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OK, I've played a hero to 50 and a villain to 30 so far, and I'm definitely sure now that some contacts who are supposed to introduce themselves are not doing so.


For example, Keith Nance & Jenni Adair on blueside,  Dean MacArthur & Leonard, Vincent Ross, and Dean Yu on redside. among others.  Also, whoever gives the arc about the rogue police and the mediporter technology on blueside. 


Note I don't mean the ones with special prerequisites to unlock, like Veluta Lunata; just the normal level-based unlocks.


I know these arcs can be accessed via Ouro, but it would be nice if the contacts appeared when they are supposed to in normal play.


Anyone else having this problem?


Probably a side effect of leveling too quickly.  Did you turn your XP off while in their level brackets to ensure you didn't outlevel them before being introduced?


Verbogeny is one of many pleasurettes afforded a creatific thinkerizer.


I don't get them automatically, either. I think they're restricted to Find Contact nowadays.


I've asked others in the game and they are experiencing the same thing.


Question is whether this is now working as intended, or is it a bug with Find Contact and Ouro as the workarounds.  I imagine neither is helpful to a new player.


It's definitely not an out-level problem.  I specifically disable XP at levels 9, 14, 19, 24, 29, etc., and I never got those contacts either.  It's annoying.


Veluta Lunata, by the way, no longer has any prereqs. I saw she was in Find Contact and teleported right to her.


See me on Excelsior as Eridanus - Whisperkill - Kid Physics - Ranger Wilde - The Hometown Scrapper - Firewatch - and more!


That's interesting, cuz the one thing that does seem to be working consistently for me is contacts introducing themselves when requirements other than experience level are met.  E.g. on redside Tarixus, Doc Buzzsaw, Jaeger, and the Slot Machine all contacted me when I fulfilled their prerequisites.

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