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Hey you! Yes you! Ever think that Hazard zones were too empty and under utilized ? Me too and that's why this stupid idea filtered into my head: what if we took the hazard zones and made them into a proper zone (specifically Zones for BOTH sides)! At the moment I only have ideas for Crey's Folly. The coordinates in the follow are my idea of where the faction 'hubs' could be.


The EPA along with either the PPD or straight up Rhode Island national guard have decided it's time to begin clean up operations in the neighborhood once known as 'Venice' and now known as Crey's Folly....sadly Crey and others want some secrets to stay buried and the initial EPA teams have run into trouble and pulled back to their base at the old Crey factories ( 86.6 0.1 1356.8) to call in a little help.


At the same time Crey (1565.7 0.3 2615.1) hires 'outside contractors' to attempt to foil the clean up operations or bury their secrets once and for all. Crey are not the only borderline criminals interested in this industrial zone – rumors are circulating about King Midas and his daring tech-thieves the gold brickers are planing to expand into paragon proper and their initial base is in a formerly abandoned industrial rig ( 2030.4 120.3 739.4).


While the Devouring earth have been driven from the zone during the initial EPA and crey operations The Nemesis army and Freakshow remain causing trouble for all three parties, the perpetual specter of the rikti remain as well though they've vanished from the streets they may still exist in the unflooded underground and abandoned factories.


Red side and Blueside will also have a pair of contacts Similar to Meg Mason in the Hollows who can generate reletively random missions (dont put them on a timer !) for Villains: Gold Bricker Baz, who is caseing the joint for D'or and for Heroes 'Sargent Valdez' who is part of the National guard recon team that was scouting the zone.


Villain Contacts ('Salt the Earth')


Agent Bennet, Crey Special Services Division ('Nothing to see here')

Agent Bennet is part of Creys SSD, charged with organizeing crey contractors in Venice (he refuses to call it 'Creys folly' and scolds any one that does so). Bennet is no nonsense and to the point with a focus on results not methods and most of his missions involve cleaning up escaped expriments or hiding some of the more egregious violations of the law....as well as dealing with the new meta Gang the 'Atom Smashers' his story line has two branches


Dr. Guiscard, Crey Applied Sciences ('It Came from beneath the seas!')

Dr. Guiscard has the contractors focused on clean up in the most explosive way possible culminateing in....well an explosion of a crey facility to wipe out the remains of one of his projects (a Kaiju tier threat thankfully contained by the villains, though you may have to fight smaller versions during the arc). Also appearing in Guiscards Arc are the Terror Volts, another of the new Mutant gangs


Epee D'or, the Golden Sword, Midas' reconissance specialist (' Midas' Six' )

Operateing from 'The Rig', Epee D'or is King Midas' woman in the field. Surveying the damage and looking for a specific high-tech item Midas is aware of in the zone. Epee D'or and a small team of specialists need the villains help in preping their heist (missions into paragon to steal equipment or set up distractions) before attacking a heavily guarded Crey facility to make off with a prototype Crey Exo suit (a new mob for higher tier Bricker bosses and LT's perhaps). The Inferno make appearances here


Both of these contacts either offer the prior contact or one of the following two


Operative Torrence, Arachnos Special Operations ('Bringing down the House)

Operative Torrance is an Arachnos sabotage specialist, his arc revolves around disabling or destroying a number of advanced EPA mobile lab/decontamination system and culminating in a fight with Mynx. The Quake show up as ambushes to introduce them, rounding out the minor mutant gangs


Lieutenant McDowell, Crey Security Coordinator ('Curtain Call')

Crey operations in 'Venice' are wrapping up with just a few loose ends to deal with, most of McDowell's missions are simple 'go here, fight these guys before the heroes get there' type affairs but his last one sends you to an abandoned crey factory.....and works like the ambush in the skulls arc 'Remember when I said I was here to tie up loose ends ?' weapon racks 'Nothing personal but you know far too much'. Now here is where helping Epee D'or may come in hand, if you've helped out the brickers in the zone then perhaps a small team of them in the new Exo-suits arrive to help you fight your way out of the warehouse, the souvenier may change if thats possible to have a little note attached from D'or 'now we're even'.


Hero Contacts ('A New Start')


Lieutenant Evans, Rhode Island National guard ('Lay of the land')

Lieutenant Evans and the National guard have a little problem, the gangs that have taken over the zone are making it hard for his people to do their job, they can hold the base but moving out to do their jobs means having more troops and the governor is unwilling to send them in...which is where you come in. the missions here involve rescuing EPA patrols and fighting gangers trying to steal things (all of the 'new' gangs make appearances in Evans' Arc)


Captain Foster, Rhode Island National Guard ('I bring you.....fire')

Captain Foster is a relative rarity in the military and even more rare in the national guard – a mutant with fire control powers. Their missions revolve around the Inferno gang....of which they were a member prior to joining the military. It isnt even about covering things up it's about mitigating the damage they can do and the Captain is the expert on the gang.


Dr. Bannon, US Environmental Protection Agency ('Shocking Development' )

Dr. Jake Bannon is an EPA scientist in charge of cleaning up various power plants in the zone.....and unfortunately this puts him in the line of fire from the Terror Volts. The arc ends with a show down with a terror Volt set leader in order to rescue Bannon and a few scientists from an experimental power station.....though the clue at the end of the arc hints that Volts have run off to Terra Volta.....


Dr. Rourke, USEPA ('Rumble in the Urban Jungle')

Dr. Rourke is a geologist, highly worried about the stability of Crey's folly given recent reports of instability.....in reality the doctor has discovered the mutant gang the Quake arriveing in the zone, most of Rourke's missions take place in the underground, dealing with Quake, Arachnos and Nemesis Saboteurs and mole vehicles. The last mission is a fight between Quake and Nemesis in a Nemesis Underground stageing area where the hero has to stop the fight from opening a massive sinkhole.


Agent Carver, FBSA Liaison ('Some Assembly required')

Agent Carver is the FBSA Liaison for the operation and has been piecing together reports from the operations in the zone, she's managed to assemble a picture that shows Crey is essentially herding the various gangs towards operations in the zone to distract them from creys own attempts to cover up (Maybe have dialogue mention the weird sabotage by arachnos employed villains and the odd spike in criminal activity involving the brickers as unrelated ). Carver's arc is about hitting the gangs where they live, disrupting their supplies and finally dealing with the crey Liason (a Boss fight against Agent Bennet)


Task Force Clarion: Gang Busters

The freaks have been relatively quiet during the events of the zone.....not so once this Task force starts. The TF//SF is assigned by a former freak turned Rogue named Clarion (a Sonic based freak). The over all goal is to either incite a war between various freak factions or to arrest the leaders of said factions with a final fight against a Mega-Freak.....a Freak show in the body of a Stolen War walker or Goliath War Walker.



Gangs of Creys folly

'new' groups composed of mutant gangers related to the elements (fallout from the outcasts being broken in the hollows)

The Inferno: Fire based gang

Quake: Earth Based

Terror Volt: Electricity based

The Atom Smashers: Radiation based gang


Final: Do i expect this to happen ? no but i wanted to get it out there and get people talking about it because the hazard zones are under utilized and i think a revamp similar to this could be amazeing - also i want to see Gold Brickers in more places dang it !

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I normally don't like "open Paragon zones to redside" - I think things like the Arachnos base in Faultline or incursion into Atlas are just ridiculous.


Crey's, though, I think can get away with this - specifically because of the direct connection and open gate to the RWZ.


I don't think I'd pull the DE - this is, after all, *exactly* the sort of thing that would raise their ire. (Plus, of course, Jurassik.) Maybe not a huge presence, maybe more underground, but I'd think they should still have some hold in here.

  • Thumbs Up 2

Yes. Yes. Yes. YES. 

  • Thumbs Up 1

@Aurora Girl - Excelsior - BSOD
 Aurora Girl  (Blaster)- Energy/Atomic, Queen of Faceplants and former Mayor of Pinnacle Server  Straye  (Brute)- Savage/SR, Survivor of +4 ITF Nictus Crystals and Bobcat's Bane  Aurora Snow  (Corruptor) - Ice/Cold, AV Humiliator  Terraflux  (Controller) - Earth/Rad, Bass Exploder  Spynerette  (Arachnos Soldier) - Night Widow, Super Spy of Sneakiness and Stabbing  Snowberrie  (Tank) - Ice/Spines, Disco Ball and Lady of Winter


Very well presented.  And while i dont expect this to happen either,  there are alot of good ideas in here for the devs to consider.  And if they do decide to revamp hazard zones, you may be suprised at how much may come from this idea.  And dont let likelyhood of implementation stop you from suggesting more zone revamps.  The people want part 2.

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