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    I do spend too much time at Icons designing the perfect outfit, only to have it totally obscured by the effects of defensive powers that have glows and what not or travel powers at time.


    I wish there was a choice at Icons to either let me choose a clear color, so they do not obscure my costume or a choice to not have any effects at all, but achieve the same effect.


    Obviously moving around or going into battle with my defensive powers down, so I am not obscured, would be a disastrous way to get around the obscuring.


     If you have any ideas on how to overcome the obscuring issue, please let me know below :<)


    Constructive and well described recommendations are always welcomed, for the provide me a real opportunity to learn :<)





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I feel ya. I sometime lose interest in a toon when I find out that a certain power hides or obscures the costume I spent time on. The latest one was my Warshade that turned into a walking Fluffy because of Shadow Cloak. It was making me choose between defense stats and looking good. Hard choice. This is also the main reason why I rarely play Stalkers.

While most have a No FX option, some will also let you minimise the effects by playing around the customisation. In general, I've found colouring something Bright but with one of the darker blues/ultramarines work best (the black/grey leaves a haze sometimes). Other than that, I join you in your plight. Moreover, i wish the "stealth" levels of costumes/powers would be in the form of a slider, or at least something that you can control the opacity or transparency of your character.


The most notable results are with ice shields and ice armors of any kind. Selecting minimal fx and dark  blue will make them barely visible, wich turns some of the most horrible visual effects ever conceived into something acceptable.

I agree that stealth effects are unbearably annoying. I scream every time a  controller joins and casts Fade.....i have it with MY controller and to use it on myself i really must be on the brink of death. Not to mention group invisibility....

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