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Completing Every Single Contact Blueside


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59 minutes ago, Captain Fabulous said:

So the takeaway is that it's not possible to get every contact in every zone? Or am I missing something?

well, it depends on how you mean that.  it is possible to do all content.  but some contacts are duplicates.  they offer the exact same content as duplicate 2-5.  you are randomly assigned one.  you are unable to get the others in that group of "contacts who offer X content."

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2 hours ago, Snarky said:

well, it depends on how you mean that.  it is possible to do all content.  but some contacts are duplicates.  they offer the exact same content as duplicate 2-5.  you are randomly assigned one.  you are unable to get the others in that group of "contacts who offer X content."

What I mean is, while it's possible to get every story arc or mission you can't get every contact because there is more than one contact that will give the same set of missions? So I shouldn't lose my mind if there are contacts I don't have because others in that same level range have already given me all the available missions?

Amazing to me that after 20 years I'm still learning new things about this game.

Edited by Captain Fabulous
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6 hours ago, Snarky said:

There is good advice all through this thread.  Were you able to open my spreadsheet?  Do you have the Homecoming Wiki? 




I do. I'm very grateful for the spreadsheet and am using it and updating it every time I play. This thread is very helpful. I just wanted to clarify something that confused me (as it did Captain Fabulous) before I did something that may have permanently curtailed my efforts.


6 hours ago, Snarky said:

Get this info in your head!





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6 hours ago, Captain Fabulous said:

What I mean is, while it's possible to get every story arc or mission you can't get every contact because there is more than one contact that will give the same set of missions? So I shouldn't lose my mind if there are contacts I don't have because others in that same level range have already given me all the available missions?

Amazing to me that after 20 years I'm still learning new things about this game.

exactly.  do not lose your mind.  check the wiki that you have done one of the other contacts for that content.


then head over to Mother Mayhem and really lose your mind

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Once you get the Ouroborus portal, i used that to double check that I did all of the content (not contacts, just content) for a specific level range. This also allowed me to flash back to Praetoria and grab the 'Who will die?' and 'Pandora's Box' content while I was leveling up, instead of waiting until I was level 50. Some of those contacts for the Signature Story Arcs can give their missions at a pretty low level.

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21 hours ago, tidge said:

Before leveling up, do a Safeguard mission as well. If you collect the exploration badges at every 5 levels it will save you some effort later. At low levels you only have to do 3 radio missions to get a Safeguard.

This is also good because if the detective doesn't introduce you to a new contact after the safeguard missions it means you've done everything.


19 hours ago, tidge said:

IIRC, I did not get offered Aaron Thiery as a contact (or I was given a choice but choose an alternate) so I did his arc through Ouroboros.


Aaron is given by either Sondra Costel or Officer Fields, who are given by Matthew Habashy. They have very different story arcs and you can only choose one of them. A good example of newer contacts/missions where you're not able to do both.

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22 hours ago, tidge said:


I don't think you did anything wrong; there are some contacts that will offer all the same missions as other contacts. In my recent run through this exact exercise, I got the "Rescue the Fortune Teller" from a completely different contact than the one you get if Ouroboros is used.


Before leveling up, do a Safeguard mission as well. If you collect the exploration badges at every 5 levels it will save you some effort later. At low levels you only have to do 3 radio missions to get a Safeguard.

If I remember correctly the contacts are Origin based. The contact options are similar to how the dual-origin enhancements are related to your powers, example mutant/science dual enhancement. I believe that's why some contacts offer the same missions. I may be wrong, wouldn't be the 1st time or the last time.

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