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MMs get Suppress Pain, which boosts Regen. Typical slotting will net you about an additional 13-15 HP/Sec.


Corrs get Soothing Aura, which is a straight up Heal every few seconds. Typical slotting will net you a 130-160HP heal every few seconds.


Now, granted, I realize that in the beginning, the original Devs said that if the MM version was a straight up heal like Corrs, it would be "overpowered" since their pets would be getting so many frequent heals. If one were to do the math, in the time a Corr heals for 150HP with Soothing Aura, pets/allies would receive not even half that amount from Suppress Pain. I also understand that, say, a WP tank may appreciate the extra Regen from Suppress Pain instead of a heal from Soothing Aura. 


 Is this still the case? A straight heal for MMs would be considered "overpowered"? If anything, with today's harder content, it would help level the playing field a bit. Pain Dom was initially the villian equivalent to Empathy, and back then Emp was the king of heals. Now we have more powersets (which I'm grateful for) like Electrical Aff. You can heal, buff, debuff, give Absorb, etc. From a "healing" perspective, there's really no reason to take Pain over Electrical unless it's for theme. 


  Are the Devs possibly looking at the "older" sets and possibly giving them a buff to be on par with some of the newer sets?

And, nobody can post about MMs without asking this.....are we ever going to get any new primaries? 😃


I only have an earth/pain controller, so I can't speak to the regen aura vs the HoT one for MMs.  That being said, for me at least, world of pain is the biggest draw for me, and with enough +recharge, it can be made permanent.  Still, you have nullify pain to fall back on...


You have to account for bodyguard mode with MMs and how damage scales with it. Also, looking at 'effective hit points' is a better measurement then a straight hp/sec measurement.


I don't have the numbers off hand, but a Heal over Time on a MM would be grossly overpowered with how Bodyguard Mode works right now. You'll basically make a tank mage against single targets, and with everything else /pain has going for it, you'll be amazing at mitigating AoE damage as well.

5 minutes ago, Arbegla said:

You have to account for bodyguard mode with MMs and how damage scales with it. Also, looking at 'effective hit points' is a better measurement then a straight hp/sec measurement.


I don't have the numbers off hand, but a Heal over Time on a MM would be grossly overpowered with how Bodyguard Mode works right now. You'll basically make a tank mage against single targets, and with everything else /pain has going for it, you'll be amazing at mitigating AoE damage as well.

Touche. Didn't think about Bodyguard mode.

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