters have blast sets with snipes. Corrs and Defenders don't get a range boost for using their snipes.

You can look in the 'detailed info' for the power:


And you're correct, it does appear to be Blaster-specific; the snipes for all of my Blasters have the "+50% strength to range for 10.00s on self/ignores buffs and enhancements/unresistable" annotation, while none of my Corruptors have it.

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