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12 minutes ago, Greycat said:

Ehhh.... doesn't it kind of cheapen those badges?


Why not just ask for the value needed for those badges to get cut in half?


... or is this just a sneaky way for you to get rid of that patrol XP faster? 😉

While not what I would prefer, the previously given advice to make use of Monster Island to get rid of patrol xp has proven to be decidedly more effective than my other methods of doing so. It cut my time to do so in almost half, so that even if I have max patrol xp, I can still squeeze some play time in after getting rid of it. I still hate patrol xp. I always will and I won't deny it. I would really enjoy having the option to never deal with it again.


That said, I figured this would just be a simple method for those that play with debt to be have a better option to do so.


As for cheapening the badges, I am inclined to disagree. After all, just because you can get double the normal debt per defeat, you still have to be defeated to get that debt and you still have to work that debt off to get the badges. And using patrol xp to do so is a decidedly inefficient means of doing so. So I don't really view this as cheapening the debt badges. You still have to accrue all that debt and work it off. As opposed to cutting the required debt in half for the badges which would make them far easier to get. That would cheapen them, because now you only need to work off half as much debt as before. Whereas with the OP, you still ahve to work off the current full value.


Now, if you want to say that the OP gives the perception that the badges are being cheapened? I would still say I disagree, but each person's perception of a thing is going to be different. I can accept that argument.

Posted (edited)

The OP doesn't make the accolades easier to get. And I would be against moving the accolades to the P2W store regardless. Accolades should be earned. And with the OP, you still have to get all the required debt and work it off. You just don't have to stand there and die as often to do so. The requirements for the accolade are not being reduced. The requirements for the debt badges aren't being reduced. Players are just being given the option to have a debt rate more in line with how the game used to be.


Edit: Hells, I was tempted to also ask to have the option to play without the debt cap. Make the game even more like how it used to be for those players that may want to go that far. It's not like anyone is under any risk to get buried under debt like we did back before badges and debt was neutered.

Edited by Rudra
10 hours ago, Rudra said:

The OP doesn't make the accolades easier to get. And I would be against moving the accolades to the P2W store regardless. Accolades should be earned. And with the OP, you still have to get all the required debt and work it off. You just don't have to stand there and die as often to do so. The requirements for the accolade are not being reduced. The requirements for the debt badges aren't being reduced. Players are just being given the option to have a debt rate more in line with how the game used to be.


Edit: Hells, I was tempted to also ask to have the option to play without the debt cap. Make the game even more like how it used to be for those players that may want to go that far. It's not like anyone is under any risk to get buried under debt like we did back before badges and debt was neutered.

It reduces the number of times you need to die in order to get them, which does literally make it easier/quicker. So let's say that currently you accrue 10k debt when you die normally, this suggestion would let you get 20k debt per death. That does make it easier. 


I actually don't mind that because the redside accolades are already quite a bit harder/longer to earn than their blueside equivalents while providing identical benefit, but we can still be honest about it. If this had no effect, then there would be no point to even make the suggestion to begin with. So clearly it has to help at least somewhat, in order to justify this thread's existence. 



Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, FupDup said:

It reduces the number of times you need to die in order to get them, which does literally make it easier/quicker. So let's say that currently you accrue 10k debt when you die normally, this suggestion would let you get 20k debt per death. That does make it easier. 


I actually don't mind that because the redside accolades are already quite a bit harder/longer to earn than their blueside equivalents while providing identical benefit, but we can still be honest about it. If this had no effect, then there would be no point to even make the suggestion to begin with. So clearly it has to help at least somewhat, in order to justify this thread's existence. 

You still have to get all the currently required debt and then work it off. The badges aren't awarded for getting the debt. You have to work off the debt to get them. In my view, that means it isn't any easier. Not a point I am inclined to get into an argument over though. Already had one argument over how different people view things, not inclined to have another.


Edit: I can't remember the timing for when debt got curtailed. Whether it happened before or after the debt badges were added. If it was before, then my considered argument is DOA. If it was after though? As I already pointed out, debt used to be significantly higher than it is now. To some players, like me, debt is not a bad thing. I understand it is a bad thing to others. Which is why the OP is only an option I am asking to be available to players. Not a blanket change to debt being forced down everyone's throats.

Edited by Rudra

Issue 6:  debt ceiling lowered by half: https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/Issue_6

Issue 16: debt needed to pay off for badges lowered ; https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/Patch_Notes/2009-09-15


On Red Blue accolades easier; Pretty sure two are easier on Blue, and two are easier on Red.


Only one I really take advantage of is the Invader badge since much faster to do the mayhem explorations than all the Blue TF.   Though that has a lot to do with the Pork Lord being added for repeatable Mayhem missions.

1 hour ago, lemming said:

Issue 6:  debt ceiling lowered by half: https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/Issue_6

Issue 16: debt needed to pay off for badges lowered ; https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/Patch_Notes/2009-09-15


On Red Blue accolades easier; Pretty sure two are easier on Blue, and two are easier on Red.


Only one I really take advantage of is the Invader badge since much faster to do the mayhem explorations than all the Blue TF.   Though that has a lot to do with the Pork Lord being added for repeatable Mayhem missions.

Thanks @lemming, The issue 16 change is the only one I really care about for the discussion though.




I still maintain that the OP doesn't make the debt badges easier to get since they are earned by paying off the debt and not getting the debt, but I do have to concede that there would be the perception that they are easier to get at the very least. Someone get me a shovel. I'll bury this suggestion along side the others.

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