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Impervious Skin in Pet Upgrades


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@C U R S E mentioned in another thread that Impervious Skin +regen/status res works on Necro pets when slotted in Enchant Undead. Tested and it does! I had to try it on Mercs and Bots and it's active on them too. Noticed that the +status resist Imp Skin provides is different for each primary. Not sure why that is.


Seems like it's most beneficial for Necro as they have a higher HP pool thanks to Dark Empowerment. This effectively makes their regen slightly higher. Necro also get the most types of status resistances among the 3 primaries. 


Slotting Imp Skin is nothing gamechanging but if you have a spare slot, it's a definite nice-to-have.



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Ah, my mistake. The status resist portion of Impervious Skin does NOT work on pets. The resistance shown in the above photo are the pet's inherent reistances. It's gained from their first upgrade. Aegis +status res seems to work though, the +psionic res portion does not.



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22 hours ago, Xandyr said:

@StrikerFox, I'm curious, how are you slotting Necro's upgrades? 


This is how the upgrades will be slotted after a respec. I know it's a lot, dedicating so many slots for a minimal amount of pet survivability. But I really do try to make the pets the stars of the build. To the point some of the IOs will be boosted to +5! Funny thing is the changes made to the build is actually an overall improvement. Better rec/regen, slightly higher def, Lich with more mez/debuffs. The only thing I really lost out on was 6.25% recharge but Hasten is still perma. Soul Extraction has a half second longer down time. Tar Patch is improved since I got an extra slot in it.


| Copy & Paste this data into Mids Reborn : Hero Designer to view the build |





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  • 2 weeks later
On 3/11/2023 at 8:50 PM, StrikerFox said:


This is how the upgrades will be slotted after a respec. I know it's a lot, dedicating so many slots for a minimal amount of pet survivability. But I really do try to make the pets the stars of the build. To the point some of the IOs will be boosted to +5! Funny thing is the changes made to the build is actually an overall improvement. Better rec/regen, slightly higher def, Lich with more mez/debuffs. The only thing I really lost out on was 6.25% recharge but Hasten is still perma. Soul Extraction has a half second longer down time. Tar Patch is improved since I got an extra slot in it.



| Copy & Paste this data into Mids Reborn : Hero Designer to view the build |






Is there any added benefit to the pets to have the +3% Def IOs slotted into Enchant Undead (the Glad Armor and Steadfast uniques)?  Does it give both the pets *and* the MM each 3% def bonus that way?  I currently have mine in Tough much later in the build.  The benefit of getting them earlier is a plus, but just wonder if any other benfits.


Edited by brasilgringo
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1 hour ago, brasilgringo said:

Is there any added benefit to the pets to have the +3% Def IOs slotted into Enchant Undead (the Glad Armor and Steadfast uniques)?  Does it give both the pets *and* the MM each 3% def bonus that way?  I currently have mine in Tough much later in the build.  The benefit of getting them earlier is a plus, but just wonder if any other benfits.

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No benefit, only the +res portion of Steadfast will help pets. It's going to be slotted that way because I want the +res in the high yellow/low red diminishing return on the pets. Also wanted the KB protection. Slot the upgrade and Tough according to the set bonuses you're chasing and/or whichever can get better end reduction. Tough will cost more end over time so whichever +res slotting has better end redux would be preferable in that.

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