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So Why is this Happening? (KB to KD IO acting funky)


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This is working according to my previous experience as shown. Pulsing kb like repel, repulsion, or even bonfire cycles kb much more slowly with the kb to kd Io slotted. I don't know if this was done for balance reasons or something else, but it makes sense from a balance perspective. Kin having a perma ice slick that follows them around might be a bit much! It's still a strong effect, especially in crowds.

Edited by Onlyasandwich
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27 minutes ago, Onlyasandwich said:

This is working according to my previous message experience as shown. Pulsing kb like repel, repulsion, or even bonfire cycles kb much more slowly with the kb to kd Io slotted. I don't know if this was done for balance reasons or something else, but it makes sense from a balance perspective. Kin having a perma ice slick that follows them around might be a bit much! It's still a strong effect, especially in crowds.


That could very well be the case, however, I fail to see how that would be OP, but having a perma Knock Back is not OP. Sure, they can run at me again if I didn't have the KB to KD IO, but they would only find themselves being knocked back yet again. To me, slotting a KB to KD IO is no more or less OP than not having it. I don't have it for the OP ofit, I have it to prevent mobs from scattering all over creation if I go to move up to catch my own Transference in a team, heh. I'm not saying that you are wrong, chances are your explanation is probably spot on, but I am arguing the validity of the reason used by the original Devs if that is indeed why it is working in this way.

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I can understand why this behavior is frustrating, but perma knockdown is quite a bit more powerful than perma knockback. It wouldn't disrupt Mob formation, and everything would be continually controlled. 


With constant knockback, you are not passively neutralizing an entire spawn without a lot of extra effort chasing and corralling. Meanwhile, your aos aren't applied efficiently.

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3 hours ago, Onlyasandwich said:

I can understand why this behavior is frustrating, but perma knockdown is quite a bit more powerful than perma knockback. It wouldn't disrupt Mob formation, and everything would be continually controlled. 


With constant knockback, you are not passively neutralizing an entire spawn without a lot of extra effort chasing and corralling. Meanwhile, your aos aren't applied efficiently.


I think there are a ton of fans of knock back who would disagree with that statement, hehe. You should see the knock back thread on the general forums popping off, lol. In any case, I am just about to just take the KB to KD out of it and leave it like it was. It was far more damage mitigating without it than it is with it. I mean, it had to hit some of those targets up to around 8 or 9 times before they would finally knock, that's a bit much for my taste.


Edit: I take that back, the first mob in that video, that one target was hit 19 times at which point I showed my slotting and power choice after...so at very least, 19 times he was hit and still did not knock down, lol. Yeah, that is way too much for my blood.



Edited by Solarverse
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I use repel without the kd io myself, and am generally a fan of powers that allow me to apply kb judiciously. However, neutralizing the mob while keeping it within the power's immediate effect would be undeniably lower effort powerful mitigation if that is how it behaved.


Like yourself, I prefer to have kb on demand in this sort of power rather than a general pop of incidental mitigation. I'm not sure what precisely determines when a mob will be knocked down with the current behavior of the kd io in these sorts of powers, but suspect it is not related to how many times it pulses on a given enemy.

Edited by Onlyasandwich
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Slightly odd as Irradiated Ground can take two +Chance for KD and can do a decent amount of mitigation with it, see Brutes who can use Fury to boost a damage aura for its damage.

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This change is purposeful, and global.  Popcorn was a balance issue.



"(-1.0 * Melee_Ones)% Power Chance Mod (self only) for 10.25s "

I don't remember the specific mechanics, you'd have to get a Dev for that, dig through all the old dev and patch notes, or be able to translate magnitudes.  But I think It translates to something like 1/10th chance.


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