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What to do in case of abuse via the reaction system?


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So, I'm not going to name names here, just in case I'm legit wrong.


However, I've spotted a user that seems to be systematically going through my posts and adding thumbs-down reactions to them, even in threads where this user and I have never interacted, and the suspect hasn't even participated.  Further, I might not be the only person who they're doing this to, as I've seen a lot of thumbs-down reactions applied similarly indiscriminately by this user to other people.  I'm not going to speculate publicly on the reason why.


Now, if the person were harassing me via posts or messages, I'd just slap them on my ignore list and be done with it.  In fact, I've already done that.  However, reactions are something you can't place on the forum's ignore system.


With this in mind, I've got a couple questions:

  1. Is this actionable harassment?  Or should I just stop paying attention to it?
  2. If it is, what's the proper procedure for reporting it discreetly so it can be dealt with without drama?
  3. What steps should I take to safeguard myself against this in the future that I'm not already doing?


Edited by Nerva
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Please don't take this the wrong way, but so what?  Does it affect you in anyway to have a thumbs-down or a hundred thumbs-down?


From what I just tested, a thumbs-down does not reduce your forum rep, while a thumbs-up does increase your forums rep.

Edited by Bionic_Flea
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Negative reactions have no impact on reputation totals, and in my experience, they have no impact on other peoples' perceptions of what you post.  Most of the people on these forums look at your words, not the pictures under your words, and they don't tend to react positively or negatively simply because someone else did.  So ignore the bullshit, keep on keeping on.

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Get busy living... or get busy dying.  That's goddamn right.

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7 minutes ago, Bionic_Flea said:

Please don't take this the wrong way, but so what?  Does it affect you in anyway to have a thumbs-down or a hundred thumbs-down?


This is the reason for my first question.  I don't really know what affect there is to it.


I'm not entirely certain how the reputation system here works.  I don't seem to have lost any reputation despite the thumbs-down reactions.  I also really don't care too much about the reputation system as a whole, though I do use an individual post's reactions to get an idea of its quality and opinion over it.


As for how it affects me personally, not much at all.  If I suspect someone is thumbing me down simply because they're petty or hate me personally, that's a problem for them.  However, it is mildly irritating to see.  I can simply stop paying attention to it if need be, I just want to know if there's any possible further consequences to mass-downvoting, and what to do if it's something that's actionable.


5 minutes ago, Luminara said:

Negative reactions have no impact on reputation totals, and in my experience, they have no impact on other peoples' perceptions of what you post.  Most of the people on these forums look at your words, not the pictures under your words, and they don't tend to react positively or negatively simply because someone else did.  So ignore the bullshit, keep on keeping on.


Thanks for the clarifications and reassurance.  I appreciate it.


Edited by Nerva
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I would agree that blanket mass downvoting someone might constitute harassment but on a really blurry line. I noticed this happening to you in another thread and was boggled because your posts were relatively well thought out and open to discussion. That said it doesn't seem to effect you, i do hope a GM can provide an avenue for this kinda thing because its just poor behavior, but if not its not a big deal I think.

I for one tend to use the reactions to get an idea of what others think of something, and myself try to use it to represent but gut reaction after reading a post to communicate to the poster my appreciation or lack there of for their contribution to a topic. So if someone wants to do the forum equivalent of following you around and frowning at what you say, then i mean, their life to waste i guess.

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In my experience, a poster would send a direct message to the individual and ask them why the are applying so many negative reactions. If that doesn't work, a poster can globally ignore them. If the situation can't be resolved directly, requesting a GM step in via a support ticket is the next option. 


Edit: Meant to say that this situation has worked both ways. I've received messages from other posters asking about my use of confused or thumbs down emotes and I have inquired the same from other posters as well. I suppose the mantra "Be excellent to each other" should be resaid - it is easy to assume text on a screen or emoticons are implying something, but there is also a chance it may be a misunderstanding.  

Edited by Glacier Peak
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