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Winter Lord

Display Name

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So I'm editing my original post because I'm starting to learn more about the process of spawning the Winter Lord in a zone.  I want to stress that the reason you'll want to do this is for the exp/inf/merits (6, I think.)  But in addition to this, you'll also get a badge for defeating him if you (or your team) does at least 10% of his hp in damage.



I've heard of at least two ways to spawn him.  Both have the same procedure.  I've heard people say that 100 presents have to be opened to spawn him.  Players don't have to be on a team or league and, in fact, don't even have to be aware of each other for this counter to tally.  A later post in this thread by TheZag says that it might be the number of "naughty" spawns that occur in the zone.  From 50 to 200.  Again, it's not necessary to be on the same team or league for this counter to tally.  The "naughty" spawns hypothesis sounds more plausible.


This is why Atlas Park regularly spawns the Winter Lord because you usually have multiple players being naughty.


Now, once the Winter Lord spawns it becomes *important* to form a team or league to engage him.  That is, unless you're capable of doing 10% of his hp in damage single-handedly.  And hey, it's Atlas Park.  The Winter Lord might be a pushover to you.


But that's what I've learn so far.  It's enough information to devise a strategy, at least.  Good hunting!

Edited by Display Name

@Super Whatsit

Superbase passcode (Excelsior) is "passcode-6475"


It's all a Nemesis plot.  But not everything is a Nemesis plot!

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The main issue is that unlike Halloween where the spawns happened on their own (unless previous Unseelie weren't cleared) this requires the clicking of presents.  You don't really see calls in the populated zones for present hunting teams like you did then.  I too am vexed by the absence of this.

Girls of Nukem High - Excelsior - Tempus Fabulous, Flattery, Jennifer Chilly, Betty Beatdown, Totally Cali, Two Gun Trixie

Babes of War - Excelsior - Di Di Guns, Runeslinger, Munitions Mistress, Tideway, Hard Melody, Blue Aria


Several alts and of course my original from live on Freedom, High Beam Prime (someone else has her non OG name)

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3 hours ago, Display Name said:

How do I get the Winter Lord to spawn?  I've literally opened all of the presents in three zones over the past two days and he never spawns.

The size of the spawn you get for a 'naughty' result goes up with the size of the team you're on when you click on the present, with a full team required to have a chance of spawning a WL; I don't know if the team size you have set under Difficulty affects the size of the naughty spawn; I'll have to check. I do remember that one of the sources of WL spawns, both here and back on Live, was people running TFs seeing a present, clicking on it, and running if they got a Naughty result, leaving their mess around for the rest of us to clean up.

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I'm not sure that team size affects it...?  Earlier today someone posted the coordinates for the WL.  As I approached them, I saw a player leaving the scene.  I don't know if they were wandering around and found it or if they spawned it.  But at the site there were only three enemies.  The two smallest ones and the Winter Lord.

@Super Whatsit

Superbase passcode (Excelsior) is "passcode-6475"


It's all a Nemesis plot.  But not everything is a Nemesis plot!

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I believe that the winter lord is tied to how many naughty spawns have happened in a particular zone.  The counter goes up by 1 for every naughty spawn and WL is guaranteed to spawn once the threshold is reached.  Some people have claimed anywhere from 50 to 200 naughty spawns to get him but i dont have a certain number to offer.  Dont zone hop when trying to get him,  pick a zone and stay in it and you will get a spawn.


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