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Psychic Blast?


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I haven't seen a lot of commentary about this primary here... anybody running it? Does it seem fun? I'm debating a Psy/SR/Psi build, though I'm on the fence.


I'm also debating Fire/Fire/Fire (heheheheheh, fire), since... yay damage... but then I find myself thinking, if Fire's actual protection isn't that great, and the idea's just to do more damage, then why wouldn't I just be a Blaster? Or is fire actually reasonably defensive? I wish it had the damage DOT aura like the melee ones, though since Sentinel is sort of meant to be ranged, I understand why it's not there.

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Unless I miss my guess, Psychic is one of the original power-sets from the beginning of the game.  Vets often gravitate to the newer sets they haven't already tried once (twice, three times...), which results in not seeing a lot of new threads about them.  Your best bet might be to get to the old forums via Waybackmachine and read up on some guides in the blaster section, and keep in mind how Sentinels work to evaluate the info there.


Clave's Sure-Fire Secrets to Enjoying City Of Heroes
Ignore those farming chores, skip your market homework, play any power sets that you want, and ignore anyone who says otherwise.
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Psy blast is total crap to start out with, but when you pair it with the psi mastery it's actually one of the higher DPS sentinel powersets and has some good secondary effects baked in too.  The downside is that the ability that activates the offensive version of your passive is straight crap, but you'll have to take it and slot it anyway if you wanna use offensive opportunity.  It should pair really well with SR since out of all the sets SR has the most reason to use defensive opportunity while also giving you quicker recharge so that you can stop using mind blast asap. 


Fire/Fire is kind of similar to regeneration in some ways - you probably aren't gonna be tanking a full +4/x8 group without inspirations like an SR/EA/invuln/Bio/Maybe WP could potentially do, but if you take the fighting pool you're gonna be pretty survivable, all things considered.  You won't drop dead like a blaster does, anyway.  You can also get a damage aura, in case you didn't know: the elec APP for sentinels gives you access to one.  It won't be thematic, but it's there if you want it. 

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Sentinel primary sets don't have the same abilities, or stats on shared abilities (such as changed recharge time, etc), as Blaster sets. That's why I'm asking here on the Sentinel board, to see if anyone has some input on the Sentinel version.


Hence my advice to keep in mind the differences.


Clave's Sure-Fire Secrets to Enjoying City Of Heroes
Ignore those farming chores, skip your market homework, play any power sets that you want, and ignore anyone who says otherwise.
This game isn't hard work, it's easy!
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My advice would be to use it so long as it fits your character's theme. But I would like to also suggest you look at Energy Armor if you're looking to do a Psychic. Nearly bottomless endurance, situational toggles, some defense and some damage resistance, it's an armor set that works really well with the Sentinel's Defensive Opportunity, since it doesn't have a whole bunch of regen or self-healing on it's own.


It would have a Psychic hole, though. You could offset it a bit with IO slotting, but don't expect to cap it.


But with the right power customizations it becomes a soft pink-purple glow on your character and a duodimensional set of concentric broken rings that really help to sell the "Psychic" aspect.

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My 'Main' is a vet level 40 psi/wp sentinel. I find psi blast to be quite good in many ways. It's not all that resisted in end game in my experience (trials, raids, high level TFs), and a lot of the powers hit like a ton of bricks. The fact that the nuke has a decent stun in it is a good feature as you can get back out of melee without every survivor going for your head.


The animations are admittedly a bit on the slow side, and the way in which the blasts waft to their targets at a stroll can be annoying, but considering range is limited on a sentinel anyway, it doesn't bother me much. The ability to gank things in MoG or Unstoppable like it wasn't on really is just great.

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My 'Main' is a vet level 40 psi/wp sentinel. I find psi blast to be quite good in many ways. It's not all that resisted in end game in my experience (trials, raids, high level TFs), and a lot of the powers hit like a ton of bricks. The fact that the nuke has a decent stun in it is a good feature as you can get back out of melee without every survivor going for your head.


The animations are admittedly a bit on the slow side, and the way in which the blasts waft to their targets at a stroll can be annoying, but considering range is limited on a sentinel anyway, it doesn't bother me much. The ability to gank things in MoG or Unstoppable like it wasn't on really is just great.


So what you're saying is, in your opinion, Psychic Blast is... a blast? Eh? -fingerguns- :D

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