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Illusion/Storm/Levi - theorycrafting


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I’d love to hear from anyone who’s taken this combo to Incarnate. I have a number of level 50+ Illusion trollers, but haven’t tried /Storm with it. I’m specifically interested in adding Leviathan for the “extra tornado” but even moreso for Hibernate. My thought here is to use Hibernate as a helluva “oh s***” power when necessary (or just to offset /Storm’s End costs), while still having a small army of pets and pseudo pets chewing things up. 

I’m also always looking for MOAR DEEPS; so far my Illusion trollers top out around 450 on Pylons (/Traps without Hybrid has hit the highest consistent marks). I’m betting that /Storm’s DPS and Freezing Rain will make up for losing procced out Acid Mortar and Poison Trap’s -Regen, while also letting me stay 100% hover blasting. Also losing Containment, but I think that matters less.



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Illusion/Storm/Lev is one helluva ride.  I don't have hibernate on her, abd for the most part don't really feel I need it.  I found perma-PA covers you in most situations, plus multiple tornados/lightning storms and water spout make it a really fun combination.

What this team needs is more Defenders

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1 hour ago, Psyonico said:

Illusion/Storm/Lev is one helluva ride.  I don't have hibernate on her, abd for the most part don't really feel I need it.  I found perma-PA covers you in most situations, plus multiple tornados/lightning storms and water spout make it a really fun combination.

Super valid! Part of my interest in this combo stems from @nihilii’s SS/EA “grail build” thread, where they built around a T9. I wanted to see if I could port that concept to a support character, and this seemed the closest I could get. Between Barrier and Hibernate (and the pets/pseudo pets who keep doing pretty much all your damage during the latter), it has the shape of a fun little buzzsaw that can handle those spikey moments.

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I hear you.  I soloed a level 54 Chimera AV on mine and got attacked once because I didn't get PA up in time, only reason I didn't die was the anti one shot mechanic.  Hibernate would have been useful in that situation.

What this team needs is more Defenders

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Ill/Storm is a great combo - Controlled Chaos FTW!  However, I went Psy epic instead for the mez protection and Psi Tornado. 


Teammates will hate you if you go all out with your powers and the KB.  At least put a KB>KD proc in Tornado - it will make it more apt to grind on the target instead of knock it back and move onto the next target.  Perma PA and good end management is possible with sets prior to incarnates.  


Incarnates - I went with:

  • Alpha = Agility Core for +End, +Rech, and +Def
  • Judgement = Ion Core (obvious choice)  🙂
  • Interface = Cognitive Radial (toon concept - he's a mentalist) and i'm surprised how often the confuse proc hits.  But there are probably others you would want instead.
  • Lore = Phantoms (another obvious choice)
  • Destiny = Barrier mostly, but I have all (except Clarion since I have mez prot from epic) and I swap out depending on situation.
  • Hybrid = Support Core, but Assault or Control could be useful too.
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On 10/1/2023 at 8:51 PM, Psyonico said:

Illusion/Storm/Lev is one helluva ride.  I don't have hibernate on her, abd for the most part don't really feel I need it.  I found perma-PA covers you in most situations, plus multiple tornados/lightning storms and water spout make it a really fun combination.

This right here. When you have it fully IOd you'll likely have your end issues solved, but recharge is the most important aspect of these powersets as you want perma PA, and in that process you'll get two tornados and 2-3 lightning storms. 


This combo does a ton of damage, especially if you slot a KB to KD io in tornado/water spout. Also great opportunity in a few powers for FF procs.

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I haven't had a ton of time to play this guy lately; only at level 40 with no set bonus slotting yet, just a lot of procs. On a team it's frankly hilarious to me how much "You have defeated..." pops up in the chat. I knew this would be a damage dealing combo, but really underestimated procced out Spectral Terror. I've got the Phantom for now but am already leaning towards dropping it.


Absent set bonuses, I'm feeling the End crunch, but that's where part of the Hibernation attraction comes in. I'm also a big dumb-dumb and thought Steamy Mist + the Celerity: Stealth proc would be "just as good" as Superior Invis. I don't love the idea of running both Steamy and SI, but could see some merit in toggling SI on and off. I don't actually even have SI in the build currently, but will probably swap out Vengeance for it (and to retain the LotG mule).


Another change I'll likely make is Phantom for Hurricane (or Snow Storm). Solo, Spectral Terror and Freezing Rain just aren't doing enough to negate mob scatter. That may change with more recharge (Freezing Rain isn't perma for me yet), so we'll see.


All in all though, it feels like the general concept is working so far. I have all the non-Incarnate 'pets' I'm gonna have (unless I pick up the Coralax, which I doubt); unleashing them all and then Hibernating works about as well as I hoped it would.


EDIT: oh, and I paid the KB>KD Tax in the relevant powers; nobody wants to be "that guy" lol

Edited by Panache
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41 minutes ago, Psyonico said:

You can't run steamy mist and superior invisibility at the same time, unfortunately.  My build skips SI in favor of Group Invisibility.


Ah, right right. Well maybe that's a "SI for solo, Steamy Mist for teams" thing.

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Steamy Mist gives stealth, def, and resists.  It's the backbone of Storm's ability to provide team support that's not just damage/knockdown, in my experience.


Also remember that Phantasm summons its own invincible aggro-drawing duplicates.  With a Kb>Kd IO it's another factor to your ability to control a spawn.  Plus more damage while you hibernate!

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