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Attempting to convert a commission into embroidery


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This is a commission of a character from pre shutdown. 









And this is my first attempt to design it as embroidery. It's definitely not far off but it needs tweaking, lots of tweaking. One of my biggest issues is I don't have enough color shades to do it all. Had to reuse a few. I normally made and sell vector type logos and what not so I've never needed to have more a couple shades for each color. (In the final design, I'm going to make the whole sword blade one color rather then having that light blue section.)




Hair attempt #1


It came out fairly well. Each strand needs to be thicker though. By a boat load I'd say. Might go with a lighter color on the hair too. Black on black fabric is kinda hard to see. 




This is pretty close to how the hair should look once I get it nailed down. Minus the color obviously.



If I ever get this to look good, I'm going to try and embroider it on a bomber jacket or something. Although I feel like it'll need something to ground the image, not sure what yet. Maybe like swirling red energy coming from the tip of the sword. Not sure if that would look good though. 

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@lokiie1984 Welcome to the best part of the forums. zb7XgP0P_o.png


I agree the black on black doesn't show all that well. Perhaps a dark reddish brown or dark grey?

Alternatively some blue fringing or highlighting would make the black stand out from the

background. Cool idea either way and I think it would look great on a bomber jacket.


As for a grounding element, what was her other set? Like if she was a Broad Sword +

Willpower scrapper you might pull something from the defensive set fx to swirl about her.


Edited by Christopher Robin
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2 minutes ago, Christopher Robin said:

I agree the black on black doesn't show all that well. Perhaps a dark reddish brown or dark grey?

Alternatively some blue fringing or highlighting would make the black stand out from the background better.    

Here's how she's looking so far. (Screenshot from my design program.) Added the eye liner and nose shadow and mouth. Also changed the shirt to be shades of gray instead of brown. Kinda blends in with the coat but I can only take so much brown in clothes.  


I was looking at red but there just isn't any good dark reds for some reason. They have dark of every other color but red is just missing. Most of the ones i was looking were way too bright and vibrant. Made her look like she had Raggedy Ann hair.


I could do an auburn hair color. Never used the color so not sure what it looks like stitched. On the bright side, my mom has a massive selection of madeira thread colors so i could borrow most of these to test the colors.  



I suppose the other option would be to stay black and try to add some dark blue between each "strand" of black hair like you said. 

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Something like this is what I'd like to do. 








Each of those color blocks would the max size of my embroidery hoop. So I'd have to line up 6 different hoops and and get all that seamless. Don't think that'll be practical. 


I've been trying to find something about designing embroidery for jackets but I just cant find anything. Plenty on sewing patterns to make a jacket but nothing on what's good or bad for embroidery design. So until I figure that out, I'm bored enough to try this with normal fabric and see how it looks. 

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It has now grown so big that I can only test half at a time. The larger size seemed to have helped a lot though. Before she was around 5 by 7 inches and the eyes were all weird. Now she is around 11 by 8. 




You cant see it here but the skin has two different shades. Definitely need to fix some of the gaps between shading and other parts. Fingers especially. The look a bit odd now lol. Once I can afford to buy the thread shades, the shirt and coat will be different shades too. At the moment all I have is 3 shades of gray. Silver, medium and dark. 


But I suppose it's getting there.  

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