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De-fogged city maps re-fogged


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Has anyone noticed that the maps are re-fogging? I have seen, on several of my alts, that the city maps I have cleared had re-fogged.

I used to use the fog to see where I have badge hunted, but when the map is re-fogged, I don't know what I've found.


Has this happened to anyone else?


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Interesting... but when I play on a different computer, it thought remembered what I had unfogged from playing on the original computer.  There has to be something server side that saves a character's information.

For instance, last night on my home computer, I added a chat tab to one of my characters. This morning, on my work computer, I brought up the character and the new tab was there. I was able to save it with /chatsave and load it to all my other characters.


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There's a bit of stuff that's saved server side that has always been said to be local. For example I've had confirmed instances where character specific UI settings (adjusted for a smaller screen) made their way back to my main machine later.


As for your defogging, did you Happen to recently download/update your Vidiots maps? I vaguely recall doing so resetting the FoW in the past.

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There's a bit of stuff that's saved server side that has always been said to be local. For example I've had confirmed instances where character specific UI settings (adjusted for a smaller screen) made their way back to my main machine later.


As for your defogging, did you Happen to recently download/update your Vidiots maps? I vaguely recall doing so resetting the FoW in the past.


No, I actually just did that today.. so we'll see what happens in the next few days.

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